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first move
Posted : 5 Dec, 2011 02:56 PM

I don't care either way. If she does it, it means I don't have to worry about whether she is interested or not. Always a plus. :P


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Congress passes bill that allows indefinite lock-up of Americans
Posted : 4 Dec, 2011 12:29 PM

Congress passed a bill that would allow Americans to be indefinitely detained (thrown in a cell or etc for life) without there even being a trial or a charge against you. The President can still veto it, and has threatened he would, but it might be worth looking into this and possibly praying that this bill doesn't pass.


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What if schools were different?
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 09:43 AM

What if our school systems were radically different? What if you didn't have to sit in chairs for long hours each day? What if little pieces of paper didn't determine whether you were competent at your prospective job position/educational background? There is a movement going on amidst the educational field that not everyone knows about, and it challenges a lot of the typical practices of public schools. Here is a video of Alfie Kohn, a leading education critic (who has scientific research to back up his claims), which brings up a lot of the important points people should consider when thinking about how we do school.


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If marriage is a Godly desire, won't God grant it?
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 12:00 PM

Marriage isn't guaranteed. That's like saying "If God wanted me to have money, wouldn't he just drop it in my lap?" God put Adam in the Garden to WORK the Garden (Genesis 2:15). While I'm not trying to put an emphasis on works, life has always been intended by God to be a cooperative effort- us working with God.

That said, if we want to be married, we have to put effort in (the same goes for staying married). We need to be on the look-out for potential marriage partners; we need to not be afraid to talk to people; we need to be bettering ourselves and working on our callings. If we keep on working at it, we have a good chance of bumping into someone, though it doesn't mean it will come immediately either. Some things just take time.

And, of course, depending on how things go, sometimes Satan can work to mess things up as well. Why do some Christians get cancer or get in car accidents? We live in a war-zone, and we need to keep that in mind. The devil is still out looking to steal, kill, and destroy. Sometimes he is able to mess up marriage situations. But thankfully, God is out to help us have life to the full, and God can accomplish more than the devil can.

So yea, a lot of reasons marriage may not just drop in our laps. But I think that if we keep pursuing that dream if we have it, that eventually we will bump into a suitable partner.


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My advice on how to have a better conversation
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 11:48 AM

...When someone messages you and asks you a question, and you want to get into conversation with them, not only answer their question, but ask them a question back in the same reply you are sending.

I say this because I've had it happen more than once that someone contacted me and then only answered my questions, and never (or rarely) asked me any questions.

So if you want someone to feel more engaged, ask them questions. It gets their mind rolling and shows them that you want to know who they are.


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Puff they are gone
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 11:38 AM

Perhaps the guys want your email address for other reasons. Some of them might be scammers, or might have control issues and want access to people's email addresses so they can try to find them on places like facebook. I wouldn't do it. If they are worthwhile, they will stay in contact.


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Should I change my profile?
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 11:23 AM

It didn't look too bad. Like Iheart said, sometimes having a little less info about you leaves more room for a guy to ask questions. Also, some guys feel obligated to read whole profiles (so that they don't miss an important detail), and so having a little less can make their effort less tedious.

Also, I would probably get rid of the dog kissing photo as well. While not all guys may have it click in their head where that dogs tongue has been, some might, and it could deter them from wanting to connect with you.

Lastly, I would change "I am gifted by God to work with children so that is my passion in life" to "My passion in life is working with children." Some people think they are hot; some people think they are smart; some people might think they are gifted by God in some area, but let others be the judge of that. If you really are gifted in that area, they will see it and say it anyway. And if you aren't gifted in that area, then you didn't make a vain judgement of yourself and speak that out to others. Besides, giftedness is relative anyways. Two people could be gifted in an area, but one of them could be 50 times more gifted than the other. This causes mentioning giftedness to come out more vague, and not as worthwhile as other details.


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Out of state?
Posted : 26 Nov, 2011 09:59 AM

prolly cuz the guys sending you winks dont bother to read your profile, or they are too hyped up on hormones to be rational.

As for guys in your state not messaging you, there are 7 billion people in the world. It very well may be that the more ideal men just aren't in your state.


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What`s so great about being single?
Posted : 25 Nov, 2011 02:30 PM

I can take bigger risks and know that the consequences will only affect myself (directly). Dishes can wait til the end of the week. No one to complain about my minor faults. I can spend my money how I think is best. No concerns of possibly becoming a parent.


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Posted : 23 Nov, 2011 08:02 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for God sparing me from the life I would have lived without his intervention coming in. I'm thankful I get to stand up for worthwhile causes, even if it means I suffer persecution. I'm thankful I have food, especially that includes more than rice or mush. I'm thankful I have a room where I can adjust the temperature to my liking and don't have to worry about water coming in.

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