Author Thread: Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)

Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 28 Feb, 2011 09:21 AM

Why come the why comes are back on the first page?

Why come the record to break is now 44 pages?

Why come the why comers rock?:rocknroll::dancingp::yay:

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 04:17 PM

Why come I'm really glad bcpianogal is back? _____________________________ Why come lots of things have changed? _____________________________ Why come one thing changed is our edw is single again? _____________________________ Why come all of us are still single. Lol? _____________________________ Why come I hope pianogal isn't mad at me? ____________________________ Why is God SOOO Awesome? _____________________________ Why come Only He can give us True Peace? _____________________________

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 08:40 PM

Why comes welcome back bcpiano!:)?

Why comes?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 11:02 PM

Why come welcome back Bcpionagal:applause:

Why come everything old is new again?

Why come I'm glad I aced my midterms today?

Why come WOO HOO?

Why come I'm glad that is over?

Why come now I can :zzzz:

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 10 Mar, 2011 07:22 AM

Why come this is called clean why comes?

Why come this can not be called dirty why comes?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 10 Mar, 2011 01:04 PM

Why come congrat's Edw?

Why come I get to say I told you so?

Why come I'm glad these are clean why comes?

Why come I still get dirty messages from scammers?

Why come Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww?

Why come the store is so busy today?

Why come that is a good thing?

Why come I have to go again?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 10 Mar, 2011 03:41 PM

Why come Dennis wants dirty why comes? ____________________________ Why come Flatlander would make us clean up again? ____________________________ Why come K-9 is Kyle too? _____________________________ Why come edw is so smart and SimplyAmazed gets to say Told you so? _____________________________ Why come my stalkers aren't scammers-------just crazy? ____________________________ Why come Sunday is paschen's Birthday? _____________________________ Why come T and Kat are missed?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 10 Mar, 2011 03:56 PM

Why come would I be mad at Chevy?

Why come I'm sad that spring break is nearly over?

Why come I'm glad that I got to go shopping with my sister today, and bought a cashmere coat for 90% off the original $200 price? Why come that made the coat cost only $20? Why come I'm excited about that?!?!

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 10 Mar, 2011 03:57 PM

Why come babygirl is missed too? ____________________________ Why come guys outnumber the girls in clean why comes? _____________________________ Why come 44 pages is a long way to go?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 06:14 AM

Why come the kiddos aint up yet?

Why come its fun to say I told you so sometimes?

Why come God rules and scammers drool?

Why come God wants us to pray for the scammers though?

Why come I do?

Why come I pray for all you guys?

Why come I have to go get the kiddos up now?

Why come that is never fun?

Why come cheese omelettes and waffles smell so good at 6 AM?

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Clean Why Comes, Take 2 :)
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 09:04 AM

Why come Amazed makes his kids get up so early?:excited:

Why come the last thing in the world I want to smell at 6 in the morning are cheese omelettes?

Why come I'd rather have good old fashioned smoked bacon,hashbrowns, and fried eggs? (Don't forget that, Amazed--the good kind too-not that free range organic stuff you make your kids eat):eat:

Why come even Cap'n Crunch is better than omelettes?

Why come Amazed even knows how to cook omelettes anyway?

Why come I have to git back to class now?

Why come we are studying the lymphatic system now?

Why come my head is hurting already?

Why come bye ya'll?:waving:

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