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Look and not message
Posted : 6 Jun, 2020 09:42 PM

I look at lots of profiles. Some I would not be interested in,(after looking, and reading) and some I am, (after looking and reading ),,,,however, I seldom make the first move, so I might would actually be interested, if he sent a message.


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If you're happy and you know it...
Posted : 19 May, 2020 08:19 PM

I'm Happy in Jesus! (And I think this is a time when we should count our blessings,,because we have many!) Thank you Jesus! :) I think we took a lot for granted before this virus came along,,church, gathering with others, just going shopping, etc.


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Do looks matter for Christian men?
Posted : 5 Apr, 2020 11:48 AM

So true,,we must look beyond just the physical, or some of us will be single forever!


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Deadly results from these sales.....
Posted : 3 Apr, 2020 10:32 PM

Only about the money first..not the safety of the American people...So sad! ):


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will virus sanctions cause more Abuse?
Posted : 31 Mar, 2020 09:11 PM

This could be true...I pray not.

But, on the other end of the spectrum..I have heard we will be having a baby boom about Christmas time! :)


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All Dating Has Been Cancelled Until Further Notice! :)
Posted : 31 Mar, 2020 09:07 PM

Haha! Yes, I guess you're right..Dating cancelled until further notice! :)


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All Dating Has Been Cancelled Until Further Notice! :)
Posted : 31 Mar, 2020 06:31 PM

No!! You are staying in your own cars, 6 feet apart, yelling back and mask needed! Hahahha!!


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All Dating Has Been Cancelled Until Further Notice! :)
Posted : 31 Mar, 2020 06:21 PM

You could meet in the parking lot of a take out restarunt, order food, and sit in your own cars next to each other, and have a meal, while talking and getting to know each other. Ha!


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Do looks matter for Christian men?
Posted : 27 Mar, 2020 10:07 PM

Okay, girls, I now believe that quality Christian men are not only interested in looks,,but the whole package! I like that!


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Do looks matter for Christian men?
Posted : 27 Mar, 2020 12:13 PM


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