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Do guys want female friends?
Posted : 27 Apr, 2011 05:56 AM

I'm not in the older group, but I do have both female and male friends. I honestly often prefer female friends, because they are less likely to focus on playing video games or sports in their free time, and I don't have to worry about talking about which chick I think is attractive. And honestly, while I am noting things that are often trends in guys, I hate it when people stereotype all the guys and say "we are just this way." We aren't "just this way." People are raised a certain way, but God made us all unique. But because people are too afraid to be different, or don't have access to the different things God might want them to be able to enjoy, they end up looking like a lot of other people. Imo, men and women were created to be a lot more similar than we are; we were created to be human beings, both sexes able to enjoy the same kind of things, outside of the anatomical differences that create unique experiences that can't be passed on to the other side. There is a reason there are so many fake blonds out there, and it ain't because God has a thing for Barbie. Our culture works to conform each sex, and unfortunately into petty beings.

That said, If you are looking on dating sites for "just friends," it seems like a rather self-contradictory venture. You're guaranteed to have lower results, so it would be better to check out other websites where dating isn't a focus. You also might try checking out other churches every once in a while to try to meet more new people.

And as for being worried about "falling in love" with someone of the opposite sex who is just a friend, I think those people either need more agape/friendship love in their life because they don't have enough to begin with (so when they find someone relatively nice, they fall hard because they are emotionally in need), or they need more experience with having female friends, because if they did, they would realize that each female has some good and bad qualities, but that one needs to find a real gem in order to consider that female as possible marriage potential. And, of couse, getting out of the American mindset that physical beauty must = soul mate, doesn't hurt either.


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Is it ok if I "send" a wink or a message to a guy first?
Posted : 21 Apr, 2011 12:40 PM

I'm fine with girls making the first move. It lets me know that someone values me enough to do that.


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What do you collect??
Posted : 21 Apr, 2011 12:39 PM

Good books?


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The F word......and I ain't talkin bout foot-ball!!!!
Posted : 21 Apr, 2011 12:38 PM

Jesus was a friend to tax collectors and sinners; I think he could handle us just fine.


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Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 06:19 PM

Easter dinner with the fam. No big or unusual traditions.


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Men's thoughts on women who don't want kids? (Women's answers welcome too!)
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:51 PM

I'm glad there are women out there who don't want kids, as that means they have more time to make an impact on the people and children that already exist. I'm not sure if I want to have kids myself, and if I do end up deciding I want one, it will probably take God acting for it to happen, because I don't plan on having one any time in the next couple decades.


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A few simple questions for the men... :)
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:39 PM

Well, do you view their profiles? Sometimes if you have your settings so people can tell when you view their profiles, then they see that you did and click on your profile to view your's. If you have listed that you like the guy to make the first move, then he would probably realize why you didn't message him after looking at his profile.

As for the whole first move/initiative thing, I would feel honored (if I was looking) if a woman made the first move. It shows I was valuable enough in her eyes to be pursued, to be wanted.

And as for that guy you friended, I would maybe send him one more message with a question about himself, and if he doesn't respond, I would get rid of him as a friend and then tell him why after. If you tell him before he might try to make a few moves to cover the real reasons he might be hiding himself, which could just make things more complicated. Too many creepers in the world to be overly-trusting.


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:31 PM

For the few Christians who haven't yet searched the internet to really research the debate on this topic, I wanted to mention that Onan wasn't M'ing, he was having sex with a woman and using her instead of doing what he was expected to do, so that passage of Scripture has no usefulness in discussing the M word. And every other Scripture that the previous poster (who mentioned Onan) is most likely mentioning sexual immorality in general, which means it doesn't mentioned M specifically at all, which means it is also useless in determining the acceptability of M because a person could call anything they wanted to "sexual" and try to use those Scriptures to back their own personal belief up. Just because a person thinks something is sin doesn't mean God agrees with them. God had a gazillion laws about wrong sexual practices in the Old Testament, and M'ing could have easily been mentioned by God there, but it wasn't. Therefore, it's still a topic open to seeking God about, and certainly not one that people should be throwing the judgement stick around about.


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Perks of being single?
Posted : 16 Apr, 2011 12:39 PM

Well if you live by yourself as well- having your own place to do what you want.

Being able to clean the apartment when you feel like it.

Almost always being able to have your own schedule.

Being able to talk to whoever you want without other people getting unnecessarily suspicious.

Not having to make joint decisions on so many things in life.


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Posted : 16 Apr, 2011 12:25 PM

And for the record, I think there are better things to do with one's time. But if it's between M'ing and something worse, then go the M route. Some Christians like to assume that since they don't do it, that it's 100% easily viable for everyone else not to do it in their situations as well, which is a lie.

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