Author Thread: Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 4 Sep, 2020 10:32 AM

It seems our media and their social companions in the feminist movement have been deriding biblical motherhood for years now. They’ve been able to trick a lot of women (even evangelical women) into believing that sitting at a factory all day long putting cars together is preferred above taking part in the monumental growth and intellectual development of brand new fresh minds of rapidly maturing young person/s

Being a mother used to be an honorable profession and it had other benefits as well.

—Moms greatly increased their intellectual potentials easily out performing Marxist trained public school teachers because of involvement with children in home school challenges.

—Being you’re own boss at home.

—Being able to find ways of making money in your OWN business on your time. Going places, doing things on your schedule.

—Signing on with independent businesses.

Now, because of feminist indoctrination, being a mother is only something that stupid uninitiated women do.

Has Abortion on demand become a feminist slogan? It seems we just gota kill those little nuisances now, while they’re still nameless, before they get in the way of that factory job!!

Another feminists refrain—men don’t have to get pregnant, so why should I have to!! Thank “god” for abortion, they shout in glee!

Any thoughts on the feminist ruination of biblical motherhood and ruination of the independent proverbs 31 woman ?

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 4 Sep, 2020 01:42 PM

Being a mother is a honorable position in life.

Mothers can go to college, have a full time position and still raise a family. I did for Years .

They may need help with a child setter, however, that's only part-time.

I do believe women should get the same equal pay as a man doing the same Position.

I'm Not a mondern day feminist.

God made woman for Man.

Msn should be head of the household. Unfortunately, many Non Believers don't know or follow Biblical principles.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 4 Sep, 2020 01:52 PM

Many women think nothing of having children without Ever being married.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 5 Sep, 2020 02:19 AM

During the great deppression women were forced to work to make both ends meet. Now, women found it liberating to be able to work and not just depend on men to take care of them as it makes them prone to abuse. But when it comes to rearing children, almost always, a woman is the one who sacrifices her career for the sake of the children.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 5 Sep, 2020 08:44 AM

Thank you Passion for your response.

You offered a personal perspective and that’s ok but you also appear to speak for all women as a whole or by specific groups of women ie women of the Great Depression era, for example

The trouble is you didn’t validate anything.

How do you know women find it liberating to be able to work? What do you mean by “work”? Do you mean self-employment? Do you mean putting parts on other parts at a factory all day? Do you mean joining the Army? What is it you mean?

And is that like saying mothers who choose rather to stay at home aren’t liberated?

Are all moms working at home prone to suffer abuse from their husbands so that they need a job working with other men?

Who’s or what’s your reference?

Then you say, “...when it comes to rearing children, almost always, a woman is the one who sacrifices her career for the sake of the children.”

Are you suggesting wives who choose to stay at home don’t have a career in that? There are women who prefer to be stay-at-home-moms or wives. It doesn’t mean they’re all idle. I have a lot to say how these women have impacted society in very meaningful ways.

Also, are most men truant fathers?

Most of your post consists of a few anecdotal clips. Anecdotal evidence is hardly a type of compelling evidence that’s why there a fallacy by that name specifically classifying it as a reasoning error.

It’s known as the “fallacy of incomplete evidence” or the “anecdotal evidence fallacy”.

Some refer to it as “cherry picking”

One of the best examples of incomplete information being hustled as evidence is confirmation bias.

The idea is to selectively isolate individual cases while ignoring larger caseloads of contrary evidences.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 5 Sep, 2020 06:14 PM

We all have opinions based on experience and observations. We all evolved from the times when men used to hunt and women stay home to take care of the children and the men.

It's easy to say that women stay home, take care of the children, clean the house, do the laundry, do the grocery, cook meals three times a day, and still have a career. Men, well they expect women to do all those things and just concentrate on working the whole day and go home at the end of the day expecting women to be there to attend to their needs.

Have you taken care of a baby? I tell you this. It's a 24 hour responsibility and the only time one can do other things is when the child is asleep and the mother can't even sleep at that time because she still has loads of household chores to do. The only time a mother could have ample time for herself and pursue a career is when the child has grown enough to do things unsupervised. Add the complication of an abusive husband and having no money of her own then a woman stays with the man just because she's dependent on him in providing their needs. That's a worst case scenario.

Lucky is the woman who finds herself a loving, supportive husband, who will love her 'til she's old and wrinkly; secure in the knowledge that he won't leave her for a younger, prettier woman.

Love a woman the way a woman should be loved and she'll be loyal to you and be willing to serve you for the rest of her life.

Love and commitment are the keys for a relationship to last and work.

As for abortion, people have different views on that. Just because it happens doesn't mean that all women are pro abortion.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 6 Sep, 2020 02:15 PM

Passion, You left me with many unfounded historical assumptions and logical errors. Apparently you believe them, I hope you’ll rethink some of them

To start, I think its probably best to explain each error separately. l apologize if this process takes several posts to summarize and correct each false assumption.

PASSION says: “We all have opinions based on experience and observations. We all evolved from the times when men used to hunt and women stay home to take care of the children and the men.”

DAVID responds: Your very first paragraph contains only 2 short sentences containing a wide array of unfounded assumptions. Passion, were you once a school teacher who loaded on the homework assignments?? This is a huge task! Ok I’ll stop complaining and get to work!

I’ll begin by listing and numbering each assumption.

Unfounded Assumption 1: ”We all have opinions based on experience and observations.”, yes, but unfortunately our opinions and experiences are not always based on experience or observation. Many assumptions are based on our personal biases and prejudices.

Unfounded Assumption 2: “We all evolved...” Quite false. We did not evolve. Evolution is a Humanist myth. There’s no scientific evidence proving the evolutionary process from rocks to man.

Unfounded Assumption 3: “We all evolved from the times when men used to hunt...” False! We did not evolve when men used to hunt. The first human were agrarian.

Unfounded Assumption 4: “...women stay home to take care of the children and the men.” Another false history. The first man and woman cooperated with each other in perfect harmony in a garden called Eden. Actual conflict between the sexes is not recorded until later but not anything close to what you assert.

Passion, where are you getting your information??

PASSION says: “It's easy to say that women stay home, take care of the children, clean the house, do the laundry, do the grocery, cook meals three times a day, and still have a career. Men, well they expect women to do all those things and just concentrate on working the whole day and go home at the end of the day expecting women to be there to attend to their needs.”

DAVID responds: I don't know if all of that is easy to say or not because I’ve never say that. l’m not even sure what it has to do with the topic or anything I posted. But what your statement makes clear is your penchant for false assumptions that have led to you false assumptions about mothering. It’s like all your clues about being a mother are taken from a seminar syllabus on distinctional families.

PASSION asks: Have you taken care of a baby? I tell you this. It's a 24 hour responsibility and the only time one can do other things is when the child is asleep and the mother can't even sleep at that time because she still has loads of household chores to do. The only time a mother could have ample time for herself and pursue a career is when the child has grown enough to do things unsupervised. Add the complication of an abusive husband and having no money of her own then a woman stays with the man just because she's dependent on him in providing their needs. That's a worst case scenario.

DAVID responds: Yes, I helped mother take care of several babies. My father expected older kids to help share responsibilities. Dad also helped clean and cook even after 10-15 hours of grueling work on the farm 6 days a week with some work extending into Sundays. My mother was a strong dedicated woman who refused nearly all dad’s help around the house. She often told us kids to appreciate the long hours dad put in trying to provide for all of us. I never heard mom complain about dad not helping out enough. Even though mom had to take dad by the hand and led him to the recliner, he still raised a large garden and did ALL the shopping.

My parents weren’t perfect but they did some things right.

Mother loved all of us and NEVER quilted us for standing in the way of her “career”. In fact, mom considered us better than a so-called career.

Isn’t intriguing how “career women’s” children feel about their “career first, moms second mothers”?? But that’s for another day another topic. But it looks like I STILL have more false assumptions to treat

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 6 Sep, 2020 07:48 PM

Another assumption held by feminist is that all men have joy jobs. No pain, no problems just a free ride all day long while their wives slave away all day and all night at home.

Yep, that’s right!

Men are in careers just having fun all day long, free of all hardship and comfortably located far enough from home to enjoy life.

Speaking of careers, I’m sure my dad just loved pitching manure all day long as a career. I’ll just bet my dad was thinking, “this is great, just think, I could be at home changing diapers, that would be awful, sure glad I’m here!!”

Actually my dad was glad to pitch poop because he loved my mom and all of us. He told me once that having a family is what kept him going some days. I never once heard my mom say to my dad, “hey pops, why don’t you get in the house and do some real work!” Mom was no libber and often praised my dad for his hard work and Dad saw to it that l helped reduce some of mom’s responsibilities when I came home after school. I’m talking back in the 50’s and 60’s when dad made only $250 to nearly $300 a month.

Another thing that was great about mom, she came from a rich family that basically wrote her out of the will. But she never complained about dad not making enough $ or buying enough stuff for her.

Yep, I’m so sure there are men all over the place cleaning out sewer lines, digging ditches, working in the hot sun all day building roads, fixing cars and trucks and other stuff like that who are just living the life of Riley everyday all day doing exactly what they dreamed of doing to support their families while their wives are left alone at home to slave away.

I gues there are alternative universes with different rules but on earth the family unit isn’t always such a bad place. Not saying every family isn’t broken, not saying mine was perfect but assuming feminism fixes things is an awful stretch

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 7 Sep, 2020 09:06 AM

More unfounded assumptions.

PASSION says: “Lucky is the woman who finds herself a loving, supportive husband, who will love her 'til she's old and wrinkly; secure in the knowledge that he won't leave her for a younger, prettier woman”.

DAVID responds: Luck really has nothing to do with it. Some women just make better choices. But many a troubled marriage might have been avoided by seeking wise counsel at the onset from a mature adult/s like a competent pastor. Even marriages already on the rocks can could be saved. All it takes is at least one humble and patient partner who wants to get things headed back in the right direction. However, sad as it is, sometimes the best of efforts never seem to work out.

PASSION says: “Love a woman the way a woman should be loved and she'll be loyal to you and be willing to serve you for the rest of her life.”

DAVID responds: Everyone wants to be loved but some people define love differently. Children want to be loved but their definition of love means lots of candy. Some unhappy wives do not believe they are truly being loved until certain high cost materialistic conditions are met that are similar to children wanting lots of candy. I feel sorry for the man who didn’t seek competent counsel before getting hitched to her.

PASSION says: “Love and commitment are the keys for a relationship to last and work.”

DAVID responds: Yes, I agree. But the commitment begins with taking your marriage vows seriously.

Did you really mean it when you said (if you said): I, ____, take you, ____, to be my wife (or husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow ?

Some people hardly ponder the seriousness and the sober essence of the marriage vow.

I heard a preacher commenting on the marriage relationship kinda like this: “marriage is the best test ever for exposing a person’s true character. It’s also the best school ever for the teaching and training of good character”.

A bad wife can actually be used of God to expose an man’s flawed character. God can also use the woman’s bad attitude to discipline the man and train him AND humble him. Wouldn’t it be great if the hardcore training from God also changes the instrument used (Ahem, the woman)

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 7 Sep, 2020 09:40 AM

And then the worse assumption ever.

PASSION says: “As for abortion, people have different views on that. Just because it happens doesn't mean that all women are pro abortion.”

DAVID responds: Yep, just like people had different views on the personhood of black slaves several years ago???!!

The Dread Scott v. Stanford SCOTUS case around the 1840-50’s and beyond, denied personhood to blacks just like Row vs Wade 1972 denies personhood to people too young to leave their mothers body.

It’s inexcusable, especially in this scientific era, to deny personhood to dependent infant persons still developing in their mothers bodies. It’s far worse when “mothers”, who claim to have no access to no money, find a way to access a large sums of money in order to hire an abortion chamber hitman to kill her baby! God have mercy!

Yes, it true, God will indeed have mercy on the truly repentant mother who confesses, even years later to God, for her part in handing over her unborn child to a hired killer.

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Curious About Modern Attitudes on Being a Mother.
Posted : 9 Sep, 2020 10:06 AM

WOW ! this is a very one-sided conversation. David, the thread says CURIOUS about attitudes. then when Passion gives you her "take" on motherhood, you really light into her. I was married, had 2 children, and became a single parent. Her views are pretty close to the thoughts of many mothers. I had good parents, just as you did, but society changes. I doubt that any other women are going to post on here after your long rant.

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