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How Does the Absence of Christian Morality (Disobedience) Influence One’s Faith? Conversely, How Does Obedience Influence One’s Belief or One’s Faith?
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 04:54 PM

It is easy for me to write, He who began a good work, but the reality is this, every day that you struggle with sin, every little victory is one step closer, be not overcome with hatred for the ill of thought, be wise, and be conformed, one moment at a asked a very good question, but remember what happened to Balaam and how his 4 footed friend could talk....there is always a way out even if we do not see or understand...the Most High has a habit of using foolish things, amazing things, the kind of things that get our attention, so that we, although deaf and dull of hearing, can be wise....


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 04:21 PM

Let me ask you this, do you spend more than an hour a day in the Word, or do you like others, skimp an hour before home group and answer agreeably to get that inclusive vibe at work? so far you have not addressed anything I have said yet you were the one who responded to my statement? you see but you do not see, your doctrine is an imprint, your responses were the usual responses I hear whenever I meet a "believer", preprogrammed and without reason by study, if you spend more than 2 hours a day in the Word then maybe you might have a chance at understanding my words, because then you would see through the lens of the Word, Yeshua spent much time pointing this very thing out...Corban, you make a mockery of the Word by your is not any different today, if you had read my words with clear eyes then you would understand, but you don't and you refuse to understand, you can't, it is at odds with what you say is real, that's called cognitive dissonance, that's why you can't understand me or ask a question based on what I have said, literally your mind will not allow, although this sounds like a slur, in reality it is not, for everyone lives by mental shorthand, only giving time and attention to what is important and requiring attention, otherwise "Auto Pilot Engaged" and "Error-Syntax-Error", you are like the rest of humanity, in this the Word is true, ever my words again, spend 2 hours a day in the Word, audio bible's are great, DO NOT DISRESPECT THE ROOTS! The Messiah did NOT have a copy of the new testament, He like the Disciples and Prophets before Him, quoted from source, The Word! if you cannot understand what I say, how can you understand the Word? my words are simpler, and the Word? well that tells you how everything works, it is designed to interpret itself, it is repetitive in it's narratives, that I figure is because man is deaf and dull of hearing and seeing, why not design the Word to take into account man's wilful inability? then there will be no excuses...time is ticking...the clock is running down, you occupy a special place in history, study ! if what is happening in the world right now confuses you, you aint gonna believe what comes next, be like the sons of! prepare! the Word is more true than you and many "believers" realise, spend 2 hours a day, get a concordance, examine every little jot and much info in just one name......don't try to understand it through your own culture understand it through itself, that requires study of the Word, line by line, precept upon precept, every little jot and tittle......don't be a semi skimmed wall flower, those that sit on walls will soon wish they hadn't....


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 03:12 PM

But you do consider race to be preferable, you say so on your profile, you give preference to your spanish side, we all come from some where, and my people have been denied at some length, your paraphrasing of scripture with the addition of race, although quite elegant in it's nuance, does not do any justice to the reality, I do believe it was Ferdinand and Isabella, or was it Manuel? can't quite remember, they were the first to name my people, in fact I do believe at the behest of the spanish throne Manuel of Portugal obtained a Papal bull from Rome to enslave and sell my people, St Thomas just off the west african coast that's where he sent the children, removed from the mothers, convert or we take your children away, raise them as compliant slaves, 1471...not sure of the date, so although you might not give it credence, the church, the portuguese, the spanish, the british, in fact the whole of europe gave it credence, but you say who and where I am from is of no value? hmm...I guess that's why we were not sold for much, and there was no one to redeem us, is that why we are considered as less than worthy, after all we have no history, no great things to tell, my people had peculiar ways, if you go looking for us you will find us in your own history books, there is a village/municipality named after us and a history that says who we are, you know our name, for it is black in spanish and portuguese...


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 01:33 PM

as for what went to the cross race or the Son of the Most High? perhaps you have not read that God chose his people a peculiar race and the the Messiah went after the lost tribes and that the Messiah said to the samarian she was a dog and that they the Judahites know whom they worship? perhaps you missed the bit in revelation and Genesis that the Most High will be calling His own special possession back to the land, context can be troublesome when trying to convey a point, especially when the context of the Word centres around one person and his brethren, did you read about Joseph? did the long list of genealogies not point out that The Most High has a specific plan? or did the Messiah come from Bolivia? everyone else has a home but I and my people are denied, we are forbidden, cast out, denigrated, ignored.....but when we say who we are it is a crime! yup we cannot mention race...and if the Messiah did then that is just a spiritual misrepresentation of what we all know....the Gentiles are the new Israel...well shucks...if you will do it for them what chance do I have?...Y'all have such modern doctrine, I'll stick with a simplistic reading of the Word, where your genealogy has a true bearing, where the sins and the blessings of your father are passed down...funny, everyone says don't get hung up on genealogy? then why does the word make such a big point of it? or is that a modern misrepresentation? like I said I was called...not my choice, I was called, He set the boundaries and circumstance of my many "christians" are just Timanites? or hororites? I rarely come across many that actually read the Word or have an understanding passed the semi skimmed milk far as I can see...mostly ninevites...sad thing is most of y'all don't know the season you are in, it takes an alien in the land, a foreigner, a sojourner to point it out, but since we are, our thoughts count for nothing....we see every nation for what they are, we are in every land, we are discounted as the lowest of humanity by all...we are called the most heinous things, but if we dare to say who we are? all hell breaks loose, can't have that!...well, here it is...I am a N3GRO


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 01:12 PM

It's funny...all my life I have been told who I am and how I should think of myself, and your response was just the same, I looked at your profile, it says mixed race...hmm would have thought that maybe you'd understand, we negroid people suffer many afflictions, especially at the hand of the church, bith today and historically, so instead of recognising that you want to offer a spiritual sandwich? you do not know me or the extent of what I understand or know, you didn't enquire, but just like Job's friend you have advice to proffer? without even considering the thought? amazing. Perhaps if you did not jump onto the doctrinal train then maybe you would understand the complaint, but you didn't, you just diminished what I said and reduced it to "he has a problem", what kind of logic or reasoning is that? you see most people who do not listen also do not read or listen to the Word, it is easy to tell, if they do their reasoning is peppered with the Word, if they are just doctrinal? then you hear their doctrine which is not the pure Word, it would have been better if you gave heed to my complaint, everyone else is allowed to identify or ascribe from whence they came, but I and others like me are NOT! how is that difficult to understand! you say is your identity in Christ not your identity, well if that is so, then why do people use identifiers in their profiles? idf that is so then why do people identify as baptists, pentecostals etc etc? your aregument doesn't work within the construct of the society in which you dwell, so I an my people are not only a byword, we are not even recognised by those who say they love......this is the issue ith the church, it says it is, but we say no....because we are put to the back and bidden "be silent!", I will not be silent for I am a warrior, I am a man of action, I do not shy from adversity, I do not spend nice words then gossip behind back, I am just like one of the prophets of old, I say it as it is and I do not back down, principles and precepts are more valuable than life, and of that I have made much sacrifice, so if you want to be a help, first listen, then understand.


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 12:02 PM

PS...I'm not adopted...I'm called.


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 20 Jul, 2021 12:01 PM

Interesting question...depends on the attack I suppose, for example I could point out the racism I have to suffer in an "inclusive church", but then I imagine you understand the nuances of being a child of many such the question is unanswerable, because a persons existence cannot be rendered to a cover all also depends on the camp to which you ascribe, are you a dash em against the wall or forgiveness is the covering of the wise....,I cannot answer such a question fully without lying in some way or the other, so you'll have to be really specific...but before you do it right that everyone else can ascribe to whom they belong but I cannot?


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There are scriptures on immorality in the Bible
Posted : 19 Jul, 2021 03:53 PM

Does anyone know what the immoral practices were at the time of the writing of the Word? I ask because I rarely hear what the circumstances and practices were on the ground at the time of writing, take the woman at the well, she came in the heat of the day, the respectable women in the cool of the morning or evening, do you see what I mean, the context is important, sometimes it's hidden sometimes not, sometimes it's in their names or the practices of their forefathers. If we look at Genesis, somehere near chapter 40, Judah is carrying on with a woman who he took to wife, that was a sorry chapter for him..... that was immoral and a sin, so much so he hid it, just another girl in another town...... but after throwing your brother in a well and selling him as a slave....I imagine he considered at length the end of the boy, and yup immorilty reigned ther just as much as it does today, but worse......, I suppose you will sink, just a little depravity to show full the contents of your heart, and that was a Patriarch, in the line of the Lion of is easy to say this is moral and this is immoral, it makes us feel better, we have better standards, as long as we are seen to be of great virtue...bad news is...there are none that are virtuous, no not one....our only virtue is acknowledgement of our broken selves, who has the ability to pick up stone? .... What we call immoral is mostly a construct of modern thought, we project our culture on to the Word, if we look closely at what The Most High calls immoral, those practices that other gods require by their practitioners to perform, the unspeakable, the things that transgress The Most High's law, for immorality is just a transgression of norms or laws, morality in modern culture has been fluid from generation to really the question in light of scripture ought to be, what does the Most High say is immoral and why?


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I am a forbidden person
Posted : 19 Jul, 2021 01:58 PM

as long as I identify as black it's ok, if I identify as mixed race it's ok, if you want to identify as caucasian or white it's ok, but if I identify as of negroid heritage it is forbidden? did MLK not identify like that? my father did, my cousins did and do, but now it seems if I mention who I am it is wiped out from existence...are we not allowed to call ourselves by ourselves like everyone else???


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Valentine's gift
Posted : 18 Jul, 2021 08:40 AM

A Valentines gift will get a swift goodbye.....Lupercalia is it's origin

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