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awkward times
Posted : 10 Aug, 2019 01:05 AM

Once there was this guy I was walking in the park with. To emphasize a point in his conversation he suddenly grasped his hand into a fist. He immediately was disgusted, because he had accidently crushed a june bug in his hand. On another walk on a different evening he again was telling me another animated story and just about when he was going to tell me more he swallowed a moth, but he looked as though someone had punched him in the stomach.


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awkward times
Posted : 10 Aug, 2019 01:05 AM

Once there was this guy I was walking in the park with. To emphasize a point in his conversation he suddenly grasped his hand into a fist. He immediately was disgusted, because he had accidently crushed a june bug in his hand. On another walk on a different evening he again was telling me another animated story and just about when he was going to tell me more he swallowed a moth, but he looked as though someone had punched him in the stomach.


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Do animals go to Heaven?
Posted : 10 Aug, 2019 12:57 AM Proverbs 12:10


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Philosophy of Pro Life
Posted : 10 Aug, 2019 12:52 AM

It has been established the Pre born can feel pain. There is a two week variable of inaccuracy for the age of the developing baby in the womb. The way they inflict the anesthesia is also painful. Even the process to determine at what age the pre born can feel pain is unethical. Considering a preborn child expendable property before birth does not communicate an attitude of equal rights, compassion love or acceptance. I both want my children and respect their rights as fellow human beings in progress. It is best to recognize the value of each and every individual from their very beginning since we all began the same vulnerable way. A woman who suffers an abortion never acts on an informed decision, because she doesn't know who she has lost. An uninformed decision is not pro choice. A heavily sedated woman is not free to change her mind as she would if she consciously saw what was being done to her developing baby. Taking someone's lifetime of choices also is not a pro choice or equal rights movement. Life is a gift to be cherished, honored, and given freely; never to be stolen. Children deserve to live at all stages of development even prior to birth.

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