Author Thread: Help S.O.S.

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Help S.O.S.
Posted : 3 Jan, 2010 09:55 AM

Can some nice gentleman help me find my car?

Yes, it's burried under snow can you come and shovel it out for me. My roomie and I will have hot coco with marshmellows waiting for you.

I didn't think so?????

Well a girl's gotta try heehee.

What's up with all this snow.....anyways? I thought the ozone layer was breaking down?????



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Help S.O.S.
Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 01:04 PM

:waving: Hi Kimberly:

In Southern California, we put the snow in the mountains. People go up and ski on it in the morning and then go to the beach to watch the sunsets.:bouncy::applause::rocknroll:

The real reason that there is snow, snow everywhere snow, is bext explained by some new science. It was noticed that when there were a lot of sun spots the earth was generally warm. Few or no sunspots and it was cold. Right now we have been in a period of few and no sunspots. Recently more have been showing up, but not many.

Here is what research is finding. Sunspots and coronal holes send out charged particles in what is called the solar wind. The solar wind causes the northern lights and it also moves particles outward from our solar system. Right now we are getting little particles called cosmic rays hitting the earth. Recently it was found that these particles can cause water vapor to condense into clouds. The clouds shade the earth and cool it down. Then those clouds drop rain and snow.

Sorry about your car. Think warm thoughts.

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Help S.O.S.
Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 04:10 PM

Cali boy I was all excited thinking you were going to offer to shovel my car for me from the snow. Bummer.

I never heard of sun spots before sounds interesting.

My question is if there's all this hype bout global warming then why are we getting nailed with all these Artic Blasts and snow. We've had record breaking frigid weather here that hasn't occurred since a couple decades. What's the deal?

Cali boy u sound very smart and I like

I hope by the time my future baby is 5 that there will be no more sub below weather. Does freezing tundra weather serve any good purpose other than making ice cream? I mean seriously.

God Bless,


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Help S.O.S.
Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 05:34 PM

You would think that with Global Warming we would see less and less snowfall, but the truth is that the increase in snowfall is due to Global Warming!

Now how to explain this without getting into too much scientific jargon.

It has to do with the Ionosphere. The ionosphere is a duo-layered crust of particles several miles thick holding the atmosphere in place. Without this "layer" acting as a cap -- our atmosphere could drift into space to be replaced by absolute-zero temperatures. The ionosphere (and the "particles" in it) is why meteorites or satellites or any object that enters it is burned ti a crisp by friction with those particles.

Now here is where you'll have to pay attention. Any wave hitting this Ionosphere ( will either be deflected or it will pass straight through it. The higher the energy (the higher the frequency) the more chances that it will pass through.

Heat is a "long" wave form of energy which is more easily deflected. Only the waves that hit the ionosphere head-on will pass through, so when the Earth is tilted away from the sun (our winter) only the sun's waves of heat that hit our atmosphere headon will get through (which is why we have winter) and the ones that are coming from the earth's surface are trapped by the Co2.

What you end up with is more mositure in the higher atmosphere and cold temperture colliding with this moisture and more precipatation.

The following is an excerpt from a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

"DISTINCTION BETWEEN WEATHER AND CLIMATE: To understand why the current cold snap across the United States is occurring during a global warming trend, one must first understand the distinction between climate and weather. Climate is the 'composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.' In other words, climate refers to recorded history. Weather, on the hand, is current events; it refers to the 'state of the atmosphere at a given time and place.' Weather is a snapshot of the climate at any one instant. Although the two are related, their relationship is indirect. 'The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time...says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less global climate change.'

"WHY ALL THE SNOW?: Scientists have said 'snowfall is often predicted to increase in many regions in response to anthropogenic [human-induced] climate change, since warmer air, all other things being equal, holds more moisture, and therefore, the potential for greater amounts of precipitation whatever form that precipitation takes.' Based on computer models, a recent study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) found, 'As Earth gets warmer, large regions will experience heavier rain and snowfall as weather becomes generally more intense.' The reason for the increase in storm intensity is that as the planet warms, 'the temperatures of the atmosphere and of the ocean surface go up as well, leading to increased evaporation and an increased capacity for the air to hold moisture. As this soggy air moves from ocean to land, the storms that form are heavier with rain or snow.' The NCAR climate models have predicted that heavier rains and/or snow would most likely affect regions where large masses of air converge, including northwestern and northeastern North America. Take for instance the record snowfall that has hit upstate New York. This event would be predicted by the climate models because the 'lake effect' snowfalls are greatly influenced by the warm waters of Lake Ontario. As cold Arctic air moves over the warm waters, the water evaporates and cools, it condenses to form clouds, and the clouds ultimately produce snowfall. The warmer the lake waters, the more snow that will be produced. True to form, the waters on Lake Ontario this year were warmer than usual. 'This winter, there's no way the lake will freeze.' Therefore, a cold snap heightens the chance of heavy snow.

The truth is that we are influencing the natural order and balance of what God ceated and somehow we will pay for it. I just wish I wasn't so old and will probably die sooner than later. (snIckEr)


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Posted : 7 Jan, 2010 08:28 PM

Sorry, but the IPCC lost credibility when it was discovered that the work of the scientists had been changed in the original report. The sea level rise was the biggest of the frauds. In the worst case senerio, the sea will rise two feet by 2100, not twenty feet as the scare reports have it.

Now for the CO2. Think of going on a 10,000 mile trip. That will represent our air. The amount of CO2 in the air would be less than 4 miles of the trip.

What is happening is those who want us to live without coal or oil have once again found a platform. When I was in college we were told that the earth was going into an ice age. Pollution was so bad that there was nothing that we could do. We had five years left. That was in 1969. We survived. Then as the Sun went through a cycle that had lots of sunspots that shielded the earth from cosmic rays, we heated up. Now that the Sun is in a low point in the cycle; it is getting cold. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY. When asked about the Sun causing the cycles; the scientists say that they will need to study it. GIVE US MONEY AND WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU FOR MORE IN OUR STUDIES.

We know for a fact that the Vikings lived in Greenland and grew crops and raised animals. This was during the Medievil Warm period. The global warming crowd is trying to say that it never happened. BECAUSE IT SHOWS THAT THE PLANET CYCLES IN TEMPERATURE. In 1900 we were coming out of the Little Ice Age. We don't have a clue as to what the correct temperature should be because of the cycles. We may be going into a cold cycle.

In 1921 the New York Times had a headline article about how the Artic was melting and the animals there were in danger. Back before the 1930's there were several times that the Northwest Passage was open and vessals were able to go through it. This past Aug. a blogger was sailing through the passage and blogging about it. His boat was wreaked by the ice and he had to call for an ice breaker to come rescue him.

Along about 1938 was the warmest world temp.

In England a scientist has been watching the sunspot activity and using that to predict the weather. He has been right and even wins money by betting on what the weather will be like. He predicted the bad weather that hit the US several weeks before it happened.

Scientists should have several working theories, but they stopped doing that an concentrate on keeping their baby going. Big Bang is so patched up that it isn't even funny.

It is simple. Lots of sunspots mean that the solar winds keep away cosmic rays. That means that water vapor doesn't become clouds. Water vapor is the number one greenhouse gas. No or few sunspots means cosmic rays get through. Water vapor becomes clouds, the earth is shaded, cools down and snow comes.

Here's one for you. Even the New Yok Times has reported that he head of the UN thinks that it will take a world government authority to enforce the rules against global warming.:devil:

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Help S.O.S.
Posted : 8 Jan, 2010 09:16 AM

One of the scientists who found that their report had been changed by people at the IPCC put out a paper showing how wrong Al Gore's movie was. That movie had to be edited before being shown to students in England. His name is Christopher Monckton. You can read his paper online at:

What are sunspots. On the surface of the Sun; black dots will appear every so often. If you got a close up look you would see the fire swirling around the spot. It is a magnetic distrubance and charged particles leave the Sun from them and make up the solar wind. These particles push dust and other particles outward from the Sun. When they hit our magnetic field that surrounds the earth we see it as the northern lights. Coronal holes and solar flares also send out the charged particles.:rocknroll:

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