Author Thread: whiped dog feces

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whiped dog feces
Posted : 29 Nov, 2023 01:56 PM

I have explained to you guys that my job is to alert 'the sheeple'. The term is not disrespectful, it just means that part of my job is to alert 'the sheep-people' (or the people that act like sheep...they just want everybody to get along) Many people are 'sheeple'...I would say that 90-95 percent of people are sheeple.

But my job is not to single-handedly fight the 'evil agenda' rather the plan is for me to wake up a large number of sheeple and the sheeple will fight against the evil agenda.

There is a saying that is used to taunt the opposition when playing a sporting event. The saying is 'some of our star players are on the other team'. Normally I would not be 'proud' to display a move that the opposite team is making, however I am fairly confident many people are able to discern that 'the opposition is trying to shove a bold faced lie down our throats' Of course I do not aggree with what is being said...but "It is not smart to try to stop your enemy when he is slitting his wrists!"

Look at how outrageous the following message is...

(remember thoes humerous decals that some people used to put next to gas pumps. The price of gas was going through the roof, and people were placing stickers of Joey Biden that said 'I did that')

When you go to the store and you see all the expensive items then 'thank Bidenomics' hahahaha (Bidenomics = Biden + economics) That Buffoon wants people to believe that he has whipped the economy into good shape. (However what was whipped up resembles a bowl of mashed potatoes...but instead of using feces were used!) Hahaha

Joey Biden (who is alledgedly the president of the united states corporation) Thats right thoes sickos created a business and they called the business 'the united states' (many, many, many people have been tricked by thoes sickos) But you know how a business has an accounting department...well the sickos named the department 'The Federal Reserve' (or the Fed...but they are not a federal organization)

-Yellen Pitches Biden’s Economic Strategy, Citing Real Wage Gains

US Treasury chief will deliver speech Monday in Las Vegas

Hot labor market helping to reduce pay inequality, Yellen says-

"Senior Biden officials are convinced the economy is healthier than some Wall Street analysts have suggested."

I know that I hope they tell us more about how great bidenomics is doing!

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whiped dog feces
Posted : 29 Nov, 2023 02:42 PM

Many states in the USA have citizens working and can not hardly make ends meet. Referring to the Cost of Living due to High costs of most everything food, housing, necessities.

I was talking with a Waitress today in a very expensive

favorite Restuarant I go too . Shes been employed there for 8 years has 2 Jr high kids. This year a Japanese owner took over and he doesn't recognize any Americas Holidays so the Restuarant will now be Open on all major Holidays! Staff is not happy about that but need a job,

It is amazing how some people thinks Economy is getting better under the Present administration.

Not sure where they are getting their info.

I know Business people that will tell you different and also a Man who is a Professional Financial Advisor.

Many foreign Businessmen are taking over business here in USA.

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whiped dog feces
Posted : 29 Nov, 2023 02:49 PM

Christian radio quest said recently Men who have the most Money are more liking to find a wife and Marry. And Men who have little income or less liking to Marry.

It's unfortunate that Money often help determine relationship status.

Professional Women who earn big bucks are less likely to Marry and women who earn small incomes are more likely to get married.

Christain local Radio they talk about many things in LIFE

relating to Christian living and relationships .

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whiped dog feces
Posted : 29 Nov, 2023 06:52 PM

Money is a system of keeping records, so that amount of money that a person has in the bank is just a 'score card' (you have a point, and I have one point...then if you do two more jobs then you will get two added to your score.)

I have heard that some Native Americans used to keep 'financial score' with sea shells (thats why gold and silver are used to keep 'financial score'...I heard of one community that used 'special cut pieces of wood') whatever you use to keep 'financial score' needs to be rare.

We could use soda bottle caps to keep financial score but the problem with that is that soda bottle caps are realitivly common. If bottle caps were used then every time a person drank a soda then the bottle caps that you have in your pocket would become less and less valuable (this is what happens during 'inflation'...inflation is to much money (in this case bottle caps) chasing a pile of goods. If one bottle cap can buy a gallon of milk, then 10,000 bottle caps can buy...wait we dont have 10,000 gallons of milk. So if your honest if you are going to intoduce 100 more bottle caps into a money supply then you should buy a few more cows (and some other things that produce chickens)

So here is the dance, whenever someone puts more money into the money supply (in our fun example it is bottle caps...but we are talking about printing dollars) If someone prints a ton more money...then if they are honest then they should make sure about 100,000 cows are born...but that did not happen. the federal reserve bank decided to create 'more money, more money' so we are becoming more wealthy...right?...the answer is not really.

-"Our government has printed over $8 trillion," reads text in a March 29 post, which includes a picture of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. "And they're blaming inflation on Putin?"

Another post from March 21, based on a screenshot of a tweet, says something similar: "They really printed 8 trillion dollars...Now food, rent and gas all higher than ever. And somehow convinced ppl this is about Russia."-

Now if we added a couple of trillion cows and chickens (which would be like making sure that every person owned a farm that had a couple thousand cows and the way 'how big is your farm?)

-Fact check US: Would Joe Biden’s energy plan really cause the loss of 10.3 million jobs in the oil and gas industry?-

Whoa, whoa, whoa...wait! Joey Biden decided to print 8 trillion dollars, so the responsible thing to do is somehow produce more stuff...But Joey thought that it was a good idea to 'fire people'? At this point I am thinking that 'the Biden ecconomy' is sort of like that Three Stooges skit where Curley shoots a hole in the bottom of the boat so Larry decided to drill a hole so the water could run out!

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