Author Thread: Android/Mac/Microsoft/Others?

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Posted : 28 Aug, 2013 12:04 PM

Which one is your preferences and why? Just curious. Feel free to share your experiences/thoughts. :D

Greets, -Jess

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Posted : 28 Aug, 2013 08:35 PM

Android...has slide out keyboard...don't like the virtual ones...learned to type on a real typewriter...can't type as well with the little ones!

Microsoft...PC versus Apple products...I like to be able to easily add peripherals and manage the programs...the technology side of me.

I have some of all is a part of life these days.

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Posted : 10 Oct, 2013 11:09 PM

Android has been using everywhere so it's easy to find the apps. Apps for every detail you need and you think you will need! Mostly after rooting it, u can do anything with it. well, actually depends on your mobile phone vendor too, but when you pick the right brand then whussss....! I love you Andra :yay: (that's her name).

Well, I respect Steve Jobs so much, so classy. I adore him, He is one of my fave profiles.

However, for me, I don't know about you, Iphone can't be used as easy as Andra. For example, the bluetooth is difficult to be connected with other devices, sumthin about its simcard slot, I mean you have to modify the simcard, Mp3 should be from Itunes, it can be from others but you should convert it to Itunes, the GPS can't reach remote areas (I live in a small town, so try to find me using your Iphone, not like Google Maps, all you see is just a blank area!)

But that makes Iphone so special. once u use it, you will love it, maybe someday I will use it. The creator is a very special guy.He was so simple and nobody can be as brilliant as he is in designing things. Kinda CyberGandhi, Oh ghosh what this post all about???

So,OK, that's all my opinion, I am not an IT student so I don't know exactly how to explain it. Rest in peace uncle Steve....Om Shanti, Shanti, Om...

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 12:23 PM

As long as the general enviroment is not closed off the way Apple does there is a chance of me using it... I just plain don't take kindly to being ordered around by something I can throw out the window :boxing:

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Posted : 13 Dec, 2013 03:45 AM

I say it depends on what device you are referring to.

For Notebook my choice is still with Microsoft, but tablet and smartphones I will have to choose apple/ios or android.

For superb display in PC still go for Mac.

Hope you choose what best for you.


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Posted : 5 Mar, 2014 04:39 PM

I look at the ethical concerns of each choice:

1) Microsoft. They promote spyware (NSAKEY), Common Core (standardized testing with tons more spyware in schools), and don't forget the closely related Bill Gates foundation which tries to promote world peace and health without God while failing miserably.

2) Android. A Google product. Google promotes spying on it's users, anti-Global-Warming/Climate change/Pro-homosexuality, and other serious issues.

We should support Replicant project which is attempting to fork android into a fully free system which is more privacy respecting. Cyanogen is also a good second choice.

3) Apple/Mac. They promote real sweatshops in mainland China, leave many security vulnerabilities unpatched for years, and censor anything they don't agree with from their app store.

4) Others? I think one of the most obvious other choices is GNU/Linux. It is fully free software, and promotes it's users. Anyone can contribute and help build the OS making it quite powerful in recent years.

So I vote, others - GNU/Linux freedom. :)

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Posted : 29 May, 2014 07:55 AM

Haha thanks for very detailed responses, Somedude1. I used Linux (Ubuntu/Linux Mint) for a while and felt comfortable as it is open source. Though, recently I wanted to turn to Apple but I didn't know much details about its flaws. Do you think they (Apple) are also pro-homosexuality? Microsoft is seriously not safe. Ironic thing is that there are still many banks use Microsoft to run their ATMs)

Anyway,thanks again for useful sites you posted there. I think I will stick to Linux/others then. xD

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Posted : 17 Oct, 2014 01:22 PM

Bill Gates is a 33rd degree mason so part of the new world order. Google is also wrapped up in all that type of stuff, (the logo is 666 in a circle) and Steve Jobs is dead.

I personally don't like MACS as they are a lot of money for cheap hardware in a glossy case regardless of the product. Hardware is tied in so you can't upgrade easily or cheaply.

Windows is good for laptops and PC's as long as it is maintained and tweaked to match the hardware, any other operating system will have compatibility issues with lots of software.

Android is excellent for phones and tablets but also needs a bit of tweaking (turning stuff off) to stay up to speed and save battery.

Linux is probably the best if you have a specific requirement and a kernal well matched to the hardware you are using it on.

Windows XP still lives!!

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Posted : 23 Apr, 2017 09:23 PM

I use Microsoft Windows mostly. I like both XP Pro and Windows 7 Ultimate. Those are my two top favorites. I hate Windows 8 and 10. Windows 10 is a spyware, and it's like taking two steps back from Windows 7. It's not an improvement from Windows 7, but it's like a Safe-Mode dumb version of Windows 7. Apple is like an expensive plastic baby toy. Windows 7 is a really good stable system. Linux is like an industrial tool set. If you are an advanced computer user, you must know how to use Linux.

In phones, I think, Android is the best, then Apple, and finally Microsoft's Nokia. Nokia doesn't have really good apps. And in order to copy your photos from a Nokia phone to your computer, you must not only have a USB cable, but you must also install Microsoft's Zune software package. If you have linux, you must install Microsoft Windows just to be able to access your files on your phone. I had a Nokia phone once. The pictures were beautiful. The camera was amazing! It's better than any other camera I've ever had, but everything else in that phone sucks! The battery was non-replaceable. There was no SD card slot. No good apps. Settings are limited. For example, you can't turn off auto-rotate among other things. There are tons of apps for Android, and it's easy to view/edit files. It's portable. You can copy files from an Android phone to any Apple, Linux or Windows computer.

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