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Strongholds in our lives...
Posted : 11 Aug, 2008 10:24 AM

Great timing on this one! Not ready to discuss it at this time. But I will give you a little testimony!:applause:

My friend, sister in Christ, and dance mentor is presently not attending church. The church she was attending and ministering turned kind of cult like. Requiring her to sign a covenant which had things directly contrary to scripture regarding the Pastor who calls himself an apostle (but he doesn't go anywhere or have...anyway) She opposed him, wouldn't sign (concerned w/spiritual ramifications). He told the congregation and the 12 member dance ministry to not associate with her. A minister of dance (ballet style, very modest attire), tamborine and banners, isn't very welcome in the body of Christ in today's ministry. So, she has been out of church not out of fellowship though because we (her friends) are over her house speaking of the scriptures. She is such a loving person really demonstrates the fruit of the spirit...:buddies:

Saturday night around 8:00pm PST, I quoted this story to her! Pointing out that David had to hide out in caves and even the enemies territory finding it safer then the kingdom because of Saul. Of course, he was still accomplishing GOD's will battling the enemies of Israel.

Rejection and fury from those in leadership can be particularly challenging to ones faith. And when it comes, through one we consider to be a family member (Saul, a father figure as well as king) and powerful leader, it can be devastating. Thank GOD for His WORD to shore-up the faith of those going through such a trial and testing, demonstrating how to walk it?

So, again great timing; I look forward to sharing this post discussions w/her!




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Posted : 10 Aug, 2008 12:00 PM

Now that is the traveling containers, should we begin discussing all our various storage containers. You know the ones hidden:

under the beds,

in the closets,

in the utility room,

in the garage,

in the shed,

in the shop,

in the cargo containers,

and at the local rent a garage?






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Posted : 10 Aug, 2008 08:37 AM


I think you asked something--somewhere here about baggage. I saw it late the other night and can't find it this morning. I have searched fr over a half hour to find it. Please forgive me for my slight impatience this morning. I hope you will understand why, I can't resist posting this. So, .... I wanted to make the following comment.....

BAGGAGE--hmmm, let me see...

I have a change purse.

I have a wallet.

I have a sunglass case.

I have a reading glasses case

I have 3 make-up case: sm, med, lg.

I have 2 laundry baskets full of purses (approximately 60) (for you guys; lady friends give them to me, I am not a shopper)

I have 3 belly sacks for large public situations.

I have 7 athletic bags for various sports (including golf and photography)

I have probably 9 small traveling bags for various purposes.

I have a garment bag.

I have 3 backpacks.

I have 4 medium traveling bags.

I have 2 large traveling bags.

I have 2 regular suitcases.

I have 1 suitcase on wheels.

I have ziplock: sandwich, quartsize, and gallonsize bags

I have 4 rolls of trash bags: 2 white kitchen and 2 large trash


And finally, I have a 4 X 8 trailer to cart it all!



Funny thing is most of them are empty, until I need them for a purpose.


:prayingf:Seriously. It isn't the bags that's the problem. It is the stuff, clutter, and trash of ours or others put in our lives....Everyone has stuff or issues. Even people who don't think they have issues, their bags are simply empty.

For me, that can be more scary then one with problems because I wonder whether they ever made the investment? I wonder whether it is because they are shallow. I wonder whether they are perfectionists or OCD. I wonder whether...?:prayingf:





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Once Saved
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 08:31 PM

Previously, I stated I don't believe in "Once saved always saved" . I realize it is a very strongly believed doctrine in many denominations. Truly ones I have attended, served, support, appreciate and agree with so many other things.

First, I seriously searched the scriptures and couldn't find it anywhere. It is such a small statement. If it were true, wouldn't the LORD have put it in there to clear any confusion. But He did put that statement about pre-destination which does totally bog my mind.

Second, there is a verse in the gospels, after the church people (I guess) say a bunch of, "Did we not..."s that Jesus says: "Get away from me you workers of iniguity I never new you." I don't want to be in that group.

Third, the Lukewarm church gets vomited out and thrown into the lake of fire in the book of Revelation. I hope to not be in that group.

Fourth, Paul was concerned that after he preach the gospels to others he would be disqualified.

Fifth, there is a reference perhaps in Hebrews about tasting the glory and sinning. I think it is trampling the blood of Christ under your feet. The word compares it to Esau giving up his inheritance for that soup...

Sixth, there are the lists of people who continue to sin in the NT and are members of the church not inheriting the Kingdom.

Seventh, "God is not mocked" "Those who sow to the spirit will inherit eternal life" And those who sow to the flesh destruction. "work out your own salvation in fear and trembling"

BTW If you are correct my concerns, don't matter because "once saved always saved" My flesh really likes the idea, I want to quote Jesus "burden being easy and light" but then I wouldn't be being true to my conviction on this topic.

In much love for Christ and you,



Sorry I didn't get the actual verses and addresses perfect. Please forgive, I will do it by tomorrow


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Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 07:05 PM


Thank you for the warning! I totally agree with your WARNING and the desire to run from the ministry in this area.

I believe it is important for every Christian to accomplish some kind of "Boot camp" in CHRIST on this subject. You know like basic self-defense courses, demons are waging war against all saints. However, others are called to be Warriors in Christ. Some are special undercover agents just like in the natural world.

I believe that is why the LORD put it so clearly in military terms. Different devils, demons, and spirits specialize in a military structure just like the US military and other law enforcement or our enemies.

May the LORD of HOSTS continue to protect and provide for you as you minister to His people.





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Preacher's wife
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 01:25 PM

on trial (civil) for assaulting a flight attendent over a spill on an armchair?


Regardless, sounds like :devil:s handiwork?

Reminds, people in ministry to always provide your own witnesses and MOST OF ALL behave yourself by being cloaked in humility.





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Where do you like to vacation...or would like to vacation...
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 10:46 AM

I love to camp by water: river, lake, pond, or ocean. I like the whole tenting thing more than the RV (unless there are lions, wolves, and bears:ROFL:)

I live in the dessert were there isn't much rain. So, I am just thrilled at a drizzle, a downpouring summer rain, falling leaves, and even gentle snowflakes.

I enjoy the smell of the wood, burning fire. And since I can't be trusted with the propane burning outdoor stove, hopefully my future hubby will have cooked up the fish we (he and the children, I am reading my Bible by the water:nahnah:) caught for breakfast?

I am not into being entertained by expensive theme parks and hotels. If I went to foreign places, I still would just love to backpack it and camp with an occassional hotel. What a way to see the people and land?

I am not into the things man has made, doesn't impress me. Maybe some ruins from Biblical history?

I LOVE to be in the mist of GOD's creation!


^worship ministry^



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Lust or Love?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 09:33 AM

I believe by having the book in the Bible it demonstrates, liberates, teaches, provides hope, and encourages the expression of eros love between a man and a woman in the proper and appropriate context.

It also, :prayingf:demonstrates a story of redeemtion for the woman because she was kind of put down in her life. Solomn vision was quite different, and the stuff others put her down for, he complimented.

:prayingf:Liberates by setting an example and therefore permitting us to behave in a similiar romantic pattern towards our beloved. Also, let's us know we aren't going crazy or really getting sick unto death for having those intense feelings for another.

:prayingf: Teaches it is okay to love like this in the right context toward marriage.

:prayingf: Provides hope that if a partner reads it, (especially in a marital relationship) it might ignite a memory or spark to jump the eros love engine, again?

:prayingf:Encourages the expression of eros and the appropriate conditions. In today's society especially, true romantic expression can be stolen by productivity and logic ruling all things and the cheap imitation of comercialism. This book is an instruction manual of the true beauty, art form, and dance of eros love.

:prayingf:Truly, I thank GOD for it being there. And would be more thankful, with a husband who.... well, you get it?

:prayingf:Darling Bruce (or should I say) Bruce, darling? I know full well from your plastic rose and profile you are a charming, romantic and would guess you have studied and like this book?:ROFL:




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Beautiful But Eery!China as a new age USA!
Posted : 9 Aug, 2008 08:53 AM

My 16 yearold son was watching opening ceremonies. I told him I was boycotting. Really had no idea why I was experiencing an aversion. I really enjoy sports at the olympic level?

Perhaps, it was a spiritual light verses darkness, I even mentioned the army size and the prophesy to him?

Thanks, you answered my question to the LORD, about this feeling!




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Posted : 7 Aug, 2008 09:55 AM

just checking

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