Author Thread: Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?

Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2007 02:08 AM

Just wondering...I have noticed that the majority of women(between 30-50yrs old)..on this site and others are either teachers or nurses...just find this interesting...any thoughts?

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 1 Feb, 2009 02:34 AM

Good question. For one thing, you may find the majority of atheist women on sites are teachers/nurses, too. (The low-income and uneducated women are less likely to post on sites.) In actuality, the true majority of women are not nurses or teachers. However, these will be the two most represented occupations, simply because these two occupations represent a good number of the total jobs in the community, and 80% of teachers are female, and better than 95% of nurses are female (where is Affirmative Action with respect to these jobs. There are scholarships set aside for women to be lawyers, engineers, and to get their MBA, where are the male-only scholarships for schoolteachers and nursing? . . . ok, back to the topic . . .)

Another "reason" that these jobs are prominent among women is that 1) the path to get there is easy, in that the educational process is set up to cater to "needs" and learning styles of women. (Name me a male-dominated degree that you get 3-hours credit for making bulletin boards with craft-paper turkeys on them? Nurses have to memorize a LOT of technical detail and procedure stuff to get their degree, but they are not required to actually understand the "why" as is a doctor -- women are much better at rote memorization than are men, men are much better at understanding how systems work, which is why almost all auto mechanics are men. I'm talking group characteristics here, not about specific individuals.) 2) the jobs provide "recognition" and status in the community, yet, they still do not have a high level of authority, or decision-making responsibility; in schools, the principals, superintendents, and school boards make all the big decisions and set procedure and policy for the teachers to follow, and likewise, nurses are basically following protocol and instruction from physicians, pharmacy staff, and hospital administrators. When something happens "after hours" at the school, say at a ball game, the principal gets called to take care of it, not a teacher. And, at that same ball game, have you EVER heard the announcer ask, "is there a nurse in the house?" 3) Given the hours actually worked, the minimum required education to get the first job, and the fringe benefits (e.g. retirement, healthcare, etc) typically associated with the job; teaching and nursing pay better than most jobs. Average cash compensation for both nurses and teachers is over $50,000 a year. Both of those jobs are well above the paycheck of $30,000 for the average working American with a full-time job. Granted, you aren't going to get rich being a nurse or schoolteacher, but at the same time, I've never seen a nurse or school teacher living in low-income housing or using food stamps.

All-in-all, being a nurse or schoolteacher is an excellent profession from the viewpoint of work conditions and compensation. A CPA may earn more money, but those folks work some ungodly hours, too. Doctors make more money for sure, but they spend four more years in a very expensive medical school and another 3 years in some sort of residency before they start making that big money. Doctors also work an average of 70 hours a week.

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2009 01:10 PM

Probably due to the fact that women - esp. mothers are teachers and nurturing caregivers (nurses) by the very nature that God created in us.

I am neither professionally, but I do teach and I do nurse wounded souls.

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 8 Mar, 2009 04:46 PM

I am a nurse by profession! I chose it after having a bad medical experience as a child! I wanted to be able to support others that were facing scary situations!

Now, as to NiceGuy4You's post! It was totally wrong in the relation to nursing! I had to go to college and learn how the body works, how it responds to different situations, I had to learn what to expect with different medications, and what symptoms to look for! I work in a teaching hospital which means that I have to know everything that is going on and what to expect next! I am the one responsible to look at orders and question the doctor if that is the right way to go considering the situation! I work with MD's that aren't out of their residency and don't know what to do sometimes! I have to know so that the patient doesn't get hurt!

Trust me nursing isn't for everyone and it isn't easy!!! Oh, and a lot more men are going into nursing!

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 13 Mar, 2009 03:07 PM

Don't really know...both are very noble professions. I am neither I am a sales rep with an international grocery broker.

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 5 Apr, 2009 08:49 AM

i feel that they give so much of themselves that their inner-being needs to be replunished.unlike the lord gave for us.they seek also the guideance of life they faithfully admininster.this is why they seek the lord,to be replunished of what they so thoughtfully and gracefully give. god-bess all of them. in heaven, god shall give them a place they so rightfully deserve. gateway54

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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 26 Dec, 2010 02:16 PM

Well can't speak for that other than women having a God given gift for doing motherly things i.e. nurses help the hurting, care for others, and teachers want to impart knowledge. Every mother does this with her children, nursees and teaches, it is commanded as well as innate so its not a bad thing. By the way....i'm


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Why r the majority of Christian single women either teachers or nurses?
Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 01:31 AM

I start teaching when I was 13 years old. I'm teaching piano private lesson to some small children and thank God I'm still doing it until now. I'm so proud to be a TEACHER. Cheers.

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