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Posted : 27 Feb, 2024 03:46 PM

Yes, America was formed as a republic and not a pure democracy. If it was a democracy then the loudest faction would rule. An example of the 'rule by a mob' is the black lives matter protest.

So its important to understand that America is not a pure democracy. Also I enjoy the quote that you shared that Ronald Regan made 'I did not leave the democrat party as much as the democrat party left me!'

I have a feeling that I might not have been apposed to every mindset of the democrats say 40-50 years ago, but today the party has step in a clown world. My buddy David pointed out a notable point the other day (Think of all politics as a road, its not to good to ride either curb. My personal politics are abit to the right side of the center, but I dont feel that I am up on the curb.) I think that Adolf Hitler was riding up on the right hand side curb, and the skin heads are over there...that teritory is ultra conservative.

Another way to look at politics is like the pendulum on a clock. As time progresses the pendulum swings. In the 1960's the democrat party might have had a few 'radical ideas' but proably for the most part most of the ideas were sort of in the middle of the road. (At some point the democrat party decided that it was going to be the champion of the minorities...once someone commits to catering to the minorities that basicly means the party broke into 1,000 pieces) In fact in 2020 the democrats could not find a canidate to lead all 1,000 pieces. {I think that Joey Biden was origionaly a tad left of center...which controlled 20% of the pieces, and 'vice president Kamala Harris' was able to speak too a different 15%} Well the democrat party decided that it was best to try to make Kamala and Joey 'leaders' of some of the 1,000 pieces. (Anyway the world can see what a disastrous mess it is when someone tries to be 'all things to all people'

I have said before and I will say again that America is headed towards some troubled waters...So is the idea of 'Make America Great Again' even possible? That is the wrong question...the correct question that people should ask is 'When America steeps into the troubled waters who in there right mind thinks that Joey Biden could lead anybody to safety' (Joey has trouble leading himself off of the stage!)

So I encourage you to see the democrat party as representing (say) the farthest section of the left side of the road, and the republican party represents the majority of the right hand side of the road. The Make America Great Again (MAGA movement) represents common sense (we do not need to debate weather abortion is correct in 98-99% of cases...and we do not need to debate the restriction of firearms of every American)

The greater the weight, then the greater the counterweight needs to be (if 30% of the people run to the left hand side of the boat, then you must have only 30% of the weight shift to the right side of the boat)

David was concerned about the counterweight shift that will run to the right side of the boat because of the current democrat policies.

I will tell you why I am not to concerned about the counter weight. First I am not a republican, rather I am a conservative independent (which means that I am not going to trust every Tom, Jane, and Sally that is in a given party...let me be the judge of which candidates have centrist views) Although I do not like or agree with the Obiden administration I will admit that the democrats are doing an excellent job at teaching people to leave the democrat party. I guess that some former democrats might try to run to the other side of the boat, but I assume that many of them are going to run to the middle of the boat and stop.

I dont think that I have written about the next subject. But there is a book called the fourth turning

Its true that America will soon be involved in the 2nd American revolution/civil war (in both conflicts the conflict was about who is the boss...should we have a big boss far away, or should we have a smaller boss that is close to home) the prophetic word that someone received is that the future conflict will be a success...its true that I am wincing at the fact that the democrats have allowed millions of illegals into the country. However I am confident that within the next few months the MAGA movement will send the illegals back.

Anyway thanks for the comment because I enjoyed responding!


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I want to talk about voting
Posted : 26 Feb, 2024 02:39 PM

I want to talk about voting. (I do not claim to understand perfectly the system of voting). However when creating this nation the founding fathers did not want the misguided slogan 'might makes right' (that is why America is not a pure democracy...a democracy is where the mob rules)

Of course there is 50 states in America (we will use the state of Illinois as an example) about 12 and a half million people live in Illinois. Over 2 and a half million of thoes people live in one city (Chicago Il)

Currently the state of Illinois recieves 19 electorial college votes. The simple way to understand it is that say for every 750,000 Illinois voters there is 1 electorial college vote. Each 750,000 voters is placed in a district. So if 100 people vole for blue, and if all the other people vote for red then the entire district is counted as red. What I am trying to point out is that since Chicago is the largest city in the state, most often the entire state is marked as voting like Chicago votes.

What I am trying to point out is that there are a few 'key' spots that are strongholds for democrats. And as I am sure that you are starting to figure out 'the black magic of the democrats' is not working anymore. So the strongholds of the democrats are breaking up.

(I assume that once 'lifelong democrats' start to leave the party, they will probably become 'lifelong anti-democrats'

(electorial college voting map)

Not only are democrats failing miserably in Chicago (many that more than likely IL will stop voting for the democrats)

It appears like the democrats have made New Yorkers mad

Also I assume that the 'swing state' of Georgia (a swing state is a state that sometimes votes red and sometimes votes blue...such as Georgia or GA) might stop 'swinging'

(Pleas do not blindly assume that just because a canidate has an 'R' (R=Republican) that might not mean anything...I have knowledge that the democrat party has paid for people to run as an 'R' canidate)

I have already said that if a canidate identifies as a 'MAGA' (Make America Great Again) thoes are the people that we want to vote for. Donald Trump is MAGA!


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New ruling in Alabama
Posted : 22 Feb, 2024 06:49 PM

Thats right...If a person is unable to care for the child, then there are people that would love to take the child in! Evil minded organizations have lied and told half truths to mothers, abortion is certainly not the only option!


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Pointing out that America is being sold to the highest bidder
Posted : 22 Feb, 2024 02:14 PM

Pointing out that that America is being sold to the highest bidder.

Many people are not being told what is happening at the U.S. southern border so I will speak about the issue!

Not just Latinos are comming across the border, something like people from 189 nations are comming across the border.

The figures are something like for the last ten years an avrage of like 40,000 illeagel imigrants entered the U.S. then Joey Biden starts monking around and the numbers swell to millions per year. Joey is inviting trouble into the U.S.

(Also I will speak plainly about the 'united nations organization'...the organization is not made up of legitmate leaders of countries...the organization is a means of pushing the globalists adgenda.)

From what I understand what is going on at the border has become a 'business'

But what I am wanting to talk about is that Chinese citizens can not just leave Chinia. Not only is the Chinese goverment purposefully building some sort of an army inside the United States, I assume that someone within our goverment is assuring the Chinese goverment 'we will make sure that we recieve 100 chinese folks' (because the Chinese Communist Part is not going to just allow Chinese people to go to some tropical island)

I am glad that all of thoes evil plans will soon be exposed. One day soon the advrage person is going to look around and figure out that 'crazy people' have been in charge of the construction of this world and when thoes crazy people are removed it will be up to us to re-build the world in the correct manner.


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New ruling in Alabama
Posted : 22 Feb, 2024 11:34 AM

Supporting abortion is like shooting a hole in your boat. Of course I am morally opposed to murdering millions of innocent babies but also abortion is poor financial management! Removing millions of future workers from the workforce is going to negatively impact programs like social security.


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The food supply has been weaponized...Rescue Rock ministries has a solution!
Posted : 21 Feb, 2024 08:05 PM

We must all continue to be wise.

It is understood that Heaven is the name of the place that GOD dwells. JESUS taught us to desire that this earth would operate like Heaven...a number of people understand that. But something that is overlooked by many is the fact that JESUS taught us to look forward to The Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth, but I did not see the part where JESUS taught us to look forward to leave earth. The way that the earth currently is...this is not my home; but I do not see the part where I am going to run away.

9 So this is how you should pray:

‘Our Father in heaven,

we pray that your name will always be kept holy.

10 We pray that your kingdom will come—

that what you want will be done here on earth, the same as in heaven.


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An explanation of what is going on
Posted : 19 Feb, 2024 03:31 PM

The thing about fighting aginst crazy people is if you hit them back...they sometimes cant figure out why they are being hit.

The former president was fined $355 million for fraudulently inflating the values of his properties. (I think it was the same 'judge' that thought maralago was only worth a couple of million dollars

I wonder what the advrage person will do to tell the crazy people "Hey what your doing is not fair!"

(oh wait here is a news clip)


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An explanation of what is going on
Posted : 19 Feb, 2024 02:25 PM

An explanation of what is going on:

Just like haters are going to hate


players are going to play...


crazy people are going to do crazy things

I am not going to try to trace the route that they took...because its crazy! But the modus operandi (a latin phrase that means method of procedure) for the past 8+ years has been 'Get Trump'. If they can put the man in jail for 700 years for stepping on an there mind its valid. In fact that seems to be the only unifing argument that they have.

For example, one of the only coherent ideas that they have is to be totally against everything that Trump is in favor of.

Remember that time when Joey Biden left a couple of billion dollars wort of sensitive military equipment in Afganastan, well the correct way to withdraw is what President Trump obviously the crazy people had to do the opposite. (I guess they were going to show us how 'smart' they are)

(and there is a lot of other examples) like:

So 'the corporation' created federal laws that made it impossible for us to defend our borders? (I told you that they are crazy!)

I really do not hear many people talking about GODs cup of wrath, but everytime someone does something that should not have been done, then GOD places a marbel in HIS cup that has the other persons name on it. And whenever GOD says that cup is to full, then the cup gets poured in the lap of the person.

In 2020 my friend Greg was asking about the crazy people that cheated and stole the election. I told Greg that thoes crazy people have placed the cups that have there names on them and placed them under the slurpy fountain...and they wedged a cinderblock onto the on button. (In other words thoes crazy people have made sure that they cant loose any earthly contest...that means that whichever way they turn will most likely involve cheating)

The crazy people has 'friends" in the news media. So while the crazy people were off doing crazy things...the news media was running interference for them. So to some folks the crazy people did not seem so crazy because if the person pretending to be president were crazy then the 6:00 news would report on it...or would they!

What is actualy getting ready to happen is the flood wall is about to burst...soon the media and the circus that the crazy people are putting on will not be able to mask over the lies!

As proof I submit the following picture.

The dress shows us that it is on backward, just like what we have seen has been backward!


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The food supply has been weaponized...Rescue Rock ministries has a solution!
Posted : 17 Feb, 2024 04:00 PM

-the industrial farming system is anything but a lean, mean food-producing machine. In 1940, the average U.S. farm produced 2.3 calories of food energy for every calorie of fossil fuel energy it used. By 1974, that ratio was 1:1, according to Richard Manning, writing in his book Against the Grain. These days, the calories-to-calories ratio is more like 3:1-

(In other words...'farming' is being made to be less and less efficient!)


Four firms control 85% of the beef packing market; 82% of soybean processing is controlled by four firms.33

The top four food retailers sold almost 35% of America’s food in 2019, compared to only 15% in 1990.34

The EPA estimates that 30%-40% of the current food supply was lost as waste, 50% more than in 1970.25,26 More food waste reaches landfills than any other material. This waste accounted for roughly 22% of the municipal solid waste stream in 2018 and represents a loss of $450 and around 350 pounds of food waste per person each year.25,26,27

Farmers account for 1% of the population. Over 60% of these farmers are above the age of 55.2,3

Just 14.5¢ of every dollar spent on food in 2021 went back to the fam; in 1975, it was 40¢.5,6

Large-scale family farms and industrial nonfamily farms account for only 5% of farms, but 63.8% of production (in $). Small-scale family farms represent 89% of U.S. farms, but only 17.8% of production.4

(evil people are 'driving the herd of people' into relying on non-sustainable food management practices)


"When agriculture is disrupted the end result is catastrophic"


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president Trump is like a breaker plow
Posted : 17 Feb, 2024 12:10 PM

(continued) the finacial support that Nikki recieves is from (it appears) deep state supporters. On a news program that I was watching they said that ordinarly when one canidate gets knocked out of the race then the remaining canidate welcomes with open arms the new finacial backers. But Donald Trump made it clear that the dirty money that has been used to support Nikki...that money is no welome in the Trump camp

Its been a few months ago, but I remember that time when (I think) the people running against Trump was Vivek Ramaswammi, Ron DeSantes, Chris Christy, and Niki Haley...Trump said that when he looks at the debate stage he does no see vice presidential material.

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