Author Thread: Message deleted. Promptly.

Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 14 Mar, 2020 11:00 PM

Today I paid for 6 months, so now I get to see what happens to any messages I send. Well, guess what! I sent a message just to see what happens. It got deleted without being read. I wrote to a lady who happens to live in New Jersey, "I like coffee too! Have you ever been to Florida? I have visited New Jersey with my family....." the rest of the message cannot be read unless you click on it. So, this is all she could see. And it got deleted. She didn't click on my profile. She just deleted my message automatically without even opening it, without even checking my profile. In other words, she totally ignored me. When I do that, it's because I find someone totally unattractive or I am talking to someone else. But usually, when I am talking to someone else, I let them know so they are not left wondering why is he not responding to my message. I let them know, "I am talking to someone right now. And in a few days or weeks if I am done, I will let you know and we can talk. I don't want to talk to two women at the same time, because I end up forgetting or mixing up details and it just doesn't work out well." Well, it would be nice to know why somebody chooses to deletes my message as soon as I send it. End of my rant. Lol

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Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 28 Mar, 2020 09:38 PM

Karli wrote, "Very simple; The girl is simply not interested!"

This happened again just now, and I decided to ask her why she deleted my message without even reading it.

I wrote, "Hey, why did you delete my message? Did I say something wrong? or...?"

She wrote, "No idek what you said there was just a lot of messages on here so I deleted them all"

Lesson learned : Just because they delete a message doesn't always mean they are not interested. It means they get too many messages, and so they just delete them. I guess, the ones who write and write again succeed in getting in touch finally. lol

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Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 28 Mar, 2020 09:41 PM

I think, this totally changes the way men should behave online. If your message gets deleted, write again. Write again and again. And if she bans you, then you know she doesn't like you. Otherwise you just might not have been able to reach her. There are women who haven't logged in since Jan 2019. Guess how many messages are waiting in their inbox! Next time they log in, they are just going to delete everything. So, it makes sense now.

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Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 29 Mar, 2020 04:39 AM are a prisoner of hope indeed! All the best. Haha.

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Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 8 Apr, 2020 07:24 AM

I think one reason is because you do not want to put a profile photo. Most women consider profiles with no photos or the ones with one photo as scammers profile. So its good you approach right

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Message deleted. Promptly.
Posted : 21 Jun, 2020 06:34 AM

I'm arriving late to the thread... one person wrote about people with no profile pictures... to me if their main picture that you see next to the message is blank or isn't showing a human, then yeah, i delete without reading.

And yes, I use the setting where you can't see if I looked at your profile. I get more messages than I want to respond to, so its more that there has to be something there that makes me want to read the message. Ofc if there's red flags then it makes it easier. But if a profile doesn't capture my interest.. why respond?

Part of that impulse is 'limited time/life is short'... but part of it is a life of experience of myself and friends dealing with men not knowing how to take 'no' as an answer. usually the best way to say 'no'.. the risk free way is to just not respond at all. (when a guy is on 30 members favorite lists, i figure he shouldn't care if i don't write back anyway.. isn't he too busy to notice? ;) ).

If the sender lives in a country where they can't easily travel to mine, then it seems pointless to communicate. Usually. (I have wrote people in countries where they could never visit me if there's something interesting on their profile. Or I'm curious about something in one of their pictures... like the guy from Senegal who had a picture of a mosque that I used to be driven by when I worked in Dakar for a month).

Also... hmm... in your profile, there's a long list of requirements that you want in a partner. So its easy for me to be like.. 'okay, there's more than one that I don't meet' and just not responding :)

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