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the state of delusion address given by O-Biden
Posted : 7 Mar, 2024 02:55 PM

the state of delusion address given by O-Biden

I do not want to say that Joey Biden is a president because he stole, lied, and weasled his way into the position. I dont even want to say that Joey is running the country...because obviously someone else is speaking into Joey's ear piece. Whoevers voice is in the ear piece is not only guilty of treason but is also guilty of elder abuse...Joey cant forge his own path off of the platforms that he is on so I hope you realize that he is not the one that is forging a path for this country. So you need to ask yourself two questions (its like America is riding down a dirt rode and 'crazy Joey' is in the drivers seat. The truck has hit 98% of the pot-holes.) Here are your questions...a monkey would do a better job of not hitting ever pothole. Somebody is telling Joey, 'okay veer pull back to the right!'

We can clearly see that America is being turned into something. The conservatives and liberals are not two diffrent artists that are painting a picture of the same model. The path that America has been steered towards does not end up in a part of town that we want to be in!

I am just halfway guessing that Barrak Husain Obama is one of the main voices in the earpiece...thats why I refered to Joey by the (dual) hyphenated last name O-Biden.

Anyway O-Biden is scheduled to explain how the country is doing, ordinarly the event is called the state of the union address, but when O-Biden does it people are calling the event 'the state of delusion'. What the liberals are trying to do is a psychological abuse tactic that is known as "gaslighting"

Some guys that I was listening to this morning were guessing that in the address O-Biden might say something like 'inflation is down' (and maby it is compared to a month ago) but we proably will not be told information like since Joey got behind the wheel the cost of some things has quadrupled (so the voice in the earpiece would not be totally incorrect to say inflation is the statement is pretty dishonest and its like rubbing salt in peoples eyes) But you need to understand thats how the democrats/liberals/socialists fight!


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Lettuce Vaccine Bill
Posted : 7 Mar, 2024 01:57 PM

Thoes people dont seem to want to take no for an answer...well soon they will be forced to stop!


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The deep state looses control
Posted : 6 Mar, 2024 02:38 PM

People need to understand that when the deep stat collapses...then the U.S. dollar will get a major haircut (Did you know that there are more American $100 bills in Russia than what there is in America?)

Its a fun study called the petro-dollar, basicaly sometime in the 1960 or 70's Hennry Kissenger went over to Saudia Aribia and made a deal that said 'the US military will protect Saudi Aribia as long as oil is only sold in us dollars'

Of course whenever the fraudulen us goverment decided to create a couple of billion dollars it was like stealing money from other countries. Now about 70% of the world has formed an alliance not in favor of the petro-dollar (that alliance is called the B.R.I.C.S )

Anyway the following video discusses some solutions that I think that people should proably think about


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The deep state looses control
Posted : 5 Mar, 2024 05:45 PM

The deep state looses control

The above article is only ment to show you guys that there are a group of individuals that are working to undermine, sometimes thoes people are called the deep state.

As I am confident that almost everyone can see...the deep state is slowely loosing control (well it was slow at first but the decline will be like a fat man as he falls down the stairs. It will be slow at first, but when the tipping point is reached things will unravel very quickly.

The world that we grew up in was never supposed to be the way that we see it. In the 1970's my buddy told me that a carborater had been invented tat allowed a car to get 90 my dad told me that his fairly new vehicle was getting 40 mpg. The deep state are crazy evil (like they will pull your teeth out so that they can get your gold filling) I heard that there are like 6,000 pattents that the deep state is working to burry. I am fairly confident that a cure for cancer already exists...but the truth is that there is alot of money to be made off of dying people.

Please join me in thinking about the most useful invention that you can think of, maby you will like to name that invention...why dont you draw a picture of the invention? Try to spend 5 minuets per day exclaiming phrases like 'I am glad that the invention already exists and I look forward to the day that I can physically see the idea'


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The government is an employee, that was hired to preform a job...what normaly happens to employes that do not do there jobs?
Posted : 5 Mar, 2024 03:54 PM

Part of the frustrating part about 'the government' is the reason why we hired them is so that we would not need to spend all of our time babysitting simple problems (like build a wall and enforce the immigration policies that are already written) an odd turn of events...somehow government employees decided to collect the paycheck that we were paying them, hack into our bank account and spend our funds on things that make the problem worse. How can people not see that our lives would improve if we fired 90% of government employees?


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Posted : 5 Mar, 2024 03:50 PM

I want to add an interesting 'twist' to that story.

Yes the 'trend' is moving towards digitalization, however the bad people that are on the earth today are not the worst individuals. (satan is the worst of the worst and evil minded people want to please satan. End times events is like a roadmap for the evil minded individuals...however end time events are not yet here. So the evil minded individuals that are doing things are basically the junior varsity team)

So lets look look at what it seems to me like the varsity team is going to try to do. Its called 'mind uploading' or 'consciousness transfer'.

The jr. varsity bad guys are trying to figure out how to gain control over every aspect of your physical life, but I think that the varsity bad team is going to want to have everyone so addicted to technology that ordinary people will want to become part of the computer program.

The remedy is for people to learn how to be self reliant (like learning how to grow your own food, and purify your own water.)


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Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off the ballot
Posted : 4 Mar, 2024 07:48 PM

Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off the ballot

Good for him! I charge and call down the states that arrogantly thought that they could manipulate the outcome of the election. they were hoping to sneak under the illusion of 'law' (The decision swiftly ended the legal fight over whether states can bar Trump from their ballots based on the Constitution's 14th Amendment.)

bad people are trying to use the Constitution against us


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Medication shortages
Posted : 29 Feb, 2024 07:24 PM

Medication shortages

I briefly read a report that the AMA put out (American medical association) and the reason that I saw from them was they blamed the planed pandemic. I heard a brief clip about some hospitals sort of struggling, but I did not hear much about what I suspect helped the shortage. A few days ago, I think it was 7 days ago or the 2-22-2024...there was a big problem with cell phone towers (somehow the internet and cell phones are linked) But I heard the major carriers went down in larger cites. I view the cell phone debacle as a test. (I heard that the white hats are prepared to lose 6 cities/areas to anarchy...we are headed towards a civil war, and I think that the good guys are trying to figure out where the holes are at in the supply chain before trouble arrives.)


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Posted : 27 Feb, 2024 07:17 PM

The book "the fourth turning" points out that so far the history of America has sort of been like a music cd player that is on the end of the selected song comes the beginning of the selected song. The song that is on repeat lasts roughly 80 years, and the ending of the song has traditional been a *loud poping sound*. Roughly 80 years ago was the sort of twin disasters of the great depression and WWII, roughly 80 years before that at the ending of the song was the civil war, roughly 80 years before that was the revolutionary war (which if you consider what was going on, it was a British civil war...on one side was the origional northern* British country -vs- the southern new 13 British colonies) anyway roughly 80 years before that (I have been told) was a British conflict that was known as 'the bloodless revolution.

I have knowledge that the 80'ish year long song that has been on repeat, the song will be taken off of repeat (that is to say that I do not think that in around 80ish years the song will repeat)

You and I have slightly diffrent views about how the illegal immigrant mess will be handled, but personaly I think that people should fortify themselves and brace to see events that are shocking:

(and now for my favorite example...yes it was the broadest reaching but I think that the name is funny 'operation Wetback')

I very much enjoyed the bus story that You told...Thank You!

It was nice to hear that You also find it intresting that the history of the democrat party is starkly more racist than the republican party yet somehow democrats have convinced many black voters to side with the democrats (this fact also perplexed my friend Greg who is a History teacher)

I would consider myself to be somewhat of an amature historian, so I usualy do no peer very deeply into some things...but something that has sort of bothered me for a few years is the fact that it does not seem to me that the civil war was primarily fought over what we have traditionally been taught. I remember a few years ago at a flea market a guy gave me a brief history lesson on Black Confederate soldiers.

I was pleasently suprised that you had information concerning Margret Sanger. From what I understand Margret was a radical racist...I am talking about the kind that wanted to kill people that she did not see eye to eye with. It is a bit shocking that people can not figure out why there are a large number of 'planned parenthod' facilities in black and other minority neighbor hoods.

In a similar vein on the 'black live matter' website it used to read 'blm seeks to infilitrate the traditional family unit of blacks...and rip apart black mommy and black daddy, and make it so there are two black mommies or two black daddies (I am pretty sure they have removed the radical statement) I lived and worked with black people for a few months in the inner city of Chicago, and the community defiantly does not need any more broken families.

Which leads directly back to my original post 'the dems have tried to be all things to all people...and they have failed big time, as a result instead of gaining the support of more a hillarious twist of irony they have exposed there underbellies, and they exposed themselves'

(fun fact: when you try to please everyone, sometimes you end up pleasing no one!)


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I want to talk about voting
Posted : 27 Feb, 2024 03:53 PM

I enjoyed writing a reply to Mr. WalkNTalk but I was not allowed to place the note underneath the original I started a new thread, Please view the post entitled (Reply) and use your imagination and pretend like it is right here.

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