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New profile!
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 03:10 PM

dear cattle-why thank you sir.


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What should I do.....??
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 12:57 PM

Nyanda, I agree with you completely. I understand this issue's been resolve for the man here, but I faced the problem of trying to find a new church as well. My father is a pastor, not practicing, so I asked him what to do. His advice was simple. Make sure it's based in scripture and ENJOY YOUR SEARCH!!!! It's amazing the ways God comes across!!! Try a black church cause man those chiors!!!! (I hope they're the ones singing in Heaven, cause they know how to rock!) Or maybe even a church you don't understand the language. No one will kick you out of a Spanish or Korean speaking church. And even though it's not your mothertongue, God will always get through to you. I'm glad your search is over, congrats!!!


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Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 12:50 PM

I noticed all the responses, and even the beginning question here took a military bend. But what about on a personal level? If I'm being attacked, or defending someone weaker than myself? You should turn the other cheek, I agree. But also-your body is a Temple of God. Where do you draw the line? If I saw someone attacking a woman, I'd hop in, but what about men? What if I break someone's jaw for example, defending someone else? This isn't meant to be argumentative, but a serious question. I ask because I've had it come up in my own life, and wonder what others think


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New profile!
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 12:41 PM

Hey it looks good to me! You're way down in Florida, and I failed math too many times, but for a while played clarinet. Man I hated having to carry around that "suitcase" but it gave me a feeling like a mobster lol. I think your profile looks great, and good luck!


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Friendly Debates
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 11:04 AM

How can there be many religions? Simple! Most people "pick" a religion because they like it, whereas Christians believe it. And well, God is an awesome God, and I don't believe we all worship the same God. What about satanists? They believe in God too. And as for meditation-I'm a cross country runner, I'd pray before a race, but during the hour long warm-up routine, I simply got in touch with my body, made sure everything was in working order, and felt nothing wrong with God having no part of that routine. Most yoga classes only last a half-hour, and focus on meditation, whereas for me, I took an hour to focus on myself. I don't feel that made me selfish, but it did calm me, lower my heart rate, affect my breathing, many of the same things meditating does for other religions.


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women making first move
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 10:56 AM

Yes! Yes! Yes! Go for it!!! You seem like a nice person, and just like women, smart guys can tell what kind of attention a woman is looking for. Yes! Do it! Approach that stranger on the street! Or if you've got an eye on a cashier somewhere, don't be afraid to say something to them. (But do have a back up place to get a coffee if they don't return the interest.) I've heard the phrase "I am woman hear me roar!" And I'd love to see it in action.


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How do you approach a girl..?
Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 10:31 AM

Unfortunately, confidence goes a long way. Ever try finding a job that just thrusts you right into the middle of everything? Like something as simple as a clerk at a grocery store. For me that's helped me make a lot of friends. I'm pretty quiet myself and it took me years to "Talk" to some of my customers. But now-someone actually brought me cookies for Christmas, hot diggity! I'm learning German, and have actually met a couple of mothers before I ever dated their daughters. That can lead to many an akward moment, but if the mom likes you indepenently of their daughter's feelings, well that goes a long way. I'd avoid the gym. I'd say most girls there are used to getting hit on. Also they're either dressed a certain way, or simply too out of breath to talk. Good luck man!!!!


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Posted : 18 Jan, 2010 09:43 AM

What does a man's education level mean to YOU? Is it a lifestyle thing? Is it the ability to "hold a conversation?" What do you think when you think of a man's education level?


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What to Christian guys truly think about divorced moms?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2010 10:21 AM

I believe it is the epitome of motherhood to take whatever comes your way, from whoever dishes it out, to do what's best for your kids. If you got married before you were saved, and your husband refuses to change, You'll have to face God one day and say "I did the best I knew how. I got my kids out of a bad place." Also to widows-I'm only 29 so if you're a widow at this age, my heart goes out to you.

I think a lot of guys are afraid of the "rebound" aspect, as women often do come on pretty strong. It's good to be up front and honest that you do have kids, but there comes a point where the man feels "browbeaten" with them. If you look at many of the female profiles on this site, it seems they're looking for a father for their kids, and a man interested in them will have to fulfill that duty, maybe even before he is sure of his feelings for the woman. I'm not at all prepared to be a father, and I'm sure you've met men who constantly mention "my ex..." Sometimes it can be the same with children. You need to realize you're asking the guy to step into a difficult situation, and to meet someone's kids before I'm even sure of my feelings for her is often too much. I feel a bit cheated. I want to say "Don't I even get a chance to really decide if I want to spend the rest of my life with you before I make the choice about becoming a father?"

I personally also have only a High school diploma, and that is a very limiting factor when it comes to children. It's turned into a "safety net" for me in a way, because it's like saying "caution!! Cannot pay for extravagant lifestyle!!" At my income level, adding a child to the mix-well, there's every penny I make and then some too.

All this being said, many divorced women are unfairly dumped on. That should change, as we're all God's children. I would have no problem dating a woman with children myself, but would need her to be the "stereotypical" loving, caring, mothering one. I say that because I honestly feel I'd be a bad father, and to knowingly step into a situation where I could adversely affect a young child's life is hard for me to do. (Hence needing her to be all of the aforementioned things.) I hope this answers some of your questions, but just remember-I'm only speaking for me. Many men would love children, especially if they're incapable of having their own, and would love to be able to "hop right into" family life. That's not the case for me, but I'd absolutely date a divorced woman, as long as I was able to get to know her very well first. Because with love comes acceptance, and just as you can't force love on someone, you can't force kids either, as horrible as that is to say. Best of luck, and ps-we're all damaged goods, that's what Christ is all about. Not condemning, saving. Take care, Andy


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How are you viewing sisters in Christ?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2010 08:58 AM

dear randy. You've obviously done some research. I for one don't ever, even once believe a woman when she tells me her age. (Unless she's a young child) but I don't accuse them of lying at all. I think it's intelligent that she doesn't put out where she lives. As to your response, you seem to attack her directly without hearing what she has to say. I have no proof that I'm "really me" to offer you, but for what it's worth. I used to work in a liquor store. That made me stop drinking heavily, as my clientele were mostly alcoholics. Bars often affect people the same way. This makes her the ninth bartender that doesn't drink that I've met in my 29 years on earth. And as far as being 31 and never married-129 of my "friends" on facebook who claim no religion at all are in the same boat. I don't understand why the personal attack on someone? I have as much right to doubt your own "stats" on the site just because I want to. Please, I'm asking to be corrected if I'm wrong, but you commented on things she has in her profile. Not a word of what she (or the Nigerian scammer) had to say. Please-do correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not the only one with this response. Site Mr. Arcamedes he defends her as well. Or maybe she pulled the wool over both our eyes...

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