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If anyone out there likes to write
Posted : 11 Oct, 2011 01:44 AM

Wow...It's been a while since I've read that book.

I got it on CD at the library, and it was King, reading his own book out loud. I had to return it before I finished it, so I bought a copy and while I was reading the rest of the book, it was like I could hear his voice saying the words as I read them. LOL.

Great book (from what I remember of it). It was pretty funny and had some good practical advice about writing.


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What is the right type of first message?
Posted : 10 Oct, 2011 01:58 PM

Please Please Please...if you're going to respond to a lady, at least say Hello, Hi, How ya doin', Whats Up....Something! And say something about yourself too. A lady (at least this one) isn't going to respond to one line, incomplete sentences, or complete nonsense. Also, if you view my page, and I go to yours to look (which I almost always do) and you haven't really said much about yourself, it sends the message that you aren't very open to letting anyone get to know you. Why would I respond?

For example, these are some of the Inbox messages I've gotten:

Subject: Who am I

Message: Fruitful

Subject: Voluptuous

Message: Had to check that out.

THAT WAS IT! Not much to respond to I didn't.

So, guys...if you like my profile, prove to me you've actually read it by mentioning something about what I wrote, or how you think we have something in common.

Be a little funny, even dorky funny is better than nothing. Make me laugh, or at least crack a smile at something you wrote. Spark my interest in YOU, so that you stand out from all the others.

Tell me a little about yourself...your hobbies, your family, whatever, I don't care...just show me you can communicate like an adult. Give me something to respond back to, and ask me a question or start a conversation about something.

Another thing, at some point age does become more than just a number...I'm 29. So if you're over 40, don't expect me to respond...because I'm not interested in dating someone who is old enough to be my dad. That's just...wrong. At least for me.


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The X issue
Posted : 4 Oct, 2011 10:32 AM

I am called to be in deliverance ministry. I just wanted to help. :)


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The X issue
Posted : 3 Oct, 2011 10:32 PM

Soul ties are emotional/physical/spiritual bonds to people from our past, particularly romantic relationships.

Real quickly, God intended marriage to be between a man and women, to become one flesh, to bond, totally and completely to each other...their hearts and souls to be knit together in love...

So...when two people split up, even if they never slept together, because you're heart was invested in that person, you got a part of their soul, and they got a part of yours, spiritually, emotionally.

The reason breakups are so painful and the pain lingers, is because the soul tie was never broken, and you never got your pieces back. So, seeing him was upsetting to you, probably because you never broke the soul tie with him. This is even more devastating in sexual relationships and broken marriages, because the emotional and spiritual tie is stronger.

Try this: "Father God, I come to You, and ask that You break any ungodly silver corded soul ties between me and ______. I ask for the missing pieces of my soul and heart back, and I give ________back theirs. I plead the Blood of Christ over both of us, to fill these empty places, and ask forgiveness for my part in our broken relationship, I ask you to help me pour out all the pain in my heart, and give it over to you, so that I can fully and completely move on in my life. In Jesus's Name, I pray. Amen"

You should do this for every past relationship, or person who has hurt you that was a big part of your life for any length of time. It is simply a part of forgiveness therapy, and will help you to let go of any lingering pains in your heart you may not be aware of.

I hope this helps. You can contact me if you have other questions.


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Profile match
Posted : 26 Sep, 2011 02:29 PM

I would much prefer someone to ask those questions directly, if they really want to know. Just because a computer says you are or are not a "match" doesn't make it true.

These kinds of set ups and questions take GOD out of the picture. What happens if someone is a destiny person for another person, but they answer those questions differently (based on their own personal preferences) , and never get "matched up" because of their answers?

Sometimes we think we want a spouse or a partner with certain qualities (and there is nothing wrong with that), but we should also ALWAYS BE OPEN TO THE PERSON GOD ACTUALLY HAS FOR US. Sometimes what we want in a person and what God knows we need in a person are two very different things.

Opposites attract for a reason...usually to help balance each other out. One person is more outgoing, the other more shy, for example. So, one person might have had an ungodly past before they came to the Lord, while another might have lived a squeaky clean Christian life since they were a child. We are all the same in God's eyes...all sinners, saved by the Grace and Love of Jesus...we should not limit God in our quest for a potential spouse, and that is exactly what site questions like that do.


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women what do you like guys intro
Posted : 26 Sep, 2011 02:14 PM

LOL...yeah, it probably would go like that for most guys, because most women aren't like me. I appreciate honesty. I wish guys would realize honesty and being a gentleman will get you farther with a woman than a cheesy line.

Cause the thing is, unless you can come up with a REALLY funny, extremely ORIGINAL pick up line, that actually isn't OFFENSIVE to women, we've probably heard it all before and you just come off looking like a total player, which I guess works for some girls, so guys keep doing it...but I think the majority of women probably feel the same way I do about it.


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KJV Only? Can you trust the Modern Translations?
Posted : 25 Sep, 2011 10:20 PM

When I was a new Christian, I had a very hard time understanding the Bible...not just the translation, but why the people did the things they did, culturally.

As I was praying about it one day, the Holy Spirit said to me: Read the translation you understand the best. It doesn't matter to me which one you read.

So...I quit trying to read the KJV every day. I have many translations of the Bible and when I am studying something out, I read passages from them all...however, for quick references or just to read, I read The Amplified Bible...mostly because I like it best.

I don't think God really cares which Bible we read, so long as we understand it, and can apply that understanding to our lives and our walk with Him. The rest is just theology and doctrine, and I am more focused on love and grace based teachings.


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Tall, dark, you know the rest
Posted : 24 Sep, 2011 08:19 PM

Honestly, looks aren't that important to me. Note, I didn't say they aren't important at all, but I look for other things in a man first.






A Good Sense of Humor

Just to name a few...

As for looks...I'm not real picky about hair color and such.

I find myself most attracted to men who have a nice smile, and have a happy look in their eyes, and a peaceful countenance.


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Metaphorical Megaphone
Posted : 24 Sep, 2011 08:13 PM

"Exactly! They are soooooo flakey on here. It's almost like anything you say is just digging your own grave. Like they look at each and every word with a microscope to see if there's any excuse they can come up with to drop you like you never existed and move on to the next poor chump in line. It's just too fine of a line to walk when they just forget or refuse to take into account that people don't always say the right thing sometimes. Especially when you're the only one doing the talking or trying to get the conversation going. And then as soon as you do make a mistake in their eyes, there is no coming back from it. You are done. "

Just so you know, men do the same things to women. I've lost count of how many men seem to be interested in me at first, but before I have a chance to really get to know them, (and for them to get to know me), they disappear anyway, never to be heard from again, with no explanation as to why.

I don't know if it's something I said, or didn't say, or some unrealistic expectation they had I didn't even know's annoying, no matter if you are male or female. No one is perfect and there is never going to be a perfect get over it and give people a chance.

So, if it's not going to work out (for an actual legitimate reason other than you're too darn picky about looks), at least have enough respect for me as a human being to explain why.


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women what do you like guys intro
Posted : 24 Sep, 2011 08:03 PM

Cheesy pick up lines are a total turn off to me.

I'd much prefer a gentleman simply come up to me, introduce himself and say something like, "Hey, I saw you across the room and thought you were pretty. I'd like to get to know you. Wanna chat?"

I mean, let's be honest here fellas...the first thing you notice about a woman is her looks. How can you not if you know absolutely NOTHING else about her? So be a little different from other guys and just admit it.

Then move on...strike up a conversation, crack a joke...say something interesting about yourself. Make me laugh...anything but a totally classless and cheesy line you've used on every girl since the seventh grade.

Good Luck :)

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