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Is It Possible to be A Feminist and Pro-life?
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 05:48 PM

Tanzmeister, short and to the point....LOL


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What Is a Feminist?
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 05:47 PM

You are conflating Feminism with Victims of abuse, that is a low thing you do, do not mix divisive politics with heinous things, things that ought not to be done, anger has a habit of finding every crevice it can find, justifies it's place in your not be a slave to the sin of victim hood, it fools you into thinking you are justified, that every lashing out, every slashing of the tongue bears wait and is justified, you might one day speak the wrong thing to someone who has suffered more, you might unwittingly speak when they are at their lowest point, then unwittingly and without thought, and from whence you know not what? blood appears on your hand and you don't know where from, where was the the damage and what was the cause? you may never see the life you destroyed or even be aware of their loss, but still it won't wash off... be very careful when mixing victims of abuse with feminism...there lies a deep deep hole......


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Divorce and remarriage is adultery
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 05:33 PM

Everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery” (v. 32). - Matthew 5:32

Did you notice that the Law is centred on the womans status and not the man's? hmmm...the Law states that the woman is married for life, a Woman cannot have multiple Husbands, but a Man can have Multiple Wives.........if a man marries a woman that is divorced? he enters into the sin of Adultery......because she is married in the sight of The Most High!


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Divorce and remarriage is adultery
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 05:26 PM

I see one are basing your view on western cultural/historical interpretation, I could delve deeper, an heir a spare and a mistress or be a pastor you are only permitted one wife...and if you are not a pastor? hmmmm.....hmmmmm..... Yeshua didn't dissolve the right for a man to have more than one wife..... only pastors, and that was for the sake of the flock, that the pastor would not be entangled with the affairs of pleasing multiple is hard enough, you have a church to care for...PS you have to be over 40 and we'll need sworn statements from all your work colleagues and we'll be checking out what your kids are like, we have a high bar for those that shepherd the church..... but in the modern day you can be a pastor at 20 tattooed to the hilt, swearing and cursing to reach "the youth"...hmmm but you say a man cannot remarry? add a second, third or even fourth wife? LOL it was not meant to be this way, but it is, sin entered the world, your view on marriage is a cultural one, not a biblical one, but in some ways it is right, we are not meant to divorce and it is preferable to have only one wife, for if we devote ourselves to our flesh? if it is lust rather than populating the Earth? hmmm...that begs a bigger question, is Genesis true in the way we walk in our relationships? perhaps more than we give credit.


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How Does the Absence of Christian Morality (Disobedience) Influence One’s Faith? Conversely, How Does Obedience Influence One’s Belief or One’s Faith?
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 05:06 PM

patently not, that is why I keep saying you do not answer display a pattern that is obvious to see, even Little David spotted your song......hear but don't perceive, yet you have the ability to do so....hmmmm...spend more time in the Word, be transformed! you did not respond to my basic question, you refused to enter in, danced along the outskirts with spiritual sandwiches of no sustenance, you need to learn how to listen, then to understand, be quick to hear, slow to speak, and stop throwing scripture around, because someone will counter, and iff you have no depth, you have no chance, if you are not confident in what you know, the peeps who do and are? commentator here posited that people are most cultish in that their religion requires them to suspend reasoning and logical thought, searching out the truth is forbidden, do not look there look here! if you can't understand a question and reason on that, what are we to think?


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Perfume with pheromones
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 01:18 PM

it's heading towards witch craft, a quick study of witchcraft, it's objectives and ways would suffice, I will not go into it here as that would be giving the enemy ground, but for the sake of clarity, in witchcraft it is "My way not thine", it is about conforming others to your will, openly, by deception or guise, it is the making of oneself a god.....that's why the Most High says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft....we wants what we wants and we'll stop at nothing to get it....


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You Need to Control Your Wife!
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 01:00 PM

if your wife makes a vow and you hear of it and do not forbid befor sundown she must perform the vow, but if on hearing it you forbid it she is the released from the vow.....mixing biblical relations with "modern thought" is not so good, for you it is about control issues, but if you are in abiblical relationship and you are both striving to please the Most High, then it is not control....consider this, if a wife repeatedly tells the husband give up smoking or you will die, is she controlling him? is she a nag? is she being manipulative? or is she striving to do all to save her man? it is easy to mix concepts if you want, or you can ask the question, why is this so, is my perspective off? is there another way of looking at this? I am a strong man and would expect any woman around me to be the same, because my load is heavy, I would rather have someone who can meet that need than someone who is unwilling, if there is an unequal yoking, if there is a spirit of dissent, rebellion and strife? ah way... follow the Word! how can two walk together unless they agree to?


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Over 50s Flare...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 12:50 PM true...even over 50's can't escape the sexualisation of every nook and cranny of society...and yes everyone loves to show how christian they are when in reality they are not, just a glance at some profile pics tells you a story or 2...In reality it takes a liitle experience of getting it obviously wrong, being corrected multiple times before our dull ears hear, that's why when you hit that age you start to use your's not neccesarily you, it's society plus the coming of age, where hormones and the need to procreate don't drive your ever waking thoughts....still...most men even though they may state a preference for a lithe and strong young female, even though....they will also consider the consequences of someone who has not struggled with the reality of life as quite possibly unsuitable, an age gap can also be a chasm of understanding....better some one who will help meet your every need than just when you see that others principles and modes of thought don't subscribe to the standards and morals by which you stand, unsubscribe, being faithful without entering fault.


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Giving to the poor
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 12:34 PM

The best way to give to the poor is this, when you see them in town, walk past, stop, put your bags down, set aside some provision for them, do not do it in front of them or you will shame them, go back, kneel down, put yourself on the same level and give it to them, tell them that God led you to give, you don't normally give but God led, speak to them as you would an honoured elder, show them kindness and acknowledge them as human beings and of great worth, find the value in them and acknowledge it, humble yourself in the sight of the Most High for the least of man, then you will have a reward, because you gave of your provision of your time and of your understanding, you showed compassion, do this and you do well.


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There are scriptures on immorality in the Bible
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 12:26 PM

Night Owl you are correct, scripture interprets scripture, I remember reading a phrase many times, "he did that which is not permissible/unheard of in the tribes of Israel", some things we take as a cultural standard, and as such they need no explanation, the Word is like that, so if some things are done, the reader is expected to know and understand, but as we live in a culture where the Word is not center place, then it is obvious that most will not understand what even our grandparents knew to be true, because "That was way back in the day"...culture is fluid as is morality, so yes every man does as he thinks right, knowing the standard, knowing what is written and why, that is priceless and will lead our feet away from the highway that leads to hell.

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