Author Thread: Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !

Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 28 Jun, 2017 06:04 PM

Some people ask me how did i come up with the name Spirit Mentor ? There are two reasons for this . The Holy Spirit speaks through me to those in doubt and to the lost as many of us were at some point in our lives . I am good at persuasion and making people think...

Also having paranormal experience as i used to live in a haunted house , possessed , call it what you will . The point being the spirit world is real . Where some would call that scary , i see the beauty in the knowledge that so too is our Lord God real . He who created those spirits and our souls !

He is not just the invisible man we all want to believe exists . Rejoice my dear brothers and sisters as he is real ! Praise be Jesus , God and the Holy Spirit Trinity . They... we... are one .

That is also my testimony and inspiration to share with any of you who may still be in doubt .

I only wish that all of you could have experienced those hauntings with me . Wouldn't that have been fun ?!

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 3 Aug, 2017 10:04 PM

You claim the Holy Spirit talks through you but you also confess to dabbling in the spirit world of the paranormal. Are you acquainted with biblical teaching differentiating the kinds of spirits? If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to commit to a careful study from a biblical perspective

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 21 Jan, 2018 11:34 PM

exactly. like what did you learn. fun?? you aint been rattered and tattered in the battles I battle. yeah the spiritual is real. do you think the scripture speaks in vain saying, "....we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places."(eph6:12) fun?? I wouldn't wish most of the things I go through on my worst enemies, unless it be to the saving of their soul, which is in GODS POWER not mine. without the LORD I'm doomed. the only reason I'm even still standing or even can stand is only because the LORD has held me up. and I thank GOD for the hidden, but I dare not speak my story, a faded vision that ended in the state mental institution. and the LORD taught me many hard lessons in those killing fields. I dare not speak as a fool concerning this subject, LORDWILLIN. and I gotta go. I am not prepared to talk on this subject right off hand like some decived medium or root doctor. tho I am no better than any off them. its not about a religious spiritual experience....its when the LORD by HIS unmerited mercy and grace pull you out of that wicked deception. I shutter away from the heavenly brightness, because our LIGHT cant be seen with fleshly eyes. "and no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."(2cor11;14) but I aint nothing. just some crazy fool. I gotta sign off, but I would like to know what the LORD taught u concerning your experience. and like this brother right here just said; back it up with scripture. I can speak a little on this subject, but I would rather first hear from some one that claims to be the spirit mentor. I'm just curious. and don't worry I'm just some crazy fool, that aint nothing. but all praise be to JEHOVAH JESUS my GOD and EVERLASTING SAVIOUR, because I trust only the KEEPER that keeps my place. "for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh."(2cor10;3) "beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of GOD...."(1jn4:1-4) just because it says its GOD or an angel of GOD, does not mean it is. if it talks to you...its bad. trust no angels. (gal1;8;9) the LORD only speaks using HIS WORD in these last evil wicked sinful days in which we live. people flock to that paranormal bs. they love it. but the devil is a liar. GODS WORD is true. everything else is a liar. "to the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."(isa8:20). you can take what I said however you want, I'm just some crazy stupid fool. I'm just some nobody fool, but still you better leave all that paranormal stuff alone.

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 31 Jan, 2018 09:44 PM

to address this subject a little more, I would really like this to be a open discussion. and like you said on your first post spirit master or mentor whatever... I am thankful for the hidden, LORD WILLIN I'm willin, I'm willing LORD WILLING, LORD please keep me willing, no matter the calling that be giving to me. CHRIST NAME amen. but only in CHRIST, because I try not to mislead but teach. first off, none of us needs to be dabbling in the paranormal. my mouth is sewn, I cannot speak, may the LORD guide and use this to HIS UNTOUCHABLE GLORY. I know I'm not the only one. the reason that I would like this to be an open forum. the LORD has made me cross paths with others locked in combat, with principalities and powers, so distorted by the visions, voices, sorceries and demon choices, that they are enslaved within the trances alterations and the demon spell. the LORD was very merciful to me, telepathy connection, HE kept me silent and sealed my mouth shut greatly in HIS mercy with spiritual stitches. but others as ive crossed their paths, be speakin loudly and with open mouths. I limit my words,as I speak as a fool. but its never just you, "knowin that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world."(1pet5:9). my brother Buddha said an interesting thing one time back in the beginning when the LORD in HIS amazing worderous love and free unmerited grace and favour had first poured our HIS amazing grace unto 2 wicked no good street hoods like us and given us salvation in HIS BELOVED SON, I remembered he said, "certain people are just more aware of certain things than others.", I GUESS I AGREE, but thru this become so many decived. bible is vital, and crucial to my survival. but like I said I'm strate careful when I speak on this, because you don't talk about this stuff to another. especially not psychiatrists, normal folks or therapists, because your prescription medications, is electroshock therepy until you get your last and final third cure of lobotomy. and it seems like for my experience, lobotomy is their solution and remedy for everything. ive had to tell so many multiple people, not to let them cut their brain out. I know this applies to some... but to the rest of the world, GOD bless the words of a madman. CHRIST NAME amen. "then answered the jews(and nowadays that goes for all these fake Christians as well), and said unto HIM(the LORD CHRIST JESUS), SAY WE NOT WELL THAT THOU art a Samaritan, and HAST A DEVIL?"(jn8:48), and me and my brother in CHRIST zelosis, we can get it haunted with the quickness in your house like somethin you wouldn't believe....and don't think I'm tryna boast like that's cool, because the demons that be stalkin sratchin the walls and hawkin, all of them, begging for permission, like the devil askin CHRIST for peter, so that he can sift him as wheat. they want me. I'm doomed without my GOD. nah it aint fun. nah without the LORD I'm doomed. and praise CHRIST JESUS, maybe a little something like spirit mentor said...I love it when the LORD allows the regular people to fully see and be aware, of all the things that's just inside MY HEAD, and then they all scared to death... I laugh but it aint funny, but it really is serious. you say I'm lost in make believe, but what the bible says aint fantasy. amen. I'm done talking. and I'm just a stupid dumb skitzophrenic sinner as I speak a fool, what ya speaking? i don't care either way as im walkin and I'm outta here, back into my cave. nah but if the LORD WILL may HE keep this forum open. I'm just a wicked lunatic fool, aint even tryna say nothing. "with a Jerusalem blade, when wielded correctly, one can even confront an angel."(bunyan in the dungeon(pilgrims progress) I aint going any further on this subject till somebody comes in. this subject goes deep. "be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour...."(1pet5;8) may GOD bless the unadulterated TRUTH of HIS WORD to our hearts. to the glory of CHRIST. amen. and unless somebody jumps in, I aint saying another word on this subject. this is a Christian website. can any of yall relate to any of this/ on any type of level? come on. CHRIST JESUS be MAGNIFIED. CHRIST NAME amen

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 22 May, 2018 04:41 PM

Little David, that isn't what he said. He never claimed to "dabble". This is the second post I've seen you respond to that you did not read carefully.

As for that first entry, the original poster does seem a bit unconcerned about the demonic nature of what he says he experienced. I know people who were witches and later became Christians. The enemy does not leave you alone so easily and can harass you to ridiculous levels.

That did leave me with a bit of an odd taste in my mouth.

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 3 Jul, 2018 08:17 AM

Keith, I think you're confused over term usage and application. Of course he didn't use the word "dabble" but the term dabble applies when one participates in the activities he mentioned. You're kinda confused like the guy unfamiliar with the word "weather". When asked about the weather report, he responded, "they just said it's gonna be sunny today and rainy tomorrow, they didn't say anything about "weather".

As for the, "second time" you think I misread? I'm always ready to acknowledge mistakes and have done so in posts. But you didn't specify my error other than level an unspecific accusation. But if this last post of yours is an indicator, is it possible you may have not read my response carefully?

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Those in doubt , dont give up hope , i bring you inspiration !
Posted : 24 Mar, 2019 09:37 PM

I think LittleDavid is trying to explain something simple, which the rest of you are making difficult. The Witch of Endor did call forth the spirit of Samuel at Saul's request. But this was NOT a good thing. There are people on the earth who can dig into the evil of calling forth spirits and this is not a good thing either. The story is told in the Bible simply to explain that one should leave the dead, the spirits of darkness, and other "magical" deeds alone. If you think it is good to follow this path, I suggest you sit quietly and read all your passages again. You can only bring sorrow to yourself and others by using "witchcraft" is NOT something that God wants the orginary human to use.

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