Author Thread: Little white lies

Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 12:25 AM

What are your views when a man has lied on his profile?

I have ran across two men who put down a different age than reality, by at least ten years. When is it in the gray area and when is it significant?

From various profiles it is apparent that most people are self-conscious of their image, by stating they look younger than their age, act younger, which is probably a little off as it isn't the appearance or activity how we should describe age.

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Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 03:13 AM

Ten years?!?! This certainly isn't a gray area. This is flat out lying. If you're 50, then you're 50. You aren't 49, you aren't 51. And it's very significant (any lie is).

Years ago, I spent a lot of time trying to be something I wasn't - I finally realized that I'm actually pretty cool. I must be if God loves me.

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Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 05:20 AM

Lynne, you're very cool - and don't let anyone tell ya differently.

Goldenstarfish; very,very seldom is lying "appropriate." I can understand if they were one age when they wrote their profile, and they've had a birthday or two since then - but ten years? I agree with Lynne- that is flat-out lying; I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

I wonder if it was just a typo though? Slipped, and hit the number beside? And they're not very computer literate, or just didn't look? I know there was some things on my profile that I either struggled to answer, or mistakes I missed and changed, but that wasn't lying. That was trying to find a description; they only give you three options here for "drinking" for example. I so rarely drink, I might as well put "non drinker", but I do have one if the circumstances are right - maybe every one or two years? That's not even casual drinking...

Ah - I could clarify that in my profile I guess?

anyway - in this instance, a ten year error? that's not a gray area. My only concern is if it's just an error. How did you find out they were a different age than they said?


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Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 05:22 AM

By the way goldenstarfish; ummm... are those COW PIES you're holding up in your profile photo? A cow pie chucking competition perhaps? haha!


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Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 06:48 AM

Maybe it was a typo, but I don't think that there is any good time to lie. That doesn't mean a person has to be rude or blunt, but word in a way that is helpful.

Woman: Does this dress make me look fat?

Lying Man: No, Honey, it looks great.

Now she's walking out to dinner like that and might have someone who is rude ruin her night.

Blunt Man: Yes, it does.

Now you've either ticked her off or upset her.

Honest Man: I prefer the one you had on the other night. The coloring matched you better and the cut brought out the best features.

I'm guessing that she is happy and that he would not be banished to the couch for, unless she pushed the issue. In which case, explain that you don't want to upset her and really do prefer the other dress. If she understands clothing, I don't think a man should be punished because the clothes don't match the body. I don't envy men in this case.

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Little white lies
Posted : 7 Jun, 2009 12:46 PM

Yep, I had a guy who kept looking at my profile. He had his age in the top, but then in the wrting part below, he listed his real age - which was 12 years older.

That's deceptive - having your age set to be lower so you can contact women who have their age range set to your fake age. Seriously, that's just creepy...

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Little white lies
Posted : 8 Jun, 2009 12:14 AM

yes, i'm holding up cow pies... fortunately dried. Beaver, OK (in pan handle) has a cow chip tossing contest in April... thank goodness it wasn't raining.

oh, and the best way to throw a cow pie is not like a fresbie, but perpendicular with a little twist.

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Little white lies
Posted : 8 Jun, 2009 04:30 AM

Hi everyone,

Lying in my book is never good. I met a guy online who started off our friendship with a lie, and I never could get over it. As time went on other things were revealed that did not match the profile or posts. It's just a bad way to start.

Blessings, Lydia

PS- cow pies, you go girl!!!

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Little white lies
Posted : 8 Jun, 2009 09:37 AM

In my experience its always best to throw cow pies with someone elses hands....

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Little white lies
Posted : 25 Jun, 2009 01:19 AM

The purpose of this website is for we as Christians to make Christians for friends, future partnership, etc. From my perspective, if a man lies about his age for "10 years difference" this is something serious at the beginning of the friendship.

Be aware, cause he might lie to you again in the future, if he can't be truthful at the very first point.

Be wise to choose the friends you're associate to protect your womanhood. I mean you can still get to know him through the communication, the way he describe himself.

Hope God will give Him His wisdom in this issue.

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Little white lies
Posted : 1 Jul, 2009 09:32 AM

Their insecurities do not condone their behavior. A lie is a lie, no matter how big or small it may seem to us--God sees the sin--there are no degrees of sin--the point is, it's sin against God. If a person is true to themselves and walking by the Spirit, they will not lie to others or will work toward sanctification by prayer and refraining from lying as much as they can more and more each day. If they need self esteem, they needn't look further than Calvary. Without Him, we are nothing.

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