Author Thread: To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 16 Oct, 2013 12:30 PM

WHY? Is this not a Christian site? And turning around to show your butt, showing legs? Why? Whats the point?

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 16 Oct, 2013 12:37 PM

Christian in name only. Read Prov. 7 bro. There, you will find your answer. Be thankful for the revelation of who they are without even having to make any contact with them. They weed themselves out.

Until these women experience the true Christ of Scripture, nothing will change for them. It all begins with regeneration. It's a heart issue.

Thanks for standing up publicly against this type of indecency (which is rampant here).

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 16 Oct, 2013 06:20 PM


There are people of both genders here who are looking for a nice person who will not hurt them again.

I was raised in a church where being a christian was about morality not about a relationship with Jesus. Many people do not understand that Christian is who you are by the work of the cross and empty tomb of Jesus. These use their "assets" to attract others or have power over them.

Others here are babes in Christ and have not walked out their salvation with fear and trembling yet and need nurturing in to progress in their sanctification.

Rest easy brother. We are in this together with Jesus at our sides.


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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 16 Oct, 2013 09:11 PM

As was pointed out men also need to think about the pictures they post...I've seen many that I think are inappropriate for Christians. I skip over their profiles as I do with most men who do not post a picture or post a picture that is not of them.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 17 Oct, 2013 06:00 AM

It's not just the site, I've been to churches where it's ok to dress inappropriately and have tons of makeup or jewelry on. It's all the same vanity, some use physical assets, some use material assets. I'm of the opinion that the material assets are far worse, because all that wasted money could be much more wisely spent. There are people starving to death, both for God's word and for literal food, and we spend so much money just to dress in filthy rags. Just for the record, I do think it's ok to dress nicely and attractively, but I think we all know where it crosses the line.

That being said, it's our job as men to control our own eyes and minds, you cannot place the responsibility for that onto another person. It's not a woman's job to wear a burka so a man never has to confront his own heart. If we have a problem with lust, we should control it and ask Christ to fix it instead of getting mad at everyone who is vainly flashing their flesh around. If all the men in the world could control ourselves, women could walk around naked and there would be no problem.


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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 17 Oct, 2013 10:52 AM

"Just for the record, I do think it's ok to dress nicely and attractively, but I think we all know where it crosses the line."

nope. we don't all know. tell us.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 17 Oct, 2013 11:34 AM

Got to admit I haven't really seen any photos like this, though a few women have 'angled themselves' awkwardly!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you're a child of God then you were bought at a price far higher than the worth of even the best body, so don't sell yourself cheap. That's encouragement for the girls who really believe they don't stand a chance in dating unless they offer what they think all guys want. There's no point me addressing non-believers as they don't acknowledge the same rules as us.

And to the believing men on this site, I say take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ - you can't stop birds flying around your head but you can stop them nesting in your hair. In this context I mean that there'll always be temptation, but turned over to Jesus they will not stand.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 17 Oct, 2013 11:34 AM

@ CuriousGeorge

I'm not speaking for DHTM...

One Thanksgiving, my sister invited a new member of their church over, it didn't take long to she see the woman cussed like a sailor (no offense Navy ppl-just a saying), There were 2 pastors at this table by the way. What my family realized is that she was a baby Christian, everything she knew and everything she did wasn't gonna just stop. It was more important for us to treat her hospitably, love her. I think the same could apply to SOME sisters/brothers that dress as you describe. But I also agree with DHTM.. I've tried clothes on in a store, looked in the mirror knew I needed to do the right thing and not buy the article because of how I looked in it. I've not thought much about an article in my closet, dressed to go someplace, looked and knew I had to decide if I wanted to.. look that way. We live in a world that tells girls they have to advertise to get noticed,by the time their an adult, its second nature as they say. And thank you DHTM, I cannot repent for a man thinks when he looks at me, he is responsible for that. When I make the decision to not advertise, I know its the right thing, I'm not concerned with helping a brother out...

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 17 Oct, 2013 05:44 PM

Maybe I�m not looking for the right women, because I searched the women to see what you guys are talking about. I am not finding �ramped� on this site; however the question does have merit to it.

My findings not state specific:

Looked at 21 pages

Saw 210 pictures

7 pictures with cleavage

My findings state specific:

Looked at 21 pages

Saw 210 pictures

6 pictures with cleavage

I think both IWA and ChristianArtsy are correct. Some people are very liberal Christians; someone else might have just been saved and delivered from things I cannot imagine and just haven�t grown there yet. I say don�t through the baby out with the bathwater. Contempt prior to investigation leaves to everlasting ignorance. I realize this is a �dating� site so what IWA has clout; people want people equally yoked. But I loved what ChristianArtsy had to say (this goes beyond this web site) people should never be discarded or thrown way because of my comfort zone or even arrogance.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 29 Nov, 2013 10:56 AM

Wow & Thanks for pointing this out. I will reassess my own pictures and ask the Lord about them.

Blessings and peace.

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To all the girls/women who have there breast's hanging out.
Posted : 28 Dec, 2013 05:04 PM

Men's logic: It is perfectly ok to look at christian and non christian women at the beach who wear bikinis and swimsuits, it's ok to "notice" women curves at the gym and the occasional magazine lying around but if a woman is showing a little cleavage at a dating site, I will act really offended and pious because two balls of grease and tissue on our chests would make you do bad things in your head from the other side of the screen. You guys will be single for a long time!

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