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Posted : 20 Jan, 2010 10:17 AM

Ladies, thank you very much!! The honesty is truly appreciated!!!! Please keep it coming!!!!And goldenstarfish- feel free to use whatever "big" words you'd like to! Be as verbose or succinct as you choose, honestly!!! I took no insult, and had no difficulty comprehending what you'd written. I also am glad that many chose to take "on the job training" as an educational plus. I'm thoroughly enjoying your comments, thank you all so much!!!!!


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How are you viewing sisters in Christ?
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 05:27 PM

Thanks cattle, How are Ya? I've been following this post, quite interesting. I've watched this poor girl get more abuse about her as person than for anything she has to say, and much more than she deserved. Since he who has been forgiven much loves much, I figured she could use a little sent her way. And speaking of forgiven much-if all they've got to say is about her being a bartender for a job once? Well since God knows em all already, I may just air out MY laundry list of sins. Now That'd give give em someone to aim at!


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What should I do.....??
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 05:09 PM

dear visions, where was that last post directed?


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Biblical Stories and their awesomeness...
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 05:05 PM

dude I'm with you completely! the Bible is full of examples that people don't "hear" or "see" for themselves. I actually googled "proof of God" and got a pretty cool website. It names six facts that point to God, but even says some people will flat out refuse to believe. All we can do is point em toward God, and He'll do His thing, or not, but we can't argue people into heaven, only love em. A good example is better that any good advice." People are dumb, but It's the Bible that tells us that too Surprise!!! All we can do is point the lost to the Light, the rest is up to Him...


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I am confused about why The Holy Spirit...
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 04:36 PM

Maybe a council of the elders? That's what I think would be the closest description of finding the supreme court of scripture. If you seek God with a genuine heart, as you do, He will come and find you. I wish everything made sense to me, I really do, but have no particular insight to offer you here. Maybe would be a good place to look, as you can pull different versions of the Bible up next to each other, and you seem to have a great grasp on words, so maybe seeing it in a different language or translation may help? Or try asking people you look up to as religious leaders? If you are struggling with a particular chapter and verse maybe find a friend who is both well educated and speaks Hebrew? They'd probably have some insight. So much is lost in translation, and while the message remains true, I honestly have problems following some Bibles written in english, and that's my native tongue! Or If it's a particular chapter/verse, start a new thread, see what kind of answers you get? Or fire off a few emails to the "higher ups" Of some of the more prestigious religious schools out there? Or find someone who's spiritual gift is wisdom? Or meet with a few friends you trust, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, I will also be there."

If you still are confounded by the verse, ask God for clarity. You are his creation, he wants to talk to you! Tell him you're tripping over something that doesn't make sense to you, and maybe He will "put it to you in a different way" There are many things I've had to give up, and accept to completely put God first, and the hardest among these is the concept of Hell. While I grew up in church, am a pk and mk (missionary kid, not military), it took me many years to truly accept "my" faith. I could say all I wanted, and knew all the ins&outs, but only within the past year has my faith become my own, and I PROCLAIM IT NOW!!!!

However, that leaves 28 years-a lot of dead friends, family, loved ones, I miss these people like crazy and I'll never see them again, all rapture-type discussion aside, as well as the separating of the goats and the sheep, they're gone. Period. End of story. That was hard for me to accept for a long time, and I couldn't do it quite honestly. And don't think for one second that I'm happy about it. But I don't make the rules, I just pay the price if I break them. So hearing that-I pose the question to you-and only you can answer this, but are you absolutely certain that you don't understand the verse(s)? Or is it maybe something you don't want to hear? That is meant with the utmost respect, and I'll be honest, I've thrown my Bible across the room a more times than I can count, but I can't change what's in there. It's been a bitter pill to swallow, and even though I "got the pill down" I still choke on it sometimes. I'm guilty of being angry at God quite often when His plan interferes with mine. It's not right, by any means, but I'll own up to doing it. It's not for me to understand, only obey.

For what it's worth to you, I've never met anyone that fully understood all the scriptures, and would question the person that told me they did. But as far as any court? Well, we're all gonna have to face God at some point, be it judge or Savior, and if it bothers you, I'm sure He'll be happy to explain it to you, as you seem like someone I'll run into in Heaven.

Maybe pal, you'll just have to trust your heart. If you've given it to God, which it seems you have, then you might have to make your own call. Like I said, we're all meeting God one way or another, and if everything else is right, and you've sought after Him with a genuine heart, even if you're still confused by the verse on that day- I doubt he'll fault you for it. At least I hope not! I'm pretty sure He'll still say "Well done, my good and faithful servant." In my mind, the very essence of faith is to persevere because I may not know the path, but I am sure of the outcome.

I hope this helps, man, I really wish I could just *poof* make it all clear for you, me and everyone else. But God's not gonna lead you astray, and since you've got an inside line to the author of the book, use it! celebrate the fact that though all things may not always be clear to our understanding, we do have that connection. God bless you man, Andy


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How are you viewing sisters in Christ?
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 02:05 PM

Well, girl, he does. And if no-one ever told you that, please, let me take this moment in time to reassure you that no matter what anyone says about you, or the work you do, or did, or your past, or (gasp) the mistakes you might yet even make in your future-

GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I am confused about why The Holy Spirit...
Posted : 19 Jan, 2010 01:33 PM

Truly a fascinating point, sir!!!! Ok, gonna open myself up to all kinds of angry messages here and I do admit to a severe ignorance of scripture. Open fire :glow:- Before Jericho was taken-Joshua(I think) Is the one that laid the lamb's wool out and (again, ignorance) asked that after one night the ground be wet, and the fleece dry, and asked a second time, except asked that the fleece be wet and the ground dry. (And possibly a third attempt as well) I also believe that there is a way to "challange or test spirits" Please, somebody let me know because I hate to tell you something like that and not back it up. Open fire round Two::glow:

I do believe that the Holy Spirit asks different things from different people. While we are all to serve-are we not each given our individual tasks? What good is a church of one hundred with ninety-nine pastors? While I do believe in absolute right and wrong, I believe you need to ask God (I really need this scripture, say what you've got to say please, just point me in the right direction). If it is within His will, and if it is in line with Biblical teachings, then you should listen with a discerning ear. Cause we all know that when we step off the path chosen for us, He lets us know real quick. But if it is truly His will, then follow it. I believe it was Jesus who said "I am the way, the Truth, and the Light, and no man may come to the Father but through me."

I believe Jesus is to be our sounding board, but sadly cannot offer a scriptural refrence to this. Open fire, round three. However, just look through the Bible, at all the different things humans have done with God's (or Jesus' or the Spirit's) leading. How many people did Samson kill? How big was the Egyptian army that chased after Moses and perished when the Sea fell on them? How loving was the woman who washed Jesus' feet with perfume, and her own hair? Do they not all have their actions based on the same Divine leading?

I think we're all called to do different things for Christ. Some may be great, some we may never see the value in, but as long as we're doing it for His glory, we need to surrender to His plan. I don't for one second believe the Spirit is Schizophrenic or tells people contrasting things, I believe it speaks to each and every one as we're called. So I may sit down with you and read a verse, and take away something different than you. Or we may be sitting in church next to each other, and I'll be brought to tears by the sermon, but you can sit next to me and feel nothing but perhaps the spirit moving in me, the person sitting next to you. That's fine in my opinion, because maybe the message wasn't meant for you that week. Truly, sir you do offer a fascinating topic, and I look forward to seeing what some of the responses you get are. My final answer is: The spirit speaks to each of us what is needed for us to hear, and that I really really need to find that scripture to look up testing the spirits, but not to put it simplisticly, but Jesus is The Truth.

Thank you so much for putting me into this train of thought. I mean that.


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Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 06:08 PM

Thanks Givenlife, not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, but the last comment about where getting to know someone is the real education, I couldn't agree with it more. To anyone else who answers this question-don't be afraid to be honest, I'm not sure what kind of responses to expect at all, but it might be a wide variety, who knows?


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Are there any guys out there who don't want kids?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 03:51 PM

YES!!!! ME!!!! RIGHT HERE!!!!! Men are raised as jerks, and are expected to find a wife and have a family. I don't want that at all. If I get married, It's because (gasp) I love my wife!!! If I ever get up, stand before a priest, and in front of God, my friends, and family, and her friends and her family, and promise to love HER forsaking all others, I take that quite seriously. And if there's no kids? Great!!! I'll marry the woman because I love her!!! Not what she can do for me in the future, or what "may" become a family. It's all about HER!!! I do love kids, and have a great relationship with my nephews and niece, but they lived with me for a couple years (7 people 2 bedroom house) do the math there. I speak from experience when I say I don't want kids. Now this may be a little much, and sound cold but you know the question everyone used to ask: your house is burning down, and you can save your wife or child. Who do you save? For me, without a moment's hesitation, I save my wife. Because of the vows I took to her!!! Children are a gift from God, please no hate mail, I have no problem with kids. But really, those vows mean a lot to me. I promised God I would stay with this woman until death do us part. I do plan to love, honor and cherish my wife if I ever get married, but the last few weddings I went to, no one ever made those promises to the children they don't have yet. Hope that helps, Andy


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Guys, why does a woman's age matter?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 03:31 PM

Intelligence, Integrity, Self-worth, Self-assuredness, Social graces, Beauty-these are all traits that I attribute to older women. I'll admit I'm not perfect and been looking for "girls" in all the wrong places, but I hate my generation, and too many of my girlfriends say I remind them of their father. Creepy stuff!!!! But you hear it enough times, and you start to realize that most girls my age want a "hipper" kind of guy. I'm old school in the way I treat people, and how I carry myself as well. And I guess I'm just looking for a WOMAN that appreciates a hard-working man who may not be able to give her the world, but can give her a love deeper than most on this earth. And if I have to look to a woman that's a few years older than me, so be it. Like I said, I'm old school.

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