Author Thread: i support barack obama

i support barack obama
Posted : 13 May, 2012 05:38 PM

And any decent human being would do the same. I am fed up with people who claim the name of Jesus but have no trouble at all supporting conservative candidates. It makes Christ look bad and it must stop

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:19 PM

"So you explained to me the simpke conceptnthat scripture does not list every sin. Theres only one problem with that concept......its not true."

I even gave you an example to show how it was clearly true...Willful ignorance

"You say bible+ but i say bible alone."

Of course I could ask you to show where I say this, but I know you wouldn't be able to. Funny I keep mentioning the scriptures and you say things like, "I listened to what the prochoice people had to say".

"I just say what i think sounds good for my side?? Would that include statements like " the fetus is not a part of the womans body". "

The fetus is it's own body...and is inside the mother's body. I'm really not sure why you don't understand this. You can make joke all you want that your friend one believe the lady posting in this thread said this...but it's the view of far more than just her. I don't say it to help my say. It's simply true that it's a child growing inside of a has it's own parts. She is there to help the child grow. If the child is taken away...she loses nothing from herself. It really is a simple concept. In fact, your friends may laugh at you for thinking that nobody believed this.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:21 PM

wow, I'm getting bad with these typos

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:28 PM

Either the bible is complete or its not. Every sin we need to know about is in there. That does not change cuz you say so. If you accuse someone of sin without the word to verify, you are adding to gods word

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:33 PM

You seem to not be comprehending me. I can all but guarantee you that I believe in the sufficiency of scripture more than you so that isn't the issue. I've shown how a specific sin can be covered by a non-specific reference. It's a simple concept.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:36 PM

In other words...We know that murder is wrong. However the bible doesn't tell me not to shoot you...

In the same we, we know that the taking of an innocent life is wrong...but the bible doesn't tell the woman specifically not to kill her baby. It's the exact same concept.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 05:37 PM

"Formed ME in my mother's womb"...not "formed parts of my mother"

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i support barack obama
Posted : 29 May, 2012 07:13 PM

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 12:28 AM

Posted - "These are all your own opinions and emotions and cannot be found in scripture. And yes i repeat a resounding YES the fact that abortion is not in the bible means ita not a sin. Period. I get my definition of sin from one place.....the bible. If the bible says something is a sin, then it is. If it dont, then its not. Its just that simple."

Your word games mean nothing where Scripture is concerned. Abortions are done with the intent of destroying the life living in the womb. Abortion kills a human life. Killing is a sin. A sewer by any other name would smell as bad. You don't need the word "abortion" penned in Scripture to know that killing is a sin that will not go unpunished by the Lord of all Creation. Abortion kills. Unless you are blind in your sin or the Lord has turned you over to your own desires, just as there is no argument that Scripture says thou shalt not kill, there is no argument that abortion kills.

Posted - "And by the way the idea that the baby is not part of the mother is ridiculous."

Of course it's ridiculous to you. How else can you justify the sin of taking a life without making it less than what it is? Why don't you prove to me that an unborn child is part of a woman's body. Can you defend your belief? Not in your imaginations, but medically and scientifically show me where a baby is part of a woman's body just as her heart, lungs, appendages and any other body system is a part of her body and being. Tell me which organ of her body is it. And if this unborn child is a part of her body, why then, when it is killed, she goes on living? Why is it, when this child is born, she is not considered as a woman who has lost a part of her body? And you want to call the "idea" that a baby is not part of the woman's body, ridiculous? I can factually show you that anatomically you don't know what you're talking about.

Posted - "Now wheres that scripture."

Tell me which of the following verses do not apply to the act of abortion...

Cursed [be] he that taketh reward to SLAY AN INNOCENT PERSON. And all the people shall say, Amen. - Deuteronomy 27:25

These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, AND HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, - Proverbs 6:16-17

THOU SHALT NOT KILL. - Exodus 20:13

THOU SHALT NOT KILL; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: - Matthew 5:21

Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, NEITHER SHED INNOCENT BLOOD IN THIS PLACE. - Jeremiah 22:3

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 12:34 AM

"Hey savedinchrisr71, can i have your permission to copy and paste this conversation and show it to my friends? i wanna tell em that i met a pro life lady who told be that the baby in the womb is not part of her mother :) :) :) Problem is i dont think anyone will believe me. Im gonna need proof. So is that cool?"

How old are you?????

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 12:38 AM

"Of courze the bible DOES mention every sin!!! You think god is gonna leave it up to us to guess what sin is? He laid out every sin in the bible or do you not believe in scripture alone as you claim?"

Then embezzlement is not a sin, cause I sure can't find that word in Scripture. :goofball:

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