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Posted : 27 Feb, 2024 03:46 PM

Yes, America was formed as a republic and not a pure democracy. If it was a democracy then the loudest faction would rule. An example of the 'rule by a mob' is the black lives matter protest.

So its important to understand that America is not a pure democracy. Also I enjoy the quote that you shared that Ronald Regan made 'I did not leave the democrat party as much as the democrat party left me!'

I have a feeling that I might not have been apposed to every mindset of the democrats say 40-50 years ago, but today the party has step in a clown world. My buddy David pointed out a notable point the other day (Think of all politics as a road, its not to good to ride either curb. My personal politics are abit to the right side of the center, but I dont feel that I am up on the curb.) I think that Adolf Hitler was riding up on the right hand side curb, and the skin heads are over there...that teritory is ultra conservative.

Another way to look at politics is like the pendulum on a clock. As time progresses the pendulum swings. In the 1960's the democrat party might have had a few 'radical ideas' but proably for the most part most of the ideas were sort of in the middle of the road. (At some point the democrat party decided that it was going to be the champion of the minorities...once someone commits to catering to the minorities that basicly means the party broke into 1,000 pieces) In fact in 2020 the democrats could not find a canidate to lead all 1,000 pieces. {I think that Joey Biden was origionaly a tad left of center...which controlled 20% of the pieces, and 'vice president Kamala Harris' was able to speak too a different 15%} Well the democrat party decided that it was best to try to make Kamala and Joey 'leaders' of some of the 1,000 pieces. (Anyway the world can see what a disastrous mess it is when someone tries to be 'all things to all people'

I have said before and I will say again that America is headed towards some troubled waters...So is the idea of 'Make America Great Again' even possible? That is the wrong question...the correct question that people should ask is 'When America steeps into the troubled waters who in there right mind thinks that Joey Biden could lead anybody to safety' (Joey has trouble leading himself off of the stage!)

So I encourage you to see the democrat party as representing (say) the farthest section of the left side of the road, and the republican party represents the majority of the right hand side of the road. The Make America Great Again (MAGA movement) represents common sense (we do not need to debate weather abortion is correct in 98-99% of cases...and we do not need to debate the restriction of firearms of every American)

The greater the weight, then the greater the counterweight needs to be (if 30% of the people run to the left hand side of the boat, then you must have only 30% of the weight shift to the right side of the boat)

David was concerned about the counterweight shift that will run to the right side of the boat because of the current democrat policies.

I will tell you why I am not to concerned about the counter weight. First I am not a republican, rather I am a conservative independent (which means that I am not going to trust every Tom, Jane, and Sally that is in a given party...let me be the judge of which candidates have centrist views) Although I do not like or agree with the Obiden administration I will admit that the democrats are doing an excellent job at teaching people to leave the democrat party. I guess that some former democrats might try to run to the other side of the boat, but I assume that many of them are going to run to the middle of the boat and stop.

I dont think that I have written about the next subject. But there is a book called the fourth turning

Its true that America will soon be involved in the 2nd American revolution/civil war (in both conflicts the conflict was about who is the boss...should we have a big boss far away, or should we have a smaller boss that is close to home) the prophetic word that someone received is that the future conflict will be a success...its true that I am wincing at the fact that the democrats have allowed millions of illegals into the country. However I am confident that within the next few months the MAGA movement will send the illegals back.

Anyway thanks for the comment because I enjoyed responding!

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Posted : 29 Feb, 2024 04:20 PM

I think some Republican states should remove Biden from the ballot.

But now I learned of some campsite in South Dakota that has no more than 20 people at any time; 1,200 votes were traced to that single camp site address. Now how is that? Elections are being stolen. But the Left is saying "Nothing here, Nothing here"

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