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I am only sharing my opinion
Posted : 2 Apr, 2024 03:33 PM

I am only sharing my opinion. In no way am I trying to wrongly accuse potentially innocent individuals with damaging allegations of sexual misconduct especially as it relates to people of short stature that still have some of there baby teeth.

However I would be turning a blind eye to a large injustice if I did not blow a whistle and alert people about some issues that may be unrelated...however as far as I know we could be looking at a large network of criminals that are working in concert with each other.

A few years ago there was a potential news story that some people have deemed to be a conspiracy theory called 'pizzagate'

A person could say that pizzagate has been thoroughly debunked by the police officers that live in a city that is 4 hours away from where the crime was reported.

However I am of the opinion that the capital police needs to be investigated because it appears that they are using a diffrent 'rule book' other than the judeo-christian based u.s. consitition

I mean it is totally conceivable to think that maby the democrats had many dc police officers on the payroll, I am just thinking that maby the pizzagate scandal is tied to the hollywood sexual abuse inquiry

And then I am thinking that perhaps the odd behavior of Joey Biden is not just creepy/odd (how many older men make a habit of sniffing other children)


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The swamp/deep state and school days
Posted : 29 Mar, 2024 03:55 PM

It might have been my freshman year in Highschool I had a great math teacher. The way that the lady explained the problems was easy for me to understand. With realities ease I was able to achieve high grades in the class, however the next year in math class I had a different teacher. Although the teacher was a nice guy, I had a very hard time understanding him. My grades were extremely poor and I was required to attend summer school in order to pass the class. The point is that sometimes the race is lost due to poor job performance of the coach.

In a similar venue, this morning I learned that ir-regardless of who is elected into congress...the same old coaches remain (in this example the coaches are secretaries and file clerks.) The current rules are written so that a congressional coach can have the same job for 40 or 50 years.

In the higher level sporting events...if the team looses a game or two, then the defeat is blamed on the players. But when the team goes on a 20 game loosing streak...then the coaching staff should be examened. Its the same way with a congressman a handfull of rogue decisions are more than likely the fault of the athlete, but if the team goes on a loosing streak or in this case if the congress starts acting like each other when they get to washington...then the problem might be caused by the washington coaching staff that remains the same.

The solution is simple...make it mandatory for each congress person to hire there own coaching staff.


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Ha, they got bamboozled!
Posted : 28 Mar, 2024 11:32 AM

Ha, they got bamboozled!

Unfortunately, all of us had to wade in the quagmire and wait for the sleepiest of sheep to become alerted to the theater show.

The show has been designed to 'trip everyone of the censors' (I dont think that some people really pay attention to things. For them watching and paying attention is like being a driveway bell, they can only handle one piece of information at a time.)

Anyway, the information that I have heard is that the real Joe Biden was executed years ago. (What kind of country would have its leader carry a suitcase and an umbrella as he boards a military aircraft?)

At any rate, we are watching a scripted movie...and some people are eating it up with a spoon!


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Let your mind take a trip!
Posted : 26 Mar, 2024 05:17 PM

Right now what people need to do is just realize that crazy people have built the world. The world is crazy because the 'powers that be' have designed the world. (Crazy people enjoy the feeling that they get when the average person looks to them for help...why would the average person ask for a crazy persons help? Because most people want things to be on an even keel. So the crazies exploit an area of vulnerability.) The problems are like sheep dogs. The sheep dogs are not released so they can eat the sheep...the next time a ravenous sheep dog chasing you just look at where you are being directed to run. I imagine that at least 90% of the problems that people see on the news, have been designed to cause you to think 'I really do think the path to safety is in that cage that someone has sat down in front of me'. Instead of allowing the crazy people to live rent free inside of your head...spend time thinking about what the world might look like if hover cars were a reality!


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The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict
Posted : 26 Mar, 2024 02:48 PM

The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict

Joey and the deep state sure do like to pick and choose the disasters that they think are tragedies.

(assuming my math is correct) A train carrying toxic chemicals derails causing a huge disaster and major ecological mess, I think Joey Biden did not even mention the mess until 18 days after the fact.

However when a certain type of tradgy happens then Joey O-Biden (Obama-Biden) he is on top of the situation.

We can all recite the official story that O-Biden and the rest of the deep state are telling us about Ukraine. The story goes like this "The U.S.A. wants to support the peaceful Ukraians but big bad Russia attacked them" (so supposedly money should be sent to support the peaceful party.)

However if a small minority of people attack The nation of Israel.

Using the twisted logic that the deep state is trying to use... taxpayer money should be being sent to the victims that are in Israel...imagine sending your child to a music festival when suddenly terrorists from hamas start shooting. (Lets look at what the word hamas means)

Kamala seems to be trying to make an emotional appeal (which is a tactic that abusers try to use) by say that there is no place for those (poor) people to go

First of all I am not going to let that he/she (yep I am fairly confident thats a dude in a mask) but anyway they could go and pester Egypt

Nobody likes the palesteians, and I am not talking about the fat kid that smells like salted beef...nobody likes them because they are trouble makers.

Genesis 16:11-12

11 The angel of the Lord also said to her, “See, you are going to have a child. And you will give birth to a son. You will give him the name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard how you have suffered. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against all people. And the hand of all people will be against him. He will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The simple truth is that the ideologies that the palastein people have is toxic


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The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict
Posted : 26 Mar, 2024 01:38 PM

The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict


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Why I am in favor of removing Speaker Johnson from position.
Posted : 23 Mar, 2024 05:03 PM

Lets play a game. The game is to describe sitting at a resturant and the waiter brought us a huge 'scab sandwich' (the proper name of the sandwich is "lets worry about making sure everything is well funded...meanwhile the borders will remain like Swiss cheese")

Since no body in the resturant seems to be able to understand basic english...we hired a translator to explain we are unhappy with the meal that we recieved.

Somehow the interpreters managed to not only not get the sandwhich replaced, but now we are holding a scab sandwich in one hand and in front of us is a new order of fried scabs. (I wonder what will happen when it comes time to pay the bill)

Anyway the game is to describe the intepretators actions? (To add a little more complexity to the game we can not use the words 'poor' 'job' or the word 'preformance')

The words that I will use is 'stabbed in the back!'


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How Biden is Pushing Migrants to Jump the Border
Posted : 22 Mar, 2024 03:26 PM

How Biden is Pushing Migrants to Jump the Border

Migrants Overpower Texas National Guard, Tear Down Border Fence


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A 'smoking gun' was not just found near Joey, now there is a video tape of him firing the weapon!
Posted : 21 Mar, 2024 01:29 PM

A 'smoking gun' was not just found near Joey, now there is a video tape of him firing the weapon!

Witnesses Confirm Joe Biden’s Involvement in His Family’s Influence Peddling

We can see that Joey O-Biden (I say O-Biden because the parties involved are Obama and Biden) sold out this country, now we will see just how big of tratiors were involved!


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In life there will be pain. Either you will experience the pain of discipline or you will face the pain of regret.
Posted : 18 Mar, 2024 03:08 PM

In life there will be pain. Either you will experience the pain of discipline or you will face the pain of regret.

I have lived a number of years in Southern Illinois. I am a conservative guy, and the people that live around me are fairly conservative (in terms of politics that means that I am red, and many of the people that live around me are red.) However when the city of Chicago (which politically speaking used to be blue) is factored in...there is usual more blue voters than there are red voters. So I get pretty excited when I hear that Chicago will flip from blue to red. (As far as 2024 is concerned basicly the democrat party is blue, while President Trump is red)

I guess I am unable to share the news program that I was watching this morning, however I will take this opportunity to address the issue!

Ephesians 6:12 tells us " For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. "

That means that when Bill lies about you by telling others that you are a 'big fat stinky head'. It is incorect of you to think that the problem would be solved if Bill would just keep his mouth shut. I am not saying that Bill should continue to broadcast the lies, however lets look at where the string of lies come from? Well lets see what the Bible has to say about Bills behavior.

John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

We can start to see that human beings are sort of being used like puppets. If you are having a conversation with a puppet...and the puppet starts speaking lies, then the blame belongs in the lap of the puppeteer.

So we would miss the target if we were only to blame the advrage democrat voter (Although I will point out that they have been played like a fiddle!) The democrat party is just a mid-level puppeteer...that entire party has been sold a bill of worthless ideas. Its fairly easy to understand that the dnc (democrat national convention) is just a puppet that re-broadcasts what they are having whispered in their ears.

So what I am saying is not entirely directed at the dnc, of course that is like me saying that I am not shooting at the dnc but I am going to fill the ones behind the dnc with holes.

At any rate, this planet is currently being fumigated. evil forces are currently being evicted!

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