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Posted : 20 Feb, 2010 05:17 AM

Brother Arch, you should be so happy!!... You have become so loved in this family!!... What do we need the most since we are born?... First our parents� love� our family�s love� our friends� love� our wife/husband�s love� and so on� The resume that you know very well�. We need Love, because WE NEED GOD!!!

We are all happy because you are our friend, I am happy because you teach us what you know with so much wisdom� and with so much joy and

Be happy!... Be hopeful!... Feel yourself strong!!!... Keep standing like the man of God you are!!!!.... This family of yours loves you!!!!!... You are loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oops! With this noise I have made with so many symbols !!!!!!!! I have scared the Wabbits�


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a little sermon on how to teach
Posted : 18 Feb, 2010 08:38 PM

Thanks Ole for those words, they should be posted in the first page on this and all christian sites... and not christian sites too.

It is just about Christ told us, but which it is so hard for us to take it to practice.

It is hard because there is a tendency, in these moderns times, to constantly show our "value" to others, for them to respect us... But the real value is in the eternal Love of God, not in what we expect others see in us. It is so hard to find that equilibrium between give ourselves "our place" in front of others, including defending our faith, and keep ourselves as humbles as Christ is.

It is written that we will be head among people on Earth, but that does not mean been proud. Non extreme is good, we should be trying learning where the equilibrium is in our behavior... that is soooooo hard...

I have always been a lioness to face life, motherhood, my classroom when teaching, my believes, to defend a friend, etc. That is the way I have been known for many... because I am passionate... But, in the bottom of myself, where no one see, I prefer retire when discussions start, real and usefulness discussions ... my tendency is ... get soft... for the sake of not arguing or impose myself... and I retire... sometimes I have let other people step on me , wrong... I know, but I could find a way to the balance between the lioness and the humble christian.

You know? this site has helped me a in some way to find that equilibrium... Thanks to all of you... the warriors and the sweet sisters...


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Confidence Man
Posted : 15 Feb, 2010 06:05 PM

May I, gentlemen?...

Yes, you have to be confident because the head of a couple should be sure of what he thinks, he does, he gives, he asks for� Only that way she will live completely safe and loved, and she will learn how to love with you� Oh!!!, this needs some music...

Music or silence� We, women, we need our head, a strong and confident head.

A body which its head is sick� eventually dies. The same way the beautiful couple man/woman dies if man shows not confidence� better, if he IS not confident.

Men of God� please, clean right now your thoughts from all which is weak. Fill it with the mind of Christ and BE like He is, think like He thinks, breathe strongly and face the intimate world you will build with your wife in the most Pure and Confident way� because He, your Creator, even if you stumble for a while, will be holding your back� and she will see that, she will know it!!!

Love does not doubt� wait in the Lord, open your ears to the voice of God� You mistake? Does not matter� stand again in confidence� feel it inside your cells, make it part of you� Ask God for it and take it!!! � You will be the happiness of one woman on the Earth, yours�


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Is God a murderer?
Posted : 14 Feb, 2010 04:47 PM

Well, I have learned that when some men of God [I have the honor of having met here] speak... no much is needed to add... Ole, your are the "balance" and equilibrium of this Forum, thank God for you.

Apart from the theme of this post I have to say:

Oh!! God!! I am so happy to be back to the Forum!! :yay:

I have been far for some weeks, and then I could not resist the solitude, even when I had no option,... and I could not keep more silence when I saw the title "Is God a murderer?"

Thanks GraceMae and Jude for keep writing to me, you are awesome sisters!!!!.

I have just read that Arch was out for a while too... sorry I missed the Good Bye and that BBQ, that was not fair!!! Glad you are back and glad that I can be here again learning and sharing our Love for God again!!!

Back to the theme... I started to learn about the God's sovereignty with some of the elders of my first church, they scared me to death by then... Now, even when I have tons of questions to make, it is my comfort the fact that God is in Control of everything, there is no more fear to face by ourselves, He has everything in His Hands... and the Father, the Son and the Spirit ... keep us united, no matter how different "we think" we are... God is Love, we can not go out from Him... so, not out from Love and Harmony...



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Is God a murderer?
Posted : 13 Feb, 2010 12:08 PM

One thing needs to be clear for all of us Christians: �the only� God, the Creator of everything is ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN" over His creation. He gives and takes life. He gives our bodies and take spirit from them when He decides it according to His will and justice, which is very different of our concept of justice as GivenLife has reminded in her quotations... those verse are amazing�

The creator�s enemies are just called enemies to express that they hate even the idea that they have been created by God� But� as God has created all things and creatures, there is NO creature who can be named his/herself as an enemy of His level.

Satan is a creation too, and a skilled creation indeed, he received beauty and power� But nothing is given or taken by Satan without the approval of God.

No mistake� Evil is submitted to God in everything he does, Glory to the Almighty for that!!!!!! Read carefully Job chapters 1 and 2. Satan wanted Job�s destruction, but he could only do what God allowed him to do� from the death of Job's children to Job's sickness... Why does God did that? The whole book answer that question, God had a purpose in Job�s life, He wanted Job to understand His real and complete Sovereignty, that book is a treasure.

I thought once... What about those children of Job?... Now I answer myself... Come on, Agnos... trust God and keep silence...

In Lamentations chapter 3 we found this very strong scripture:

37 Who can speak and have it happen

if the Lord has not decreed it?

38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High

that both calamities and good things come?

39 Why should any living man complain

when punished for his sins?

The complete chapter speaks about the will of God for us to repent and that He has the right to forgive or not. The first time I read it I had to put it apart for years until I was able to �accept� that absolute Truth�

He can not be defined by our concepts of good or bad, no matter how hard we try to do it�

He uses all things� by the change, all created by Him� for His sovereign purposes�

If we fight against those scriptures, and other not quoted here but stated in the Bible, we are trying to close the Almighty in the narrow box of our limited thoughts.

He is not a murderer! He does what He has determined since the Beginning, in his eternity and no one can judge Him!

He is Justice, Love, forgive, but punishment and fire too� He is the Only One with rights over all !!!!!!!!!!! Halleluyah! Isn�t that the consolation for the whole creation?

And� when we cannot understand the things that He disposes [I don�t understand a lot of them], if we cannot yet understand scriptures like Lamentations 3.37-39 or others, we just have to pray and keep silence before Him, like Habakuk 2.20 reads.


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Songs or Poetry to keep you Encouraged, Help you to "Dream" again and Love
Posted : 17 Jan, 2010 05:40 PM

Ah, my dear sister, you sound like I my fragility has been damaged, no, not at all. No time for that, I am still new here, and the time I have had I have use it to be more here in the Forum.

I spoke about Fidelity because I wanted to share it, because it concerns me in these times, and when a beautiful and important point starts, we can become very romantic... :hearts: I would like to speak more about that ...

I have other priorities and I need to put some things �in order�, so I will be a little absent for a while, you know what we all do when alone with the Lord� :prayingf:

You have an army of warriors here!!! And I will join again if God allows me. I have enjoyed so much these weeks!!!

Grace, we had a new song in church today, when I listened it I thought in this your posting for songs and poetry� give me time to translate it.

God bless you all with wisdom in your spirit and goodness in your heart.


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Songs or Poetry to keep you Encouraged, Help you to "Dream" again and Love
Posted : 16 Jan, 2010 09:09 PM

Grace, my dear sister... thank you so much for that poem, the last one. I will keep it.

As.... "Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand" ... Now, I want to thank you today for your presence in my life...

Remember when we quote Ecclesiastes?... Everything has its own time...

I was told to show myself in the way I was not doing it [not only physically, but spiritually too] it was the time and I did it, and I am sure about what I have heard...

He just called me out to show me something I needed to know... now I know it...

There are not few storms I have faced and with His help I could survived, but there are others that only Him can face for me and I just need to be still.

Grace, Fidelity is always or is not... we have to keep it intact, before, then, and after... Keep being faithful to the man God has chosen you for...

I am returning to the place [spiritually speaking] God has disposed for me once again, for a while, just for a while... to pray and keep that fidelity... until I will be called again...

My pleasure will be keep studying His word alone and with those He has allows me to. I will keep tracking these postings too. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

He is holding my hand...

I have not translated yet, but as this posting is for poetry and songs I will post at least one of the verses I wrote for my son in one of my poems for him. It is for all of us too.

"En el tiempo que tienes para estar en el mundo

Vive siempre en amor y s� fiel a tus pactos,

Edifica tu vida sobre eternos principios

Y el deseo no sea director de tus actos."

"In the time you have to be in the world

Live always in love and be faithful to your covenants,

Build your life on eternal principles

The desire not be director of your actions. "


Here is the song I told you about in other posting, it was the first one:

You are with me, Jehovah, all the time.

You are with me on the way and at the sea.

You hold me during the confusion or the light.

And forever you will fill me with your love.

You are with me, Father of the Universe

From the beginning until the eternity

I�ll never fear into the tribulations

If I cry out to You, You will respond to me.

It is your promise, my God, protecting me.

You only ask me to trust in Christ the Lord.

Day by day growing spiritually, and

Never darken my heart into the world.

They lose the rhyme when translated, but that does not matter.

Ines M.


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Posted : 16 Jan, 2010 09:14 AM

Yes! Ole, that one is certainly a tough truth... sometimes when what we have materially or concerning of people around us who love us, is too few or almost null, it is hard to find the way to be happy ... in those times we kind of pray... "Hello, Father, open my eyes to see the little flower in the middle of this marshy wilderness" ... :rolleyes:

Coming back to the "serious" point.

See this quote about happiness.

Albert Camus:

But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?

Happiness as a concept is related or similar to the concept of Freedom.

If we are happy we feel so free!!!

When we are free, we maybe still need to find our way to happiness but it is more easy to look of it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery [the famous author of The Little Prince, one of my favorites books] said" "I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind"

That one is good, because our mind leads our acts... generally.

About freedom the best of all:

John 8.32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

And now that sentence about change to:

If we are free the way Jesus says... we are so happy!!!!


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Posted : 16 Jan, 2010 06:52 AM

I have found these definitions of happiness, all of them have a point.

Democritus, (460?-370? BC)

Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.

Sharon Salzberg

It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years - we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on.


Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

And I find these next amazing�.

Mary Baker Eddy

Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires ALL MANKIND TO SHARE IT.

Lord Byron

All who would win joy, must SHARE it; happiness was born a twin.

Victor Hugo

The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved � loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.


If we have something, from a simple plate of food to the love or our heart and we can not share it... that possession is not complete, it does not make us/me happy.

And... not been loved at all is the major disaster. The most important thing for a baby/child is feeling the love of their parents... The most important for an adult is feeling that he/she is loved and could share his/her own with others...

As we are loved by the most Important of all, God, we all should be happy... no matter what.


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The Favorite List?
Posted : 15 Jan, 2010 09:08 PM

Well, I have to say something that I did not know. When enter the site I thought that only man "should" be in a woman's list of favorites, until days ago that I saw one of my sisters here, adding me to her favorite list....Thanks!!!!!!

Then, I understood that the favorite list is for all those that in some way become close to us, mostly here in the Forum. As I have only time at night to come and share, [work to far from home, long driving, etc] I have delay adding her to my almost empty list... but I just did it Grace!!! now I have 2 friends there. That way I can follow their posting and share sometimes with them, ideas and friendship...

By the way... do not get discouraged if you are not in a lot of others lists... some of us would be devastated... :goofball: but we are not!!!

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