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Continuation, Plastic Rose 3, the key to our life!
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 01:35 PM

Did I miss anything that you wrote about Plastic Rose 1 and Plastic Rose 2???????? Any way that I can get the info., if I did miss it?

Thanks! :glow:


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please tell me what this scripture means???
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 01:27 PM

Romans 7:13

Doing what is right illuminates the sin that is the opposite of the righteous act. For example, true Christians who are close to God, show that they have "died to the sin of lying" by telling the truth, even if it costs financially and/or emotionally.

A friend of mine said lately, "Oh, the rental company will not even notice the scratches that you put on the rental car! I wouldn't say anything to them about those scratches." I am far from perfect, but, with God's help, I do try to be honest about everything. Knowing that I would most likely have to pay my insurance deductible of $500, I wrote a note to leave with the key in the "night drop". I told the truth about backing into a metal sign that I did not see in the side mirror.

It is my prayer that my son, and others who withhold the truth, will realize how important it is to our Christian witness that we tell the truth about everything. This is letting God's light shine through the darkness of the sin of lying. "Thou shalt not still" is closely related to lying, since anyone who lies is stealing the truth. :glow:


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Eye witness of Death, destinations revealed!
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 12:28 PM

When my first husband was dying from a rare case of Multiple Sclerosis, he would stop breathing for 15 to 25 seconds and then start breathing again. His parents, our pastor, and other family members were called in. My sister told me outside his hospital room that he had said that he was dying. As all of us watched and waited, we noticed that during the times that he was not breathing, that his eyes became so bright! He definitely was seeing heaven! That was such an awesome sight! It brought peace even to me, because I hated to give him up after only 5 years of marriage. This kind of breathing was due to the disease attacking the part of the brain that controls breathing. I have always believed that God gave him a "peek" into heaven so that he would not be afraid of dying. I was not with him when he died, but God had layed it on my heart that morning that it would happen that day. A nurse, who I paid to stay with him, told me that he just "went to sleep" peacefully.

After my mother had spent over 5 years in a nursing home, she became so ill that I was asking God why He would not take her home to heaven. She even got to the point of not knowing me and my son, even though we went every day to see her. We lived just a few minutes away. I prayed and asked God to please allow me to be with her when she died, so that she would not die all alone. After church one Sunday, I had a very strong feeling that I needed to get down to the nursing home to her room. I did get there in time to talk to her and tell her that all of us children would be okay, especially knowing that we would see her again up in heaven. Up until this day, my mother was not able to move at all. After talking to her, I sat down and prayed that God would help her not to be afraid. All of a sudden, she sat straight up in her bed and her eyes became so bright! She layed back down and closed her eyes in a "peaceful sleep". I went after the nurse, and she told me that she had died. It was such a blessing from God that she was out of all of her suffering. I am so thankful that God allowed me to witness her peaceful death. :glow:


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Does God give you dreams that come true?
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 11:55 AM

As a young child, I grew up close to a wooden swinging bridge. I would dream at least one night each week for several years that I would fall through the bridge due to a broken or missing board. I would always wake up before hitting the creek, which was as wide and deep as a river.

After reading your forum today, I realized that the dream meant that God has protected me so many times in so many ways and that He will continue to protect me.

When I was a Preschool Director at the First Baptist Church (in the small city where I grew up), the church secretary gave me a porcelain egg with the painting of a young boy and girl walking on a wooden swinging bridge that had a missing board (just like in my dream!). On the egg, there was also an angel watching over the children.

All throughout my life, I have come so close to being hurt or killed. There had to have been an angel between me and an 18-wheeler last year when I "blacked-out" and swerved to the left when the truck was on my left side! Thank God for His protection!!!


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For men,"What a woman wants from her husband in the fifth, sixth, and seventh decades of her life?
Posted : 28 Jul, 2008 07:44 PM

I totally agree with you on your answer. You worded it so well, that I don't think that I could make it any better. One thought that came to my mind was, "What if one becomes very ill?" The spouse who is ill would certainly want the "better half" to spend more time with him/her. My first husband, who was bed-fast for 18 months from a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis, wanted me to spend all my time with him. Even though he knew that I needed to teach in order to keep health insurance for him, he begged me to stay with him. SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR SPOUSE IS SO PRECIOUS, AND I BELIEVE THAT AS WE GET OLDER WE WILL STILL WANT TO BE WITH EACH OTHER, AS LONG AS WE KEEP GOD IN THE CENTER OF THE MARRIAGE. :glow::glow:


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Recovering from an affair?
Posted : 28 Jul, 2008 07:22 PM

I believe that it would depend on how long you had been married and how much love the husband and wife had for each other. I loved my ex. so much that I worked 8 long years to try to help him with his porn. addiction. The Christian counseling that we both went to included a book, False Intimacy. It stressed how the porn. addiction is progressive. Since I knew that my ex. was not trying to repent of this sin and that he had at least 2 affairs in the end, it did not take me long to get over him. In my mind, his affairs began after we had been married 2 years; so, I went through the grieving process for 8 long years.



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Should or do you tell your husband when another man makes a pass at you?
Posted : 28 Jul, 2008 06:59 PM

I believe that I would definitely share that with my husband; I would want to know if someone makes a pass at him. This would help to keep trust in the marriage. If you were to keep it to yourself and your husband found out another way, it would most likely cause some questions as to why you were not telling him about it. As the old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy!" God would bless you for sharing the truth and for trusting Him to help your husband to understand.


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Speak your heart in a paragraph!
Posted : 7 Jul, 2008 06:18 PM

I have been a Christian for 39 years, and God has been so merciful to me during the many times that I tried to make my own decisions. Whenever I ask for His will to be done and accept His will, things turn out so much better! It is so hard to ask for His will, especially when I want things to turn out a certain way!

SJC1985 :glow:


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Heart of God
Posted : 7 Jul, 2008 06:01 PM

It is my opinion that we as Christians may come close to having the Heart of God, but since we are human we can never have His perfect heart.

It is God's will that his children (Christians) strive to become more like Him every day. May God help us to become who He wants us to be.

SJC1985 :glow:


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And they could not expound the riddle?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2008 05:34 PM

Hey! I want to try this one!

Psalm 119:103 "How sweet are your words to my taste,

sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (NIV)

Honey represents how sweet God's words are for Christians. His words make us strong when we read and apply them.

How did I do?!


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