Author Thread: Why do we have to ask?

Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 18 Feb, 2008 08:37 PM

As a christian girl raised in a good christian home i was taught that when it comes to dating, calling or any relationship step the guy is supposed to be the one to do that. But, when i ask christian guys and girls their views most often i get that it is ok for either person. I personally am confused, for this reason; the man in the bible is the head of the house as appointed by God. so, it would take that away from them when a girl takes charge and makes the first step correct? I just want to hear other points of view.

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 8 Mar, 2008 02:12 PM

I would say that times have changed. It's not just guys asking out women, but its women also making the first moves.

I think that if both people have a good connection or interest in each other, their are ways for women to hint to men to ask them out. And then some women don't want to have to hint men to ask them out so they do it themselves.

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2008 07:57 PM

ok, so what do you ask? how, without being inappropriate/uncomfortable? what would you be receptive to?

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 26 Apr, 2008 05:41 PM

WINKS work great. They're subtle, gentle and not showing agression. They let us know someone is interested and waiting to hear from us. Hope this helps and GOD bless.


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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 5 May, 2008 12:43 PM

Winks? Really? I didn't know that. It all make sense now. I never really get involve with that type of stuff anyhow.

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 9 May, 2008 10:06 AM

I am always happy when the gal makes the first move. Some times it can be a subtle hint like, "ask me out!". That definitly helps a guy know that a gal is interested. Part of the battle for a guy is knowing a gal likes, or will go out with him.

What happens after that is up to the guy and gal working things out equally.

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 9 May, 2008 09:31 PM

Possibly this might be similar for every guy.

I don't make the first move because it feel like I might bring the girl into false hope. To a love life that really isn't there. I guess you can say I don't believe in myself onto giving the girl proper security on her life. :-D So I never flirt nor ask anyone out. Its basically all financially speaking.

I need a car! :-D

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 11 Jul, 2008 12:07 PM

I am still a firm believer that the man should do the pursuing. The man should be the head of the relationship and he should be the one initiating it also. The bible has many verses Song of Songs 8:9 talks about promiscuous woman, and in the time of the bible a woman who tried to pursue a man was promiscuous. I think we are called to be women, and the men are called to be men. We are making it easy for the guy to not live live men anymore because we do it for them.

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Why do we have to ask?
Posted : 9 Mar, 2009 11:30 AM

And then you have he big stubborn dumb male like me who refuses in any way, shape or form to pursue any woman :laugh: When the time is right, all in due season.. God should be patching up any obstacles in the path between two hearts, or opening doors..


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