Author Thread: I don't belong in this world

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 28 Oct, 2023 10:41 PM

all my life I wanted nothing more then to be a husband and father. I didn't everything I thought would help me in that goal and nothing happened, I seeked all the advice from others and that didn't help, I poured my heart out to God and that didn't change anything ether. I figured I needed to just wait and now I'm to old to be a father. never once have I been on a date, every blind date stood me up, i tried speed dating and every one avoided my table, I messaged everyone on every christian dating site in the USA and I only got scammers to people pushing for sex that replied. I joined every bible study, singles group, fellowship group and never saw one giro my age in any of those groups so I church hopped going even states away and nothing

yet everyone I know says i'm doing the right things and that I should have been married years ago but here I am 100% dateless and now I'm undateble because of my age. I have no family, no one my own age to spend time with, what few friends I have are old enough to be my grandparents. I don't fit in with anyone my own age anymore, I never really did anyway.

I said I gave up looking for anyone and that's true but I can't handle it. the last 2 months have been hard. I gained over 40 pounds trying to eat my pain away. I cry every night knowing that I was never be good enough for anyone. I always tried to avoid the problem by spending all my time helping others, volunteering, doing mission work, helping the homeless and foster kids/families but that doesn't help me avoid the emptiness from knowing i'll never have any family let alone kids of my own.

im sorry but I just don't belong in this world. it was nice knowing you all. hopefully you find what you want here and in this life, I never did. 😖

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 29 Oct, 2023 10:39 AM

No Christian belongs in this world, but we must live in it for the time being. Your biggest problem is thinking you were doing all the right things to find a mate.

But you failed! Why? Because you weren't doing the things necessary to attract that elusive mate. If you're as wealthy as you say it should have been easy for you. BUT you're obviously are doing one or more things wrong!

If you're relying on God to bring you a mate it ain't gonna happen. God leaves it up to the individual to find a mate, which means it's up to you prepare yourself for the task.

This world has infiltrated the Church and effected women the most by instilling countless worldly ideas in them which has made many of them stupid and selfish.

I suggest you check out a lot of red pill content. It will teach you a lot about men & women and why things are the way they are. With that information you should be able to make yourself more appealing to women.

I know you're not going to want to take my advice. But take a hard look at what you've been doing and how useless it has been. I see a lot of red flags in what you write on here and most women see the same things.


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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 07:32 AM

Just keep the Faith and seek God the more for His guidance.


His will is whats important and it maynot be for a spouse until later.

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 07:34 AM

Aviod arrogant Old men who feel they can teach a young man.

They most are divorced and or took picky to get a decent women.

Old and foolish . Like LD

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 07:40 AM

Handyman is followin suit.

But at least he had a wife at one time.


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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 08:59 AM

Moonlight, American’s have proven that anyone can marry but not everyone can stay married.

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 10:07 AM

And against God's commands almost 80% of women are the one's choosing to divorce. Oh they they spew all kinds of reasons for it but very few are for infidelity. That say's a lot about modern Christian women.

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 08:23 PM

Does anyone know what a “took picky” is?

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 2 Nov, 2023 08:29 PM

Exactly right Handyman. Those statistics are verifiable. And many of the reasons chosen by women have nothing to do with biblical reasons for divorce‼️‼️

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 3 Nov, 2023 07:02 AM

I don't believe a wife should have to stay with her husband if he is beating her (emphasis on the word beating and not the occasional corrective smack). But according to God's word that's still not grounds for divorce. Which means they must stay single.

Since God only gives one clear reason for divorce then there's a whole lot of remarried Christians committing adultery everyday.

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I don't belong in this world
Posted : 3 Nov, 2023 02:11 PM

I don't believe a wife should have to stay with her husband if he is beating her (emphasis on the word beating and not the occasional corrective smack). But according to God's word that's still not grounds for divorce. Which means they must stay single.

Since God only gives one clear reason for divorce then there's a whole lot of remarried Christians committing adultery everyday.

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