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Would you give me a kiss if . . .
Posted : 23 Dec, 2009 04:22 PM

Think I'm just gonna leave that mistletoe in the garbage where its safe for all the young ladies especially cuz if I was caught by accident underneath the mistletoe and got more than an innocent peck on the cheek, I think I would probably defend myself in the appropriate manner, especially now that I know not all men see it as innocent fun, and are just lurking around the mistletoe with a ring and a prayer! lol


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Scripture Contradiction
Posted : 23 Dec, 2009 10:09 AM

Guess I 'm too simple to get what you are saying Will, cuz I think it's just that simple, I don't see any confusion in it at all. I fail to see the complexity of what you are saying so I guess I will let someone more adept address where you are going with this, for I am perplexed that a Christian would not be able to clearly see it.



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Would you give me a kiss if . . .
Posted : 23 Dec, 2009 09:55 AM

Wow, Guys, I always thought that was an innocent tradition! Now that I am fully aware of how sexually charged it really is, I think I will knock that sucker down, stomp on it, and kick it into the garbage can where it belongs I guess. Funny, I was always on the same page as Proverbs, thinking it was just a fun little tradition that everyone enjoyed as a sign of innocent affection and merriment of the season.

Now that we have been straightened out on the real truth, it sort of takes the fun out of it all, don't you think?



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Greetings to everyone !!!
Posted : 23 Dec, 2009 09:07 AM

Well Thank you for your kind words and lovely sentiments, Ragsz, welcome to the forums and I hope you have a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas and a Great New Year, where we all get to know you better.



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Home Schooling
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 09:49 PM

I know children that are home schooled. It is a huge responsibility, but if the parent is willing to undertake the responsibility and do it well, it can often be a better alternative to school where they teach things that are often not morally the way a parent would want them presented. Often times parents just don't know. Big Bang theories, and evolution to sex education and how to put on a condom, as well as how it is okay to explore alternative sexual thinking.

These things are not okay with me, but they are taught in public schools, and often parents don't have the luxury to provide private school or home school for their children, so you really have to be very proactive in talking to your children about what the world teaches and what God teaches, and why they should make good choices to live a healthy and Godly life.

I think home schooling is a wonderful alternative to public education in a warm, safe and loving environment, unless of course the parent has no talents in this area, and cannot provide the structure necessary to provide for the child's education.

It is a big step, one that can be very beneficial. There is a lot of support and information online I am told is you seek it out, and there are others in a community generally that can be helpful and supportive if you look for them.



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Gay Marriage/Homosexuals/God's Kingdom
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 09:38 PM

Never ceases to amaze me the people that have no desire to conform their lives to His Will, yet think they will be happy in Heaven living under His Way. If a person is unwilling to sacrifice their will for His here on earth, I have to wonder why they think that somehow it will be easier to sacrifice their desires for His authority in the next realm.

It is easy to glance back at Eden and think, "All they had to do was NOT EAT THE FRUIT!! Just DON'T DO IT!!" That tree, that temptation was their greatest, perhaps only weakness, and Satan knew this, and he exploited it.

What is our weakness? We all have our weakness that the devil exploits. Do we recognize it as such, or do we make excuses, like "God made me this way, He gave me the desire."

One thing I have learned over the years is that desire that borders obsession, desire that consumes your thinking, desire that burns inside and demands our focus, is generally not a gift from God, but a desire we have that the devil is exploiting. The more we focus on our obsession, the more painful it is to be without it. This is a demonic manipulation intended to twist our focus away from Obedience in the Word, and we start looking for ways to justify our thinking, much as many have done with this topic, but it isn't just this topic.

What is your Eden, what is the weakness the devil can twist and manipulate your thinking on to his advantage, getting you to believe that if you can convince enough people, what God says won't really matter? As long as its done in love, it will be okay. You can keep the glory as long as you use the name of God to help others. You can view anything you want on the internet as long as you don't cross that line and hurt someone by cheating. You can cheat as long as you keep it under raps so the spouse doesn't find out. You don't have to follow the Word because it has been translated so many times already that it probably isn't even correct anymore.

None of these excuses will stand when you stand before Him. He will not hold you accountable for following the word that someone 800 years ago "adjusted", but He will hold you accountable for not following what you knew was clearly written and chose to ignore, or not believe.

If people want to live in a heaven where they can lie, and fornicate with multitudes, and be first in every line and exulted for their every word, thought or deed, well then maybe you are serving the wrong God, for our God is not a God of self, but of others and finding the joy in serving others through Him because this is His Way.

So self examine always and learn to recognize your Eden. What is the number one thing the devil would look at you, and decide to amplify your desires for? Alcohol? Sex? Recognition? Money? Pride? the next hot car or boat or house?

Recognize your Eden and sacrifice it before the Lord and ask Him to take it for it is the exploitation of that weakness that the devil is twisting to keep you from focusing on the Lord and His real plan for your every footstep.

Focus not on the sins of others, but on the sin that keeps you from being closer to Him. Be not consumed in the forbidden fruit of your Eden, but in turning the Light of the World on to shine on anything and everything that takes your focus from Him.



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Scripture Contradiction
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 08:31 PM

Mark is correct, it is all in motivation, one glorifies God the other glorifies self. I don't see that one cancels the other at all, it is no different than works are like dirty rags on the floor, while faith without works is dead. When you want to be noticed, it is the wrong motivation. When you become an instrument in the hands of the Lord, serving where there is no glory, being that anonymous angel that made a difference and no one needs to know about, walking away from the spotlight, knowing that is going to touch someone and bring them closer to God, these are the things that are different Will.

When you are the last person to sit down and eat the left overs at a church dinner, after serving everyone else and no one has noticed, that is being the hands and feet of the Lord. Bringing the food that feeds people between services, you know, the goodies that everyone takes for granted like it just appeared. That is the magic and the glory when it looks like the Lord provided, for He did, through you, but if we are quick to say "I did that" then you take His glory for your own.

That is the difference, and when you come to understand that you don't work through the Lord, but the Lord works through you, then you begin to understand how simple that is Will, it is not the least bit confusing, it is all in the motive.



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an island
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 07:36 PM

These days everyone would be wondering who would be the first one voted off the island!! lol



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Three Choices
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 06:09 AM

But he was in the picture Kimberly. I think there is still something missing in your picture, but that is just my observation. I still stand on His Blessing for you, His Blessing, His Will, His Way for you for this is a long and difficult journey, and that "happy ending" is a long way out there. Whatever His answer is, God be with you.



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Are you guilty of "RUDE BEHAVIOUR?"
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 12:18 AM

My Dear Brother, I have been single a long time now, and from all I have have observed, I honestly have to say that my experiences online have been far, far from normal, average or even kind and considerate. Rude behavior tends to run amok online, and it saddens me to say that for I wish it was anything but true.

There is a bright side to it however, I am always glad for the early revelation into just what kind of person they really are, for many people carry on their facade till after the vows and then you start to find out about all the things they should have been honest about before you joined forces.

I like to think of it as the Lord showing me that this is someone I don't need to waste time with. I figure it is in the nature of a dog to bite you if you invade his territory and terrify him. I figure it is in the nature of a starving person to steal for food. Sometimes when people behave according to their nature, sometimes all you can do is smile and walk away and be glad it's not your problem to straighten out.

That is how I look at people that behave badly toward me online. You cannot expect people to behave better when they have no idea what they do to their very soul when they act this way toward another.

I am really big on respect, so I understand where you are coming from on this.


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