Author Thread: Why come?

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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 06:29 PM

Why come people are supposed to say nice things about others here but it goes days without a post?

Why come when someone tells someone something is gross they have to check it out for themselves?

Why come when I point out the little things God does in my life I am a christian freak ? However if I had claimed it was good luck, it would have been ok?


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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 08:44 PM

Why come I want that t-shirt too?

Why come CDFF is being slow for me tonight?

Why come I did something bad and feel so ashamed now? =(

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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 09:53 PM

Why come I got to go to the Bonnie & Clyde cemetery today in Dallas but didn't have time to look for their graves? (Actually Clyde's grave)

Why come only 7 people showed up for my aunt's services today and I had to pay the preacher?

Why come I saw homeless people stealing flowers off graves today and trying to sell them?

Why come I never wanna go back to Dallas?

Why come I'm glad I moved to Arkansas?

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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 09:53 PM

Why come it's true.... "If you can learn a simple trick, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk arorund in it. - Harper Lee|To Kill A Mockingbird] ~ GraceMae

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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 10:10 PM

Why come To Kill a Mockingbird is such an awesome book? *love* :hearts:

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Why come?
Posted : 4 Jun, 2010 10:18 PM

Why come you people are talking about killing birds?

Why come there be a why come thread every where I take a look see?

Why come if haven't been diving in way to long and really want to get back in the water to see the fishies, then sit on the beach and read then go to a local diner and eat and then would have to get back home a wash all my diving gear so the salt doesn't ruin it?

Why come I made a really bad run on sentence?

Why come we call it why come and not For Why?

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Why come?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2010 07:11 AM

Why come vegetarians eat at all? Vegetables and fruit bleed juice! Oh their silent little cries..makes ya want a chicken salad dont it?

Why come my mom got her first tattoo when she was 54 and my uncle says I'm a bad influence on her?

Why come that same yuppy uncle a few years later bought a Harley, got a tattoo, and started going to biker rallies? Midlife crisis anyone?

Why come people look at me strange when I tell them my mom can't come to an event she is at Sturgis?

Why come I'm so proud of her?

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Why come?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2010 12:09 PM

Why come I could never be a vegetarian because I LOVE meat? :hearts:

Why come broken arms hurt so bad? *grrr*

Why come the pain is stifling my creativity and I am fresh out of why comes?

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Why come?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2010 03:34 PM

Why come my family is mentioned in To Kill a Mockingbird for real?

Why come that auther said no good nothings come from Montgomery County, Alabama?

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Why come?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2010 02:56 PM

Why come Dennis is implying negative things about his family?

Why come CDFF (or... ?) keeps randomly changing my location to BC, Canada? It's really starting to creep me out. This is the 3rd time it's happened and there doesn't seem to be any point in correcting it... Not like I'm on the prowl these days anyway.

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Why come?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2010 01:22 PM

Why come when my uncle as a young man went to Alabama to study our family tree?

How come when he knocked on a relatives door he got called a blankity yankee? :ROFL:

How come only an American would understand this joke?

How come I am now pixying on Brown eyed girl?

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