Author Thread: (they said) You'll own nothing and be happy (of course they are clinicaly there's that)

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(they said) You'll own nothing and be happy (of course they are clinicaly there's that)
Posted : 20 Nov, 2023 03:12 PM

(3 Years Ago I said)

Have you heard the term 'essential' or 'non-essential' worker? Thoes terms were started by the communist party. The communist party thinks that it is god, what I am trying to say is that capitalism is the ecconomic system that GOD has given to us. Ecconomists refer to the free market as the 'Invisable hand' (but its GOD's hand that is directing Capitalism). Only GOD is smart enough to direct a complex ecconomy (GOD nuges business owners as to what to do) However, the godless communists believe that they are much smarter than god (thoes fools!) Believe me what thoes dumbies are doing with the ecconomy will not end well, and people need a check up from the neck up!

(Today I re-read my origional comment and discussed it)

Three years have gone by, and the communists within the goverment have certainly made a mess of things.

-While many poor people became poorer, the number of millionaires increased by 5.2 million to 56.1 million globally-

Its almost like some very bad people planed the whole thing out and they used fancy words like 'essential' and 'non-essential' workers to purposefully confuse people. For the record 'there is no such thing as a 'non-essential worker'. If there was non essential workers...then what kind of work would they be doing? Are non essential workers the people that clean toilets, because I enjoy a clean toilet so thats essential to me. Do non essential workers scrape chewing gum off of the walls...again in my mind thats sort of essential.

Here is a list of 42 (entire) industries that the center for disease control (which is partly a private organization) recomended be shut down.

So if you are one of the people that became poorer during the planned pandemic that they called covid...then they do not want you to think of the loss of your 'lifes savings'...instead think of it like this 'you helped some billionaires become a little bit richer'

-Billionaires see fortunes rise by 27% during the pandemic-

(Now dont you feel good about your contribution?

(end note)

It reminds me of there saying:

You'll own nothing and be happy

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(they said) You'll own nothing and be happy (of course they are clinicaly there's that)
Posted : 25 Nov, 2023 08:52 AM

Here's another

Myth for the Billionaires to get more Wealth.

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