Author Thread: I don't respect the Military!

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 15 Jul, 2010 01:54 PM

sorry, but I don't like the US Military or any other army of the world!

I don't understand why people find being payed to kill other human being something to be proud of or heroic!

And why it's only the poor who send their son to the military? to secure a good job? since you need to be proud of that, have you ever seen a rich man send his son to go to service?!

Are you proud to see children killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? call me unpatriotic, stupid peace activist, dreamer...but I hope one day to tell my children how I made something positive to the world rather than how many people I killed... :angel:

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 08:42 PM

You have your right of opinion because of our military! The United States helped defeat Hitler who murdered millions of Jews under His rule, We helped get rid of Saddam Hussein who killed thousands of His own citizens if they did not agree with Him and you are alive even if you disagree! The United States military helped defeat Japan who followed bushido code which required a soldier to kill himself rather than surrender etc. If we don't fight, we will be overtaken. The military is an honorable profession. As others, there are things wrong everywhere. So thank our soldier who defend your freedom, and that of other countries. War sometimes saves more lives by going to war than not!

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 11:36 AM

From a true patriot, American girl~ Chaka, please pray for wisdom before speaking such ignorant things.

God bless America and our soldiers! :applause:

Nuff said~the rest of you said it all.

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 03:19 PM

To:Chakal,i know that this thread is a very old thread,but today i just read this.First of all,i am from the West Indies & i'll tell you I MYSELF is UPSET with the idea of soldiers killing people,but read the Bible buddy.Look up the times of Joshua,David,The ROMAN SOLDIER who look up to JESUS on the CROSS & later give his life to to HIM & others that i'm sure you should know that's in the Bible.The point here i'm saying is this:In those times of Joshua,he had fought the WAR for the Gibeonites,who was attacked at the time by the kings from almost every country had come together to fight Gibeon.Later,after the Gibeonites sent a message to Joshua's camp in Gilgal,The LORD himself said Fear them not:for i have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man stand before thee" (Joshua ch 10 v 8 K.J.V). Imagine that! Yahweh himself had Fought the war for them! (Joshua ch 10 v 14)He had it ALL in control!(read Joshua Ch10:1-15).I obvious know that it's a lot more different in those times,but even Jesus said " You will hear of WARS aqnd RUMORS of WARS,but SEE TO IT that you ARE NOT ALARMED.SUCH THINGS MUST HAPPEN,but the END is still to come. NATION WILL RISE AGAINST NATION,and KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM....(Matthew Ch 24 vs. 6-7 N.I.V).Second of all,you've said "Sorry,but i do'nt like the U.S Military or any other Army of the world".Seriously,ARE you REALLY A Christian?Do you Know that the Bible says that we should love one another as thy own self?Do you read what the Bile says about forgiveness?How can you expect the father to FORGIVE YOU if you DO NOT FORGIVE others?Last but no means least you talked about the poor letting their son go to war.My question is this.Are you by any chance rich? for someone to post something like that,you sound like you know something that i do'nt know about because to my knowledge,they were many MANY people who were so poor that the only way they could feed their family & children was to be in World I & II !So if you've by any chance have forgotten that then it's best to go back to school & do your research,buddy.

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 28 Dec, 2010 05:58 PM

To whom it may concernthewriter of this post is not an american.

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 05:18 PM

Wel, i already know Dqrimater!I not one neither,remember.It's just that as Christians,those are not nice words to say about any one's country,whether you live there or not

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 10:05 PM

God Bless our Troops !

God Bless our Military !

God Bless America ! ! ! :yay:


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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 01:35 PM

Amen to that Chevy!:applause:

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 28 Feb, 2011 03:08 AM

Some men go into war so that other can sleep safely in their own beds. Yes war is horrible. But no one understand how horrible it really is like the brave men that have been deployed. Im not an American, but Im thankful for their work. I am thankful for the brave men who have fought on the same side as men from my country and have helped them get back home safe. But my utter respect goes out for the men who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 01:04 PM

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in english, thank a veteran....Guaranteed, if there wasn't a poor man or his son to protect the rich who prefer not to send their sons or daughters, or buy their way out of the drafts which has happened, you'd be complaining about the military in another language, which might happen anyway, and wouldn't be in the suit and tie. There are those, like todays military who are ALL VOLUNTEERS. Volunteers, throughout history have been the ones who save the ones who focus only on themselves and no one else. As far as people dieing, I dont believe you are the type to give half your income to those who in your own city or country are starving, the women, the children and the poor and homeless. Why? Because you wouldn't deprive yourself of what you want or think you and yours deserve. In war, and there will always be war until the Lord puts ALL His enemies under foot, there are two rules. #1 People die. #2 YOU can't and wont change rule #1. So until "the rich" feel like taking off their suits to save themselves, give the poor guys a break so they can do it for you...

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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 23 Jul, 2012 04:40 PM

Where I come from, those who serve in the military are greatly respected. Both men and women leave their families for what? To pack a ton of gear on their backs in the blazing hot sun? Or maybe because they need a break from their wife/husband? Or maybe it's because they just weren't excited enough to see their new baby being born.

Dude. Are you kidding me? You aren't even from here. Ok, so you don't respect the military. How would you feel if an American soldier and his/her M16 was all that was between you and a bullet to the head from someone who also "did not respect the military"?

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! And thank you to ALL who serve our country so we can get up every day knowing we're free. Free to walk down the street and not expect to be bombed. Freedom. And it don't come free!!!!!

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