Author Thread: Sex before marriage

Sex before marriage
Posted : 31 Aug, 2009 07:52 PM

This may have been brought up in this forum several times but I couldnt find it.

What do you think? We're all christians here, right? What is your opinion on sex before marriage? why cant I find someone who feels the same way I do about waiting? The men I am physically attracted to are usually the ones who dont want to wait, funny how that works. I know what the consequences are to rushing into the physical relationship, I've done it in the past.It's not worth it. I would just like others thoughts on the subject. I've dated 3 times in 5 years, when the men find out that nookie is not on the menu, they back away. It real important to take your time most of all, seek the Lord before you let someone into your life in ANY way.

What do you think?

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Sex before marriage
Posted : 8 Nov, 2009 03:36 PM

He placed one scoop of clay upon another until a form lay lifeless on

the ground. All of the Garden's inhabitants paused to witness the event.

Hawks hovered, giraffes stretched, trees bowed. Butterflies paused on

petals and watched. "You will love me, creation," God said. "I made

you that way. You will obey me, universe, for you were designed to do

so. You will reflect my glory, skies, for that is how you were created.

But this one will be like me; this one will be able to choose."

All were silent as the Creator reached into himself and removed some-

thing yet unseen-- a seed. "It's called 'choice.' The seed of choice."

Creation stood in silence and gazed upon the lifeless form. An angel

spoke, "but what if he..." "What if he chooses not to love?" the Creator

finished. "Come, I will show you." Unbound by today, God and the angel

walked into the realm of tomorrow. "There, see the fruit of the seed of

choice, both the sweet and the bitter." The angel gasped at what he saw.

Spontaneous love. Voluntary devotion. Chosen tenderness. Never had he

seen anything like these. He felt the love of the Adams. He heard the joy

of Eve and her daughters. He saw the food and the burdens shared. He

absorbed the kindness and marveled at the warmth.

"Heaven has never seen such beauty, my Lord. Truly, this is your greatest

creation." "Ah, but you've only seen the sweet. Now witness the bitter." A

stench enveloped the pair. The angel turned in horror and proclaimed,

"What is it?" The Creator spoke only one word: "Selfishness." The angel

stood speechless as they passed through centuries of repugnance. Never

had he seen such filth. Rotten hearts. Ruptured promises. Forgotten

loyalties. Children of the creation wandering blindly in lonely labyrinths.

"This is the result of choice?” the angel asked. "Yes." "They will forget

you?” "Yes." "They will reject you?" "Yes." "They will never come back?”

"Some will. Most won't." "What will it take to make them listen?"

The Creator walked on in Time, further and further into the future, until he

stood by a tree, a tree that would be fashioned into a cradle. Even then he

could smell the hay that would surround him. With another step into the

future, he paused before another tree. It stood alone, a stubborn ruler on

a bald hill. The trunk was thick, and the wood was strong. Soon it would

be cut. Soon it would be trimmed. Soon it would be mounted on the stony

brow of another hill. And soon he would be hung on it. He felt the wood

rub against a back he did not yet wear. "Will you go down there?" the

angel asked. "I will." "Is there no other way?" "There is not." "Wouldn't

it be easier to not plant the seed? Wouldn't it be easier to not give the

choice?" "It would," the Creator spoke slowly. "But to remove the choice

is to remove the love."

He looked around the hill and foresaw a scene. Three figures hung on

three crosses, arms spread, heads fallen forward. They moaned with the

wind. Men clad in soldier's garb sat on the ground near the trio. They

played games in the dirt and laughed. Men clad in religion stood off to

one side. They smiled, arrogant, cocky. They had protected God, they

thought, by killing this false one. Women clad in sorrow huddled at the

foot of the hill speechless, faces tear-streaked, eyes downward. One put

her arm around another and tried to lead her away. She wouldn't leave.

"I will stay," she said softly, "I will stay."

All heaven stood to fight. All nature rose to rescue. All eternity poised to

protect. But the Creator gave no command. "It must be done...," he said,

and withdrew. But as he stepped in time, he heard the cry that he would

someday scream: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He

wrenched at tomorrow's agony. The angel spoke again. "It would be less

painful... "The Creator interrupted softly. "But it wouldn't be love." They

stepped into the Garden again. The Maker looked earnestly at the clay

creation. A monsoon of love swelled up within him. He had died for the

creation before he had made him.

God's form bent over the sculptured face and breathed. Dust stirred on

the lips of the new one. The chest rose, cracking the red mud. The cheeks

fleshened. A finger moved. And an eye opened. But more incredible than

the moving of the flesh was the stirring of the spirit. Those who could see

the unseen gasped. Perhaps it was the wind that said it first. Perhaps what

the star saw that moment is what has made it blink ever since. Maybe it

was left to an angel to whisper it: "It looks like ... it appears to so much

like ... it is him!" The angel wasn't speaking of the face, the features, or

the body. He was looking inside--at the soul. "It's eternal!" gasped another.

Within the man, God has placed a divine seed. A seed of himself (a seed

of choice). The God of might had created earth's mightiest... And the One

who had chosen to love had created one who could love in return.

Now it's our choice.

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Sex before marriage
Posted : 15 Nov, 2009 12:53 PM

I don't know how the laws of God can get so twisted but it is human nature to JUSTIFY something we sheeples want to do and call it good in God's eyes~HE is the lover of our souls and will forgive slips but to PRACTICE sin is dangerous~:devil:~we have to follow God's law, man's law(if it does not violate God's law) and nature's law.

Most guys today do NOT want to legally marry you if they can "milk the cow without buying it" ~~:rolleyes:

According to the laws of the Torah, Orthodox Jews are prohibited from having sex before marriage and abstinence holds true. In fact, they choose to not touch at all before their marriage night.

In Jewish law, marriage consists of two separate acts, called kiddushin (or erusin, the engagement ceremony) and nissu'in, the actual wedding. Kiddushin changes the couple's personal status, while nissu'in brings about the legal consequences of the change of status. In Talmudic times, these two ceremonies usually took place about a year apart. The bride lived with her parents until the actual marriage ceremony, which would take place in a room or tent that the groom had set up for her. Later in history, the two ceremonies took place as a combined ceremony, and the marriage ceremony started to be performed publicly.

There are three ways for a Jewish couple to effect kiddushin (Mishna, Tractate Kiddushin 1:1):

* With money (kesef) or with an object of value, such as a ring or a coin, for the purpose of contracted marriage, and in the presence of two witnesses, and she actively accepts;

* Through a contract (shtar) in the presence of two witnesses, containing the declaration of kiddushin (see below); or

* By sexual intercourse with the intention of creating a bond of marriage; a method strongly discouraged by the rabbinic sages and intended only for levirate marriages.

Though all methods are halachically valid, the favoured practice since ancient times has been for kiddushin to take place only with kesef (i.e. "with money") - giving an object of value - which is almost always a ring, but can be a coin.

Halachically, a Jewish marriage is a personal act between a man and a woman. The actual marriage is the declaration of marriage (consecration) by the man and acceptance by the woman. The function of the rabbi is to act as the advisor to the couple, and the guests are the witnesses. The civil law of many countries requires the rabbi also to act as an agent for the State during the marriage ceremony, and for two independent witnesses to sign the wedding certificate.

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Sex before marriage
Posted : 18 Nov, 2009 04:19 PM

What an interesting subject. It was nice to see someone use the King James bible in their answers. Sex is not a bad thing~on the contrary~ but God gave it to a man and woman as a gift...after they are married :angel: Like the old saying goes...."why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" I don't think it is a matter of "I can't wait" it is a matter of "I won't or don't want to wait" God Bless, Kristina

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