Author Thread: Why do I have a mental illness

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 23 Oct, 2017 07:50 AM

Why did god give me mentail illness??

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 23 Oct, 2017 06:12 PM

The short answer is that God did not give you mental illness. God said "Let us create them (Adam and Eve) in our image." Mankind was first created pure, without sin and perfect but when Adam and Eve sinned the purity and perfection was forfeited. As a result we are all inheritors of their sin and we all have death reigning in our bodies, be it sickness, mental illness, deformities, and or eventual death we all have the inherited sin nature to deal with. This is why we need Jesus. To deliver us from the sin nature that leads us to death in this life and eternal death in separation from Him. What is called hell. Satan doesn't want any of us to have abundant life in Jesus so he continues to attack us and some of us he attacks even more when we come to Jesus to keep us from encouraging others to join in a vibrant relationship with Jesus. There are two verses that I hold to firmly that affects my daily walk. "God works all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose." AND "ALL things come about to reveal the Glory of God." Not everything in our lives starts out as "GOOD" but in His time God will change it and make it "GOOD." Have faith in God. Have faith of God. Blessings to You in Jesus name.

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 24 Oct, 2017 02:11 PM

I was just asking because I hate it

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 06:52 AM

Think about the nuclear disaster that happened in Japan in March 11, 2011. They had a tsunami destroy the cooling for the nuclear power plant. It overheated and exploded. And since it was located right on the coast, the water from the nuclear plant washed into the ocean. Over 100 million gallons of radioactive water went into the Pacific Ocean, and they say that it is still leaking even today! Of course, the ocean is very big, but the fish in the ocean and the air nearby is heavily polluted. People in Japan are born with all sorts of deformities and many babies die before they are born. This is all due to the nuclear reactor's pollution. (In my personal opinion, these nuclear reactors are far worse than coal power plants. A coal power plant is not capable of producing the kind of pollution in its entire lifetime that a nuclear power plant can produce in one instant when it blows up!) But to get to the point, DO YOU THINK THAT GOD GIVES THE DEFORMITIES TO THOSE CHILDREN? They could ask, "Why did God give me 1 leg with 3 toes? Why am I so weird?" And to answer that, I don't think God gives anything bad to anyone. And consider this: Some people who didn't work hard inherit a million dollars when they are born. It's simply because their parents worked hard and their parents worked hard to save it up. A black kid born in the 1800s here in the South would be born into slavery, and he would be automatically considered less than a human. He would be a slave. He would have to work hard every day of his life simply because he was born with black skin. It is none of his fault, yet he is given a life of servitude. So, people who say that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for everyone's life are not entirely thinking about all the possibilities.

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 07:03 AM

In this life, we don't always get what we deserve. We don't always get rewarded according to our merits. God is good all the time. Is it not true? Yes, it is. I imagine God's goodness like the sun that is always shining. Whether it's midnight, the sun is still shining. Whether it's a windy day with dark clouds, the sun is still shining. Whether you're sitting in a deep dark forest, the sun is still shining. The problem is that the sun's light is not getting to you. So, remember this : GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD. If you don't feel His goodness or His love, it is because something is blocking it. And our job is to try to figure out how to get rid of the thing that blocks God's blessing from pouring out on our life. The Bible says that God blessed Solomon with wisdom. And he said, wisdom is the principal thing. John 3:16 tells us how God's gift for us is eternal life. Proverbs 3:16 tells us that God's plan for us on this earth is wealth, health, happiness, long life, and pleasure. God doesn't want anybody to suffer or live in oppression or poverty or suffer from depression or be tormented by devils. None of that is God's plan. God wants every human being to enjoy life to its fullest. What did Jesus say He came for? He didn't just come to give us eternal life. He said, "I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly." God's plan is abundant life for everyone. That is His perfect will. If the devil comes in between us and God and forms a "Shadow" or "dark cloud" then we have to keep in mind that God did not cease to be good. It's not God who gives sickness or any kind of bad thing!

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 07:29 AM

One more thing: I have no doubt in my mind that if Jesus was here, He would heal you. Why? Because all demons and all sickness obey Him. While He slept, the dark clouds gathered and the wind picked up, and the disciples cried out. But when He awoke, He immediately commanded the storm to stop and it did. The wind died down. The rain stopped pouring. The clouds evaporated, and in a short time, it became a sunny day with blue sky. And the disciples were amazed at His power. Who is this man that even the weather obeys His command? The disciples have seen Jesus raise the dead many times. They saw Him multiply bread many times. Just because the Bible mentions the story of the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish doesn't mean that Jesus only did this miracle once. The book of John says that Jesus did so many miracles that all the books in the world would not be able to hold all the stories. I mean He was doing miracles everyday of His ministry from day until night. People who wanted to get healed went to Him and surrounded Him immediately when they found out where He was. He healed all diseases. He cast out all demons. And he had power over the weather. He had power over everything. Even on the cross, He could have asked God to send a million angels, and they would have rescued Him and take away the pain in one blink of an eye. And the hardest thing to understand is how did He endure suffering knowing that He had the option to kill the pain at any moment? If he said, "STOP. STOP. This is too painful. I can't do it." then it would have been over right then. But He didn't interrupt. And Isaiah 53:5, He died not only to take away our sins, but He died also to take away our sickness. He took all curses away from us and suffered. In other words, it is as if someone had paid your electric bill for your entire life, so anytime you need electricity, you can plug in any device into the outlet in your home and use as much electricity as you want for free. That is similar to the healing power of Jesus. When we don't use it for our lack of faith, it is almost like we're wasting electricity. The power plant works hard day and night. They burn coal or gas or whatever all the time so you can have power in that tiny hole in the wall. But if you don't use it, then it's gone to waste. You cannot get that coal back that was burned. I think, if we want to take full advantage of Jesus's death on the cross, then we should use as much of the power available to us as possible. If Jesus said we will be able to do miracles like He did, then we should do that, because otherwise we're wasting His suffering. Of course, He didn't suffer for nothing, because He washed away our sins. But still, His suffering went to pay for all our healing and deliverance. It's all paid for. So, if we don't use it, if we don't claim it, if we don't take advantage of that free power, then it's almost like we're wasting it.

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 07:58 AM

I look at it this way god is punishing me for being mean

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 03:40 PM

Try to look at it this way: Jesus already took the punishment for your sin. He suffered for it, so you don't have to suffer for it again. If you ask God for forgiveness, He will forgive your sins if you forgive other people as well. (See 1 Jn 1:9 and Mt 6:15) Forgiveness is a free gift of God. You don't have to pay for your sins by killing an animals and stuff like that what they did in the Old Testament. All it takes is a sincere prayer. Likewise, when you ask for a miracle, it is a gift of God. It is completely free, that's why Jesus said, "freely you have received, freely give." It is not something you earn by being good. What is the only requirement for a miracle?

Remember Mark 11:23. Jesus said the ONLY requirement for a miracle is faith. In Matthew 7:22 He talked about people who did great signs in His name, yet He told them, "I never knew you!" In other words, these people were casting out demons and doing all kinds of amazing miracles, and yet they never knew the Lord. They were not real Christians. How can that be?

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 03:40 PM

The blind man in John 9:31 said, "we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him." Notice that the theology of the blind man is what many people preach. They say, "YOU MUST BE a perfect Christian without sin, otherwise you cannot ask God for a miracle! God will only give miracles to good people." However, this goes against what Jesus mentioned in Matthew 7:22 where He said that people can and will indeed use His name and do great miracles and still go to hell. So, the blind man's theology falls on its face. It is not true. The truth is what Jesus said in Mark 11:23--the only requirement for a miracle is faith. It doesn't say that you have to be a holy saint in order to get a miracle. You don't even have to be saved to possess this type of faith. You can be an evil mean self-professed "Christian" on your way to hell, and yet you can command the sky to give rain and it will pour down rain at your command ONLY BECAUSE of YOUR FAITH.

Have you ever heard of John Alexander Dowie? He was a great evangelist, but eventually he started to believe all kinds of crazy things. He thought he was John the Baptist. His theology was all messed up, but he had tremendous faith in spite of that. So, yes, you someone can have faith and still be a sinner. Why? Because when Jesus heals somebody, it is not based on merit. It is a free gift. He said, "Freely you have received, freely give." It is supposed to be completely free, dependent on nothing except a person's faith. So, if you think that God is punishing you for whatever reason, you can still believe in a miracle. I mean it's just like believing for salvation. Salvation is also free. You don't have to be a good person BEFORE you get saved in order for God to accept you. You can be as you are. There is only one requirement, and that is humility. And then once God forgives you, you also have to forgive other people like Matthew 6:15 says.

People always want to ask, "DO I DESERVE IT?" And the answer is no. A miracle or FREE GIFT is something no one deserves. If the free gifts were given out based on merit or you had to qualify by being "good enough," then it would no longer be a free gift. Jesus' disciples also had this mentality. As soon as they ran into the blind man, their first question to Jesus was, "WHO SINNED? Did this man sin or did his parents sin?" And Jesus wanted to change their way of thinking. When you are performing a miracle or when you are about to do a miracle, you shouldn't ask why someone is sick, because it is irrelevant. What matters is your faith, not the justification for the sickness. Don't try to justify the problem, because that's not going to help you get healed. It's only going to prevent you from getting healed.

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 06:48 PM

I get sad a lot and I don't know how to deal with it.

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Why do I have a mental illness
Posted : 26 Oct, 2017 08:40 PM

You feel sad because you feel like you have no hope. And you feel like you have no hope when you look at what was and what is, and you paint a picture of what is going to be using a brush that has the dark colors from the past. Your mind is like a canvas, and you have a brush. Paint a new picture of what you want your life to be. But you must first either throw away the "old brush." You can't paint hope when you're thinking "I can't," "God won't heal me," and things like that. You have to throw away your old way of thinking and get a new kind of thinking. Form a new thinking pattern. When you catch yourself thinking sad thoughts or you see things that make you sad, get out of there. Find some Scriptures that give you hope and faith and say those verses over and over during the day. If necessary, repeat them hundreds of times. Faith is how you think. Love is how you think. If you think a certain way, it either brings you hope, faith, love, OR it brings you the opposite. Everything starts with thinking. So, guard your mind. Watch what you're thinking and control your mind. Don't let your mind wander all over the place.

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