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catholic and bornagen christan relationship
Posted : 16 May, 2011 11:10 AM

My family is in this country due to Catholic and protestant strains. I'm not sure where I stand on the subject as a whole, but I would decide on an individual basis. Besides, its not really up to me. It would be nice to marry a Catholic, but God hasn't told me yet.


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What Makes a Woman Beautiful?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 11:00 AM

I would've just said "eyes". That was MUCH better.


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How do you Define Dating and How do you Evaluate your Potential Partners?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 10:42 AM

Right on, bc.


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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 10:40 AM

On dating, I have become VERY old school. I don't think people should date all willy-nilly. Its about finding the right one. My boy Daves parents don't sleep in the same bed anymore, but they are married and faithful. I don't think they are "happy" per se, but I imagine that once I get married and my wife gets sick of me (my jokes are old...), that I will probably be the same way. I don't want to think that it would ever happen, and I don't look down on those that have done it (personal experience). But I don't want to divorce "the one" for me. That's why I'm taking my time and doing it RIGHT. Thank you God, I was a knucklehead, but now I see!


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Thinking the "Rapture" might be the biggest heresy in 2000 years?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 10:31 AM

There are many things that are taught by many different churches, all with One God. I'm a Catholic; not only am I. Raised Catholic, but the way I pray, and the over-all outlook on God is most common with my personal interpretation of the scriptures. So what should I think when I visit my dads protestant church? Do I sit in fear for the souls of everyone there? Do I stand up and challenge my father and his belief system in a public forum? No, I see what's in these peoples hearts, I see that God is talking to them. I see that God has a message for them, that on a personal level they have a personal relationship with Jesus, and that He is talking to their hearts. Its not up to me to validate what He and they are saying. He is talking to them because He is having the relationship that is tailor made to THEIR hearts, just like He's done with me. God tells you the same thing He's telling everyone? Please. His contract is with you, no matter when you show up for work. He pays what you agree upon; why are you worried about how much He pays the others? Its PERSONAL. If I thought that people were deliberately mis-leading their flock with evil in their hearts, war would be waged. But when I see their hearts, I see Him there. As for blatant bastardization of the Word, I have faith that He kept the intent of the Bible through numerous interpretations, so how hard is it to believe that His hand might be in this, too? Is the message meant to generate money, hate, or fear? Do the followers of this movement deviate in a blasphemous way from Gods true will? I'm not sure I can say, so I won't.


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Do we really have freedom and if not what changes would have to be made to make us free
Posted : 16 May, 2011 10:06 AM

People would need to stop being jerks. If no one victimized other people, there would be no need for protection. When people need protection, they find that grouping up is a way to survive.(hunter/gathers, for example) Groups involve a common belief system that is accepted. The larger the group, the more difficult it becomes to meet all of the member's needs. People feel left out, rules are made to promote equality, you have to votes to see what the mentality of the group is, politics are born... ruthless cycle. If you are able to live with no fear from being victimized, everyone could find their true nature, what God has really imprinted us with, our real personalities. But the need for acceptance and fear of being singled out limits us. Even many christians suffer from this. Sad really.


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Military Saints of the Church
Posted : 16 May, 2011 09:55 AM

Morris has always been my favorite. Suppossedly developed the Code of Chivalry and carrier of the Spear of Destiny.


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Do you celebrate Halloween?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 09:34 AM

My b, yo. I missed LRNBs comment. Evergreen trees are a pagan symbol for immortality. The eggs and rabbit are a symbol of immortality. St Patrick is celebrated for "driving the snakes out of Ireland" when in fact, its symbolic for the pagans. And he didn't drive them. In almost machiavellian way, he brought a palpabal substitute in order to make the religious transition easier. Its brilliant missionary work. America bought it up, hook, line, and sinker. Its perfect for marketing products. And before I forget, if I do find "the one" for me, she won't need some silly holiday like valentines day to know how much she means to me.


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Do you celebrate Halloween?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 09:22 AM

I celebrate most American holidays. I don't celebrate Easter or Christmas, but I attend mass. I think they are blasphemous. Gifts, food, decorations with pagan symbols... it makes me sick to my stomach when I see the insane consumption for these holy days. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I think its racist, and I'm not very fond of the food that comes with it, mainly pork and turkey. And though I feel its very demoralizing what this country has done to it, I celebrate my own St. Patricks Day. Labor Day, Memorial, the 4th, D.C. does it right. Halloween is what you make of it. Every year, I wear the sports jersey of a famous sports figure as a costume, and yet not many people "get it". I don't know about you, but to me, there's nothing scarier than someone who doesn't get the joke...


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How do you Define Dating and How do you Evaluate your Potential Partners?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 08:16 AM

Flirting is fine. That's how you know if you physicaly find someone attractive, and vice-versa. Keeping motives pure... Wow, that's tough. I go about it differently. The world is full of attreactive people, so that doesn't mean much. I am always a gentleman, and treat all ladies the same way, regardless of age, beauty, or even if they like me. I never let my conversatioons become perverse, and if she tries to steer it that way, I find a way to switch subjects. That doesn't work, I leave. Talking about "it", meaning "the tension", is sometimes more stress on our hormones than the body can take. That's not good. Just because I can beat a grown man 1-on-1 in basketball doesn't mean I then go and try to beat him with one hand, or dunking only, or only running backwards. Why exaserbate the situation by discussing and visualizing and making the temptation level rise? If you can't do that, then don't hang out. The body is made to be hormone-driven. Its our free will that controls the body. So try not to empower the body, or hinder your brain.

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