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Exercise, Health and Veggies
Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 07:54 PM

perhaps get a friend to exercise with you regularly, that way you have friend time to look forward to and physical rewards to be happy about afterward.

don't try to change everything all at once. It's easier to juggle one ball and then add more balls slowly, than it is to try and hold 10 balls in your hand and hope you can learn how to juggle and juggle 10 at the same time.

Getting rid of pop out of the diet is a good start if a person is a pop drinker. This could be replaced by water, fruit juice (in moderation), or 0 calorie flavored waters, etc. Staying away from fast food is a given (one can always pick up packs of healthier snacks to eat in the car if necessary). Also, it's good to keep an eye on whether one stress eats, and if so, how much. Sometimes there isn't a better alternative to stress eating (to manage stress at the time), and so buying things that one can munch on that are low calorie or at least healthier can help to lessen the stress eating's effects. Fiber and protein help a person feel satisfied in the food department longer, though too much fiber can lead to things like constipation. Some foods help us to feel better, and I believe there was something in dark chocolate that did so (it may have been how much cocoa was actually in it); it might be worthwhile to google a list of these type of foods.

Some people need to stop assuming popular magazines' pictures are of unedited people. I've heard that the vast majority of pictures in popular magazines these days (featuring celebrities and etc) are images that have been photoshopped. The body-type of the ideal American woman only exists in 5% of the actual population, and even some of those have had breast implants. Enjoy the diversity you were born with. I can pass along a couple Youtube videos about photoshop (in regards to women and etc, not how to use photoshop) if someone wants. Just message me (or look for it on Youtube).

Find a friend to trade massages with. Massages help to release tendsion and stress, and they help to meet the basic human need of physical touch.


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Picture or no picture???
Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 07:24 PM

Depends on what your motive is. If you are just looking for friends, then I don't see a problem with not posting a picture. But if you are looking for a wife, then I would say a picture would be more appropriate. No point in wasting other people's time by trying to hide qualities about you that they might not like when they find them out.


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Posted : 6 Apr, 2011 07:21 PM

Media Writing, Education and Society, and one other class this semester.


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Asking for permission (or blessing) to marry a girl?
Posted : 29 Mar, 2011 11:46 AM

It's not a big deal to me. As long as I have God's blessing, that's what matters. I would probably be talking to the potential wife about marriage before I would the parents, and then if the potential wife wants to pursue marriage, then I would let the parents know and then maybe ask for ideas about good ways to propose. Not all parents are favorable to Christians.


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Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 06:30 PM

While many people do have trouble having close friendships with the opposite sex, and a lot of people do need to be careful about boundaries, I don't think this is because of wiring. I think it's because the world is so emotionally draining, and has squat for examples of amazing friendships and marriages, that people "fall in love" with friends because that emotional closeness is something they haven't experienced in other places, which they should have. And so they assume "this must be love," when it was never meant to be marriage. As well, when someone makes us feel good, it's all too easy for our bodies to start to long for that person again, even in other ways including sexual, because we are using them like an item simply to make ourselves feel better. If the world wasn't so emotionally draining, if work so often didn't stink, if friends weren't scarce, and if people didn't have to work just to pay the bills just to work some more, I think having opposite sex best friends would be accomplished quite a bit more often. But the world isn't like that, and so people "fall in love" with their friends when they shouldn't be. But it doesn't mean it's not possible, it just means it takes people of wisdom to walk out a close friendship like that.

It's like saying "Well people shouldn't get married because the divorce rate is over 50%" or something. It doesn't mean lasting marriages aren't possible; whatever the divorce rate is is merely a sign of the times. It doesn't tell people what the truth is; it tells people the current state of society.


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Happy Saint Patricks Day
Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 11:50 AM

Happy Patty's Day to you too Victoria.


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Some guys don't get it...
Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 10:52 AM

You shouldn't have to take care of a guy, and you certainly aren't required to do anything unScriptural. There are a lot of not-marriage-material guys out there. I had an acquaintance I knew who said he was a Christian who was also actively trying to get the girls at his work to have sex with him. "Christian" is a term that is used incredibly loosely these days, so you can't trust someone at all just because they say they are a Christian.

As for did you do something wrong? Hopefully you didn't agree to "going steady" only after a couple dates or something, as that is a sure way to get oneself into a setup where problems are waiting to happen. Outside of that, perhaps not enough time getting to know the person online or through text-messaging or etc. Better to take your time and go slow, there are a lot of people that need to be sifted through to be able to find the better ones.

And I strongly dislike the concept of dating. It seems that it pushes things to become romantic after only hanging out with someone three or four times. I'd much prefer that people get to know each other as friends, and then if they later find out that they are starting to feel that they really couldn't live without each other (obviously not literally), then they could sit down and talk about if they want to pursue marriage.

But anyway...


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Guys,do think you can handle your future spouse or current girlfriend being a model?
Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 10:39 AM

Would I absolutely reject someone who was a professional model? Not necessarily.

Would I be inclined to want to marry someone who was? Probably not. Why? The world is far too obsessed with outward appearances as it is. Imo, in some ways, it's kind of like slapping God in the face because you are helping to support that there should be some sort of worldly standard for beauty, which typically means everyone who doesn't fit into that category becomes an outcast and "ugly." I'd rather have a woman who was using her time elsewhere.

And again, it doesn't mean there couldn't be that small handful of models out there that are actively fighting to have a different look and to show the world that everyone has beauty in their own ways, but those models are probably a very tiny minority.


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Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 10:20 AM

Yes a girl and a guy can be best friends. There aren't enough people in the world who believe this, imo, and too often it leads one person to believing that either the relationship has to become romantic or that it has to end. It's a horrible setup, and it's because they don't have enough faith to believe that two people of the opposite sex can be just close human beings.

And as for awkward conversations, I don't think there has to be any. Why should we be afraid to talk about topics that matter to a friend? It's alll just part of life and reality. Guys really can handle walking down the feminine product aisle; they just need to grow up.


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How much?
Posted : 17 Mar, 2011 10:11 AM

I don't reallly think there is a big difference. In fact, if there is any noticeable difference at all, it's probably due to society raising boys different than girls, instead of raising them alll simply like humans. I do just fine.

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