Author Thread: i support barack obama

i support barack obama
Posted : 13 May, 2012 05:38 PM

And any decent human being would do the same. I am fed up with people who claim the name of Jesus but have no trouble at all supporting conservative candidates. It makes Christ look bad and it must stop

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 08:34 PM

"Excatly how am i playing word games."

It has been shown exactly how. If you don't remember, you may read the earlier posts.

"Also i was not wrong about the every sin in scripture thing. Everything you need for living and morality is in the bible."

Not so fast...I will not let you turn this around. This quote above was the point I was making, not you. You said that every sin was specifically listed. That was shown to be false.

Oh and if you are trying to make the case that we have added to scripture, then you have failed in showing this.

"First, even though abortion is not a sin, its really not a sin for you to believe otherwise."

Please try to remain consistent. Earlier you said you don't know if you are correct or not. I will find the quote if you don't remember.

"Second theres a much deeper spiritual issue going on here. Holdingouthope if you are going to follow Jesus, you must understand that the bible is not the final authority is the ONLY authority. Brother you are to trust no one and no man and no thing over the bible. Jesus is your best friend, but while in this world the bible is your best friend in sight."

Where did this even come from? Again I will say to you that I can all but guarantee you that I believe in the sufficiency of scripture more than you.

Oh and Jesus is not my best friend. Jesus is my God.

"Whatever you feel about me please from now on trust the bible and only the bible for your walk with jesus. It truly is the only thing in this world you can fully trust "

Are you really saying this to me?

"Of course im serious holdingouthope. It is notnpossible to be inside a person, physically attached to a person, and have your survival depend on that person withlut being part of that person. What about thia are ylu NOT F@@@@N UNDERSTANDING????????"

You have been shown how horrible this logic is. You have been given examples. You ignore at your own peril. As I have already said, your filthy language doesn't belong on a Christian site. It doesn't belong in Christianity either.

"You know why you dont like me dont ya? Hildingouthope? It aint cuz of abortion.......its cuz i call you on your nonsense and dont take any guff from you"

I don't know you to not like you. I do know this, that scripture teaches to love your enemies and bless those who curse you so I do truly hope you repent for some of the things you have said in this thread. It's not Christian to close your heart to other believers who are trying to teach you simply because you think it's the liberal thing to do. Oh and as far as "nonsense"...the others who read this thread can decide for themselves which posts that word describes.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 08:35 PM

""Also holdingouthope i dont know what planey youre on but the only place youve proven me wrong is in your own head. Which reminds me......"

Clearly I showed you how a sin doesn't have to be specifically mentioned for it to be the point that you backed off of that and made the same claim I made...because mine is a defensible one.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 09:15 PM

Holdingouthope........... Sin is what the bible calls sin. Its just that simple. You can add your own stuff to it if youd like. But the bible is the complete word of god. Period. So of course god listed every possible sin in the bible. How can you possibly think otherwise? Would god leave it up to fickle human intellegence to guess whats sin and what isnt? Or would he leave it up to dangerous human pride? Come on now........i doubt if you believe what youre saying yourself

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 09:24 PM

Posted - "Excatly how am i playing word games. All i keep doing is asking yall for some scripture."

Do you even read what is written here? Do you comprehend it? Your drivel is tiresome. Maybe a simpler way with fewer words would help you...

You --> Abortion --> Not in Bible --> Not sin = word game.

As for Scripture, I've given you Scripture. You either won't or can't answer it. You can't even refute it. In fact you have yet to answer the majority of questions I present to you. Heck, some of them are yes or no questions. Is that too difficult for you?

Posted - "Also i was not wrong about the every sin in scripture thing. Everything you need for living and morality is in the bible. Period point blank end of story. Anything else would be MAN ADDING TO THE BIBLE. NOW we can go back and forth about abortion but to add to the bible is a much graver sin than anything else even if abortion were a sin. We dont get to make up sin any more than we get to make up anything else in the bible. When we do this is called LEGALISM"

Let me make this simple for you again...

Thou shalt not kill. Is that in the Bible or did I make it up?

Abortion kills. Is that fact or did I make it up?

Posted - "Savedinchrist i pity you to stand before god and tell him why you called a bunch of his people murderers because you wanted to add to scripture?"

His people? Let's use your inane logic for a minute. His people [women] kill "a part of their body" [your belief] and they are His people worshiping Him the following Sunday and God isn't phased by it?

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are.

What do ya think? Self mutilation since you are killing "a part of your body"? A form of suicide since you are killing "a part of your body"?

Now. I'll ask you again... Does abortion kill? Does the Bible say "thou shalt not kill"?

Posted - "And when God asks me why i supported choice i will be HAPPY to tell him that abortion was not mentioned in his word so i could not condemn it. Heck even if abortion is a sin what better excuse can you give god than that???"

Do you really think God cares about your excuses to condone sin?

Posted - "Are you really so dense as to think god didnt know this abortion issue would come up in the future after he had written his word? You saying god was to dumb or careless to condem something in scripture he hates????? What god are you pro lifr nuts worshipping?"

A God that is bigger than your flawed logic, misunderstanding of Scripture and ad hominem arguments. A God that says it is sin to kill. I'm going to say it again... abortion kills. God says, "thou shalt not kill". What part of that don't you get?

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 10:03 PM

"Holdingouthope........... Sin is what the bible calls sin. Its just that simple. You can add your own stuff to it if youd like. But the bible is the complete word of god. Period. So of course god listed every possible sin in the bible. How can you possibly think otherwise? Would god leave it up to fickle human intellegence to guess whats sin and what isnt? Or would he leave it up to dangerous human pride? Come on now........i doubt if you believe what youre saying yourself "

Are you really not understanding me or are you just acting ignorant?(serious question)

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 10:06 PM

Let's try this again...simple question...Does scripture tell me not to shoot you with my gun?

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 11:45 PM

I need to admit something. First of all i just passed some gas. Second, i like wearing womens clothing. Third, even at my age i still beg to sit on my moms lap every time i see her. And fourth my roommate dave is an awesome guy. I really wish i was more like him and i am an absolute dork compared to him.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 11:56 PM

In typical ignore the responses you cannot defend against.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 31 May, 2012 08:52 AM

Lol you keep saying youve " clearly shown" me this and youve clearly shown me that. I had no idea what youre talking about but now i see that when you say "clearly shown" what you mean is you said it so it must be true.

Yo.......... Ill say it again. The only place you will find grounds for calling something sin is in the bible. Your explanations are meaningless. And they are meaningless because they are not scripture. Plain and simple. I dont understand what you dont get about that. Something is not sin just cuz you think its wrong, no matter how well thought out your explanations might be. Your explanations are not scripture just human opinion.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 31 May, 2012 09:02 AM

Dude...what is also clear is that when you are faced with responses that you have no answer for you deflect attention somewhere else.

"The only place you will find grounds for calling something sin is in the bible"

This was never in dispute...and if you comprehended anything we have been saying you would know this.

"Your explanations are meaningless. And they are meaningless because they are not scripture."

Plenty of scripture has been given. You just deny them and I fear that you may not be in the body of Christ at all. With no love for His word and the foul language you've displayed...I have no reason at this point to think you're in the body.

"Something is not sin just cuz you think its wrong,"

Neither one of us said this. You continue to throw out straw man arguments. In fact if I was asked to to sum up your whole posting stile in this thread, my response would be, "Straw man".

Still waiting for you refutation...don't care for your deflections

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