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Have to ask it
Posted : 19 Sep, 2012 05:37 PM

If dating sites existed back in the day, perhaps my mom would have chosen someone else, and I therefore wouldn't exist. Soo hmm... a tough conundrum.


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Ask a guy? Ok... Help?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2012 05:27 PM

Just because you guys might think each other are physically attractive isn't a reason to start a relationship or plan on marriage happening. Let's face it- look at what happens with movie stars: Two attractive people that giggle and smile around each other, and then a year later they are divorced.

If you want to explore your scenario more, hang out with the guy more, and don't be afraid to ask him to hang out sometime. BUT, at the same time, make a list of who you are and where you want to go in life (and where a guy would generally need to be going to go with you), and then make a list of what you need and want in a guy. Be serious, as if this was going to be the father and raiser of your children, you probably would want to be choosy. Then, as you get to know him, look for the traits, beliefs, and etc about him that tell you whether he fits your list or not. It might take time to start to see who this guy really is, but if you don't get past the wooshie gooshie feelings to see who he really is, then you could be left disappointed later if you find out that he wasn't really that great and that it was just the chemicals in your brain making you feel good around him. And no, "He likes to get me little gifts" doesn't necessarily count as good marriage material. Lots of guys who think they are in love will buy a girlfriend stuff, but sometimes the gift buying fades away after marriage when real life starts to set in more. Again, it's wise to be choosy and to take your time. Marriage is forever, but waiting doesn't cost that much.


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Number one thing (or two) that we young people need to work on.....
Posted : 15 Jul, 2012 04:41 PM

Try to find yourself before finding a mate? I mean, if you don't know what direction you are going in life, how can you expect to know if a spouse will be able to go in that direction as well? If you don't know who you are and what you want to be, how can you find a spouse to fit that mold? Not to mention if you find yourself later after marrying a bland spouse who also has basically no specific interests or direction in life, when one of you does find direction, it might put a large strain on the relationship. Any two people can choose to love each other if they really put their minds to it, but having a spouse that is going the same direction as you and fits you makes loving a lot easier and more fun.


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How do you deal with anger?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2012 04:05 PM

Anger in a relationship? Depends on what it is over. If I'm around someone that is getting me repetitively angry, I would have to ask myself why I am still with that person. If the person simply has an annoying quirk, then I would try to talk it out with them. It if it simply not the time to talk about the problem, then I would realize that everyone has problems and that I just have to be patient until a proper time arises when the problem can be dealt with. In general, I'm a mellow guy, so I don't think I would plan on dating someone too feisty or self-focused; I'm not a big fan of inconsiderate people when it comes to romantic interests.


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How many of you pray in the Spirit/Tongues?
Posted : 27 May, 2012 09:43 PM

I pray in the Spirit/tongues quite regularly. If I have a problem and don't know how to tackle it, I know that God does know how to tackle it, and so I pray in the Spirit to let God work on it in ways that I can't. As well, sometimes I simply don't know how to put my feelings into words, but the Holy Spirit knows what my heart is trying to say, and can say it for me.

Do I ever pray in the Spirit/spirit without using tongues? I think I've done it here and there. While not necessarily praying in tongues, sometimes I just offer up the awareness of how my heart/emotions are to God basically saying in my heart "This is where I am at. I'm offering it to you so you can help me." I don't believe that words necessarily have to be said, as God communicates through thought as well, and so I figure we can too.


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Eating out
Posted : 14 Apr, 2012 12:13 PM

I wasn't even aware that this was a problem. Imo, it also goes to show that Americans have become so isolated/individualized that they have started to become separated from reality.

Also, when I first saw the title of the thread, I had to wonder what the topic was actually about.


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Posted : 14 Apr, 2012 07:54 AM

A lot of people call themselves Christians, it doesn't mean they are one. Just because they go to church or read their Bibles doesn't mean they are saved. The Pharisees did both and yet Jesus stood against many of them. That said, if there is a person who calls themselves a Christian and who gets upset when a female says she isn't having sex until marriage, I'd have to say that he isn't a Christian. The Bible says " 9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor. 6:9-10 (NIV 1984). Our deeds are still important, because God still cares about sin. Sin has negative consequences.

That said, I think the increase in immorality in the world is just as much linked to the church being ignorant as it is to anything else. Church numbers in the vast majority of denominations (at least in the US) have been declining for a while, which shows the church doesn't know what it is doing. Jesus didn't have a problem getting people's attention. In fact, sometimes he had trouble getting away when he needed some private time. If the church got transformed, the rest of society would follow suit, and we wouldn't have as many fake Christians and players out there.

The saying goes- "Don't look for someone you could live with, look for someone you couldn't live without," and I think it's a good statement. Be more picky and one will have less problems. Don't waste your time on profiles where you can't tell whether the person is a serious Christian or not. There are like 7 billion people in the world, there's plenty out there.

I'd also like to mention that there are indeed a lot of Christian men out there that are serious about their faith. It's just a matter of finding them.


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Honest answer to an age-old question please!
Posted : 24 Mar, 2012 09:37 PM

Yes, to some degree, looks are important to guys. But at the same time, really attractive looking women have just as much trouble in dating as unattractive women do, because really attractive women have tons of attractive looking guys giving them attention, and yet possibly none of the attractive guys they bump into for years on end will be a good potential marriage candidate. This can cause disillusionment because the fairy tale that "the first super attractive guy that makes you laugh must be your prince" gets broken over and over, and it causes the attractive women to have to question what it is that they are supposed to be looking for.

That said, it's a matter of patience for 99.9% of us, so ur not alone. Be glad that you don't have to worry about stalkers as much.


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Posted : 28 Jan, 2012 07:33 PM

Prolly not within the first week of email contact for me. We just met, so I wouldn't want to jump into things. Besides, once they have your phone number, they have your phone number. Less risk of creepers/clingers if one is patient.


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Women who earn more than you do
Posted : 28 Jan, 2012 07:27 PM

It doesn't bother me. It's not about the money; it's about God and the relationship.

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