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Consensus on Gender Roles
Posted : 19 Dec, 2009 12:10 AM

That all sounds good in theory, Dave, but realistically, that has not been my experience at all in the good old boys network.

A great number of women today are not in the workplace for the want of those jobs anyway. Many of us have been left with no choice in the matter. To begin with, the women's movement while advancing women greatly, has also limited our choices immensely as well. Many of us would LOVE to stay home and be Mothers and keep house and participate in PTA and bake sales and all the things women long took for granted. Most of us cannot afford to do this, even if we have husbands, for a man can no longer provide for his family and it now takes two incomes to support a family in many cases. Also the break up of the family has left us no choice. When families break up for any reason, it is generally the one with the children that suffers most for child support is often lacking or insufficient.

I don't know that the Lord ever intended for women to have to be this strong in this way, but the world has created circumstances that we all need to adjust to simply to survive and provide for our children. As far as women being paid less because they are somehow worth less, open your eyes, Dave. We all look at our work places and see people there collecting their paychecks, putting forth as little effort as possible to keep them, all the while abusing their benefits, while coworkers that come to work and do excellent work, receive no real compensation, they are only asked to do more and more and rarely promoted as they become more and more valuable as a worker. Gender has little to do with it, for often promotions are made in ways we might not even be able to appreciate they are so unfair.

But something I learned at my last just as I was figuring all this out along the way, if you are not promoted, you are not in the lime light, and if the place becomes so evil you can no longer be proud to work there, well, it is definitely easier to leave from the bottom than from the top. The more you make, the harder it is to make adjustments when it is time the Lord wants you to move on to a better place where you can live.

There is little fairness in the way things are doled out anywhere anymore, which speaks to the wicked ways of the world we live in. Sometimes dwelling upon things we cannot change is futile and upsetting, not time well spent to His Glory.

If we accept that we are where we are right now for a purpose toward His Glory and try to figure out how that fits into His Plan, we are far closer to learning what we need to know to both be a blessing and receive His blessing.

I think when He comes again, once more all things will change and we will see how the place He has for us is a perfect fit unto His Glory, and it will be a place that the yoke fits easy and we are not left with that feeling that things are truly not fair in the work place. For if you feel today that they are not fair, you are right, a fact that is best accepted and dealt with by knowing the Lord will not only take care of it in time, but will take care of you always if you but seek the path He puts before you. Circumstances change, but if you let them roll and put your faith in the Lord, He will find a place where you can live under His Blessing.



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Coming clean.
Posted : 18 Dec, 2009 06:23 AM

I agree completely, Piano4T Welcome to the forum, and I hope you will stay as there many wonderful people here that believe in a Walk in Obedience in the Word with our Savior Jesus Christ. I know we all look forward to hearing more from you Brother.



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Artificial Insemination or getting Knocked up.
Posted : 18 Dec, 2009 06:16 AM

In the Words of a Very Dear Friend and Sister that hasn't been on the site for a while (I think she might be out buying our Christmas Presents!),

This thread does not bear fruit.


(By the way, if you don't know what to get me for Christmas, Cash is always good and always seems to fit, even when its a little small!!




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Which is more wrong.......
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 02:41 PM

"Which is more wrong, this or that?" Have you ever noticed that we do that? Even a murderer will say, ya, but I didn't rape anyone, while a rapist will say, but at least I didn't kill anybody.

God doesn't do that. Sin is sin, and it is all an abomination in His eyes. Do we ever take a path because it is only a little bit wrong? Well, we know this isn't right, but its not at wrong as that.

Is it wrong to ignore all the warnings and danger signs along the way, to win a prize that at any cost we want? Even in the Bible, people have killed spouses so that they can take the widow as a spouse. Never quite turns out the way they intend.

Di we let Satan entice us and lure us on a path toward our own self centered destruction?

Dr Phil has a point when it comes to raising children, that we need to figure out what their currency is when raising them with discipline.

What makes us think that the devil isn't as bright as Dr Phil? He has our currency figured out before we ever knew what currency was. He works our passions and desires, twisting them and fanning flames to obsession.

Is there anything you feel so impassioned about that if the Lord actually sent you a messenger in disguise, that you would ignore?

Do we make it all too easy for Satan to lead us down the path of destruction by merely whispering, "You Want This!" and "Its okay, you can have this!" and "If its done in love, how can it be wrong?"

He is not called the great deceiver and the father of all lies because things are so black and white they are easy to see. The devil is not going to show up like a scary snake to tell you its okay to do something you want to do, "Just take an opinion poll, if you can get enough people to agree, maybe God is wrong."

Be careful friends about what you are impassioned about, and remember that we serve a Lord that neither slumbers or sleeps. He too, knows the desires of our hearts and the Blessing comes when we wait upon His promises. We have more than a life time for Him to fulfill the desires of our heart, for our eternity is with Him.

Are you serving others at the banquet table, or are you serving yourself, putting your desires on a plate so no one else might have what you want for yourself? It is in our nature to be that way, but is it in our heart to love and serve the Lord more in His Ways, not in our way. The devil is savvy, self examine always, and let him not deceive you. Trust in a God who is capable of all things and needs nothing from us to accomplish His purposes, and who will Bless those that stand faithful and true in obedience to His Word.



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Artificial Insemination or getting Knocked up.
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 06:28 AM

Sorry My Sister, my mistake, I felt somewhat attacked in your last thread to me. I sincerely hope you will accept my challenge for everyone to pray with you..."Thy Will Be Done Lord for Kimberly under your Way" May you be blessed according to His Will.



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importance in knowing the Feast of the LORD--I THINK YOU ALL SHOULD READ THIS
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 06:23 AM

Do you know why we no longer sacrifice the finest fruits or the fatted calf upon the alter unto the Lord anymore? Because we are no longer under old law, but we are now under new covenant. Why? Because ANYTHING we could find to sacrifice anymore would be an abomination because the Greatest Sacrifice has already been slain, and there is no sacrifice that can stand in Glory next to the slain Lamb of God. This is why we are now under Grace and no longer under the old law, and there is proof.

Did the leper live under the law before he met Jesus? Did the blind man? Maybe we are not sure, but what about the woman that was to be stoned as an adulteress? What about the tax collector? What about the Woman that pushed her way through the crowd to simply touch Him? What about the Roman soldier? What about the convicted man that died beside Him that was told that he would dine with our Lord this day in Paradise? Did these people follow the law?

No. These people did not follow the law. The simply encountered Christ and BELIEVED. They believed He was the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ.

To believe so fully, so completely, to sacrifice your old life to pick up His Cross and carry it to the World, THAT is Grace. Under the new covenant we are saved by Grace, not by the law, but by the love of the shed blood of the ultimate sacrifice, the almighty Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the World that ALL who would believe can have everlasting life with Him who came to save us. The convicted man who knew nothing of the law dined with our Lord in Paradise, and we can too, it is not by the law that we are saved, but by the covenant of the saving Grace of the Blood of the Lamb.

There is nothing complicated about it, it is simple enough for any child of God to comprehend. You choose Him, or you choose your own life in the world.



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Men can't handle a confident woman?
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 05:26 AM

I am not offended by it, just curious why you keep posting, you don't really irritate me, but I wonder why you keep asking the same thing and yet reject all the guidance you ask for.

You say it is the only way to have a baby without sinning or fornicating. That is simply not true. Adoption, or are you so arrogant you could not love someone else's child as you would be asking a man to do after you have yours?

Many of us, myself included have agreed with you that we are not going to change your mind.....Thy Will Be Done Lord. Yet you do not accept this either, you re-post and confront all over again. If your patience is that thin, are you certain that single parenthood will suit you? It is far from all hugs and giggles my Sister, it is difficult, the toughest job you will every love and it will rip your heart out and make you cry, and all you see now is this perfect ideal, but what happens when your perfect ideal takes an unexpected turn? What if your child is born with autism or down syndrome or cerebral palsy or spinal biffetta or any other of devastating conditions? You think you are having difficulties finding a husband now?

You think we are irritated and hate you. You could not be farther from the truth. We do love and care about you or we would not care enough to address you at all. Like you say, we would move on. I am just curious as to why, when you keep generating the same answers that you continue to start new thread on the same issue? Do you expect a new result?

If you want to see our lighter side, then post lighter material. This issue is serious Kimberly. Tell us, what DOES your Pastor say about it? What Biblical support does he share with you. Share it with us that we might understand for everywhere in the Bible there is support for the importance of both earthly parents.

Stop screaming at people and have a conversation. If you can give us something to understand in this that actually makes sense, we would be more than happy to stand in prayer, but until that time, the best I can do is what I did before, give it to God and ask His Will Be Done, for often He grants the stubbornness of our own ways so we may grow. If that is His Will for you Kimberly, then by all means, Thy Will Be Done, not my will, not the will of anyone else, not even yours, but His for I don't know what is best for you, neither do any of us, not even you. We all think we know so much, we would all be greatly surprised how very little we all know collectively even.

So why continue to attack us? Every time we post a thread of peace, you turn around and drop the hammer again. I don't understand. I do want the best for you, which is why I again post this prayer for you, and hope everyone else will join in unison with it....Thy Will Be Done. I am sorry you feel such hatred because we strongly don't agree with you. The deeper these threads go, the more I worry about the pressure you will find in single parenting. It is so much tougher than you think it will be, which is why God designed the family the way He did.



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Marriage Survey
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 03:54 AM

In all honesty Brother, I think we are all here for it is important to find someone of faith, beyond that it is a balance in all things that speaks to their walk with the Lord. The way we live our lives speaks to this for the Bible tells us to get out of debt, it also encourages us to give to the poor, which is why most Christians are not necessarily rich people because they are generous people, but I don't know too many people that are real quick to want to date someone that has a good healthy six figure debt or more either? How about you brother, if the girl you have an eye one were to come clean and admit she is going through bankruptcy for the third time are you going to think twice about trusting her with your checkbook?

The same is true of looks. How do they carry the gifts the Lord gave them? That topic has been addressed many times on this forum, or maybe even undressed a few times on this forum. But it is more than they clothes. Often times people use their looks to charm others, to manipulate them to their way of thinking or do do something for them, not very Godly. Yet there are also many wonderful Christian people that are naturally beautiful, who dress modestly, and are often shy and do not try to draw forth attention.

I forget the other categories you listed, but does it matter? Balance is part of being a Christian, and we are given discernment to protect us so we don't get involved with someone that professes faith but carries a shallow self-centered nature that does not speak of an effort to walk in faith.

I have met many alcoholics that love God, but I would never consider marrying one of them that is not in recovery. I have already been down that long road when I was young and naive. The Lord has given me discernment enough to see that is not something I am ready to do again. Any addict that is not in recovery is not someone I would consider joining my life with. Is that shallow? No, its discernment. It is about balance.

We all look for what we feel is balance, don't you think? Balance might mean different things to different people, but I think we all seek that.



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Im finding it hard..
Posted : 17 Dec, 2009 03:32 AM

or is that old pooch? Old Dogs, maybe Arch? lol


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Men can't handle a confident woman?
Posted : 16 Dec, 2009 03:02 PM


If you do not care what we think, why do you keep posting on this? This is the third thread. How many times will you "try" and what does your pastor say about this. Words that keep entering my mind on this are "having a form of godliness but denying the power there of"

I don't think people are intimidated by your strength Kimberly. I think they are irritated that you keep seeking advice that you do not want, don't appreciate and have no desire to follow. It is like you keep bringing this up because you want to fight it out and defend it.

What more can we say? What more can you say? Has it not already been said? No minds have been changed either way, and I really cannot foresee anything that can be said that will change your mind or ours on this topic. You wish us to condone what you are doing and many have stated biblical reasons why we cannot, reasons you wish to reject and that is your choice. It is also our choice to not agree with this action because we choose to believe in the design the Lord has made clear to us in scripture. You do not agree with this, that is your choice..

Is this not like a dog chasing its tail?


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