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Your Viewpoint
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 07:49 PM

Seeing other naked bodies isn't hurtful. If fact, it can be therapeutic, especially for women, because they realize after seeing other women that every woman is different, and that most people aren't as amazing as their clothes may play them up as. And most people aren't supermodels, so it's not like a nudist park is filled with a bunch of bikini models- it's filled with ordinary people and ordinary families. Most nudists are actually older people.

And I wouldn't marry a woman who wasn't okay with social nudity. Nudity and sexuality aren't inherently linked, people are just so used to sex scenes they can't imagine normal life with everyone nude.


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Your Viewpoint
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 07:30 PM

First off, I apologise for coming off a little sharp in my first biblical reply. I should have toned it down a wee bit.

Second, as for the Noah thing, read what you posted "When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him". An assumption is made by people that it was just simple nudity, but the passage mentions something was done to Noah, which certainly would give the brothers reason to not want to think about it. As well, where did they bath back then? Most likely in a river, and the guys most likely bathed together. I doubt nudity among men was the issue.

And imo, God clothed Adam and Eve with hide for a reason. Hide was a representation of blood, of the sacrifice Jesus would make for them. Adam and Eve may have clothed themselves after the fruit, but it doesn't say why, and Adam and Eve also tried to hide from God in the Garden, which is completely illogical. Therefore, there is no reason to assume there was a godly reason for them covering themselves.


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Your Viewpoint
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 07:13 PM

Nowhere in the chapters of 1 Timothy 2 or 1 Peter 3 (where modesty in relation to dress is mentioned) does it mention sexual temptation as part of the reason for modesty. If you read the passages, what is mentioned are expensive items of clothing. Modesty has more than one meaning.

As well, if God's ideal in the beginning was nude was okay, and God doesn't change, then he still holds that same opinion in the back of his mind. We may have fallen, but Christ gave us the Spirit to get back up again, and Isaiah 61 mentions that Christians are called to restore the ancient ruins.

Isaiah was also commanded by God to walk around nude for 3 years (Isaiah 20). If God can't command sin, then public nudity isn't sin.

Of course a culture that was raised on the sexualization and hiding of the body would find the body sexual and call it sin to see it. That's what they know. But it's not the truth, nor does science back it up.


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Your Viewpoint
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 04:34 PM

I wanted women's viewpoints on this matter:

I'm a clothing-optionalist. By that, I mean nudity isn't a big deal to me, and I have no problem going to nudist parks and playing volleyball or swimming, or hanging out at my apartment in clothes or out of them. It has nothing to do with sexuality; it's often simply more comfortable to not have to worry about clothes- a soggy swimsuit being a prime example.

What do women think of this? And would you be able to handle having a male friend who sometimes went nude around the house as long as you knew both of you had no romantic interest in each other?

Feel free to ask any questions you want.


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Need some advice?
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 02:24 PM

I think bcpianogirl had some good points. Also, like she mentioned, don't forget this website has an instant messenger feature as well. I personally wouldn't be throwing my phone number around unless I felt I could trust the person, and using the messaging systems on this site gives time for that.


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Silly and Irrelevant Question?
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 02:20 PM

I think a lot of people would be different. There are a lot of ways a person could interpret the Bible. Of course, the person on the island might sooner use the Bible as a table for his food or as a firestarter to help keep him warm. The Bible won't necessarily mean much if you are going to freeze to death that night without warmth.


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Ok, be honest please.
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 02:16 PM

Well, this is a dating site, so your chances of making a lot of male friends here is already significantly lower because of that. Two- you mention you don't want to be friends with mediocre Christians, and there might be a lot of people who might make good friends but perhaps feel inadequate in their own walks, so you lose possible friends there. Three- you mention you speak your mind and are honest to a fault, and often that is interpreted as "She openly admits to being insensitive," which isn't a good quality.

If you want more friends, staying active in the forum could help, because people who regularly post in the forum are more open to friendships than people who aren't active in the forum section of the website. Also, make sure to message guys you might want to start convos up with. If you were waiting for the guys to do the initial work, you're wasting your time- you're looking for friendship, not dating (not that I believe dating should be that way anyway).


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Roles reversed?
Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 08:28 PM

It's called patriarchy and it's men (and some women) using Scripture to try to keep men in power over women. In the beginning men and women were equal (the word helpmate/helper that is used to describe Eve in the beginning is actually used to describe God much more often). The Fall included the very phrase that men would rule over women, as part of the curse. But Jesus redeemed us from the curse, so there is no reason to be sitting under it anymore. When we get to heaven, we may not be anatomically defined anyway, as Jesus said we would be like the angels in heaven, so there is no reason to be trying to force superiority now, especially when science has found that male superiority is not backed up by research or evidence.


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What Do you like about/in women???
Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 08:17 PM

I don't think women are that inherently different from men, outside of their anatomy. Like 95% of the other stuff can be attributed to how people we were raised growing up, imo. That said, I appreciate women who understand God and walk in enough of his ways so that they significantly stand out from non-Christians.


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Profile review. Can't believe I'm doing this! =/
Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 08:13 PM

From what I saw: Get rid of bellydancing under your interests. Unwholesome guys will see that and think "she can bellydance for me anyday!" and then they will proceed to message you because your profile turned them on. Second, I agree with what someone else said about shortening up your profile a bit. People can find out more about you, or the explanation behind your beliefs, by messaging you; and when people see a book, they may choose to not bother reading it. Thirdly, put a restriction on the age of people who can message you if you are serious about meeting someone, or simply don't reply to messages from guys who are interested in you and not in your age range or are clearly unwholesome.

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