Author Thread: CHEMISTRY... what is it?... and... is it important?

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CHEMISTRY... what is it?... and... is it important?
Posted : 3 Oct, 2009 08:12 AM

Hi...I wanted to spread the thread this morning about a subject that is regarded among some in Christendom to be a sign of carnality... and that's the word "Chemistry".

I've come across this word in several ladies' profiles as a sort of a "don't waste my time".... if "chemistry" is not there. I've been on this site for about a year now and talked with hundreds of ladies and have come to this conclusion: That "chemistry" is indeed important in a relationship...that spark...that WOW...that magic( oops...did I say that word ).

What is it?...It seems to me firstly that it is a physical attraction to that person. When Jacob saw Rachel and Leah standing before him...why did he fall head over heels for Rachel and not Leah? Why was he so willing to work for Laban 7 years and another 7 years to be officially married to Rachel? And what was so special about Sarah that Abraham was drawn to? Even Isaac was blessed with a beautiful wife. Obviously God did not think it was carnal or sinful to find someone attractive if He would allow Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac to be blessed with beautiful wives.

In regards to searching for my wife... I admit...that if I am not attracted to a lady physically I really do not have a desire to go further, regardless of other great qualities she may possess. Am I carnal?

Someone will quote to me 1Samuel 16:7 as evidence of my carnality that God looks at the heart and man looks on the outward appearance. BUT WAIT!.... God was simply pointing out a truth, not a condemnation. I'm not God...I'm a man. God put two eyes in my head to be attracted to beauty. No one thinks it's wrong to find flowers beautiful, or a mountain, or the stars. Why is it wrong therefore to be attracted to someone's outward beauty? Why is it thought in Christendom that when looking for a mate one must only look on the heart and disregard the outward?

However, as my son pointed out ...chemistry between people is a MUTUAL attraction... I agree... It's not really chemistry if your attraction towards someone is all one sided. I have found many ladies attractive on this site who simply did not find me chemistry. And there are ladies who find me attractive...but I do not feel the same way towards chemistry.

Yet... I must confess that I have discovered that chemistry GOES DEEPER than the outward appearance. On two separate experiences where there was mutual physical attraction between us...there was still something missing... we were not connecting on all cylinders. So we decided to mutually agree to part company. If the chemistry is not there... why try to force it? intellectual friends... let's hear your insight on Chemistry 101...What is it ? And is it important?



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CHEMISTRY... what is it?... and... is it important?
Posted : 20 Aug, 2010 03:58 AM

Chemistry is important, more than the eyes can see, its within the soula and spirit, when both of you know, you can be the best of friends as well as good lovers.Its the magic that makes it work.You look in the same vision, same values.More than the physical side..., but sharing the same thoughts, not arguing, but knowing, HE/SHE is the one!

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CHEMISTRY... what is it?... and... is it important?
Posted : 3 May, 2014 06:20 AM

Thank you Onespirit316 and Lovelylady14 for sharing your thoughts.



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