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Requesting Prayer
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:24 PM

A good friend of mine went through this also - and in the exact same place - the nose. It turned out it wasn't as deep as they thought and you can't tell anything was ever wrong with him. I'll be praying the same outcome for your boss!

(And by the way - skin cancer is one of the easiest form of cancer to cure when detected early. Praise God there is a bright side for him.)


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is masterbation allowed while living a singles life.
Posted : 21 Feb, 2010 11:18 PM

Bummer - I was kind of hoping for some answers here - I have a ten year old boy that's going to be headed into puberty and I have no idea what I should be telling him. The male perspective on this would help me a lot - and sorry, I'm not about to walk up to my pastor or any other male member of the church and ask this question. I love my church and my pastor but this subject matter would be way to uncomfortable.

Soooo......if anyone has some Biblical advice on this matter, my email lines are open.



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How to treat a woman
Posted : 18 Feb, 2010 11:44 PM

Here's one for you, Leon...

A Florida senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership.

Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal even more.

Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a Florida State Trooper, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this!" and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.

Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the Corvette. He looked at his watch, then said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding--a reason I've never before heard -- I'll let you go."

The old gentleman paused then said: "Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.

"Have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper.



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How to treat a woman
Posted : 18 Feb, 2010 11:38 PM

Leon - I thought the first one was absolutely hysterical - I plan on sharing that one with every friend I have! I had seen the second one in it's original version, and this is NOTHING compared to how it's actually written - your version was cleaned up quite a bit. But even in the original version, I found it to be pretty funny.

And seriously folks, if this was offensive to you, then you should also find cartoons absolutely terrible because they depict killing, and I certainly hope you've never seen a movie rated other than "G."

I think everyone was a little rough on you here, bro.


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Help the children
Posted : 9 Feb, 2010 01:54 AM

Wow - I'll be praying.


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Posted : 9 Feb, 2010 01:50 AM

My dad died when I was young and I didn't know him very well. But years after he died, I started having dreams about him. We would go for long walks and I'd tell him everything that was going on in my life - for a couple of years I would periodically have these dreams. I do believe this was God's doing.

However, the dream where I'm running down an alley wearing a baby bonnet with a chicken under my arm trying to flag down an airplane? Probably not God.



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Posted : 9 Feb, 2010 01:44 AM

I guess I've never thought about this. I've also never understood how to flirt. If it's batting the eyelashes or doing the little giggle, I just don't have it in me. Usually when I write someone on this site, I say more than "hi." If I write to someone it's because I see something in their profile that I want more information on - whether it be finding out where a picture was taken or getting their opinion on how to do something that I see from their profile that they know how to do. It doesn't even necessarily mean I'm interested in pursuing a relationship - I certainly wouldn't know that until we had communicated more than the first few emails.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just remember not to go by looks, but by what's in their profile - what have they written about themselves and is there any reason you would actually want to write them? If so, it won't be hard to come up with something to say. :)


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What should I do.....??
Posted : 21 Jan, 2010 01:07 AM

Thanks, Cattle - I needed to regroup and get some one on one time in with God - no distractions. Good to be back.


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Haiti again.
Posted : 21 Jan, 2010 01:01 AM

I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to turn into a rant, which is exactly what it was. I'm just frustrated. And annoyed with myself. As I type, from my warm house, in my safe town, with my healthy kids tucked in their clean beds, I can't help but wonder, why me? I have done nothing, and I mean NOTHING to deserve the way I live. I cursed God more than I care to remember before I gave my life to Him. There are people trapped under buildings that have loved Him since they could walk. Yet, here I am, and there they are. I'm not doubting God, I'm doubting me. I'm doubting my appreciation, my gratitude, and my willingness to use what He has given me for His glory instead of my gain. I didn't have to buy that second TV - or the makeup that promised to make me look 10 years younger - or the cat food that was shaped like fish when I could have bought the same food - all the same shape - for a buck cheaper. I could have used this money to FEED someone.

Right now, I'm feeling really helpless, and really ashamed.


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Haiti again.
Posted : 21 Jan, 2010 12:45 AM

Please bear with me. There's something bothering me and I need to say something about it. Maybe my prayer request should be for me to just get over it.

Since the earthquake in Haiti hit, I've heard many Americans say, "What about our own?" in response to the help being sent. They are bringing up the Katrina victims, saying we aren't done with New Orleans yet, so how can we possibly send money we don't have to Haiti? I have heard this more than a handful of times, maybe you have too.

The thing that bothers me, besides the lack of compassion, is the comparison.

Katrina was not the largest natural disaster the US has ever had. The largest hurricane hit Galveston, TX in 1900 and killed 8000+ people. Katrina ranks #9. In Haiti, the death toll is expected to be over 100,000. That makes it one of the worst GLOBAL natural disasters in history. These people are not equipped to handle this at ALL. New Orleans IS in recovery - they're getting their economy and tourism back. They have clean water to drink and food to eat - the Haitians aren't comparable to the Katrina victims at this point - it's been five years since Katrina - it's been one week since the Haiti earthquake. So why help people outside our country? Because we're HUMAN. Where is the money coming from? At this point, who cares These people are in a situation that we can't even begin to fathom. Imagine hearing YOUR child crying under a pile of rubble, begging you to help, and there's nothing you can do. Imagine sitting outside the ruins of a hospital with broken bones and deep cuts, amidst dead bodies, and the only thing you're thinking about is water. Their situation is completely unthinkable. What about New Orleans? New Orleans can wait for now. A bigger fish just jumped in the boat.

Katrina was first detected on August 23 - five days before it hit New Orleans. It first hit Florida, then went into the gulf of Mexico, where it strengthened. This was tracked - they KNEW it was coming, they KNEW the levies wouldn't hold, they KNEW they should get people out of there, but they didn't. In this situation, there IS someone (many, actually) to blame.

Now look at Haiti. This earthquake hit with no warning. It was a shallow quake (which means there weren't any warning tremors, letting people know to get out of the buildings) and the violent ground shaking and destruction started immediately. They (unlike New Orleans) didn't have a chance.

I did cry when Katrina hit. I cried for all the people who lost their lives and all the people who were left suffering. But those tears did turn to anger when I found out that a lot of it could have been prevented. I was angry at the mayor, at our government, and at the people who CHOSE to stay and "ride it out." But in Haiti, there's no one to be angry with. Their leaders didn't drop the ball - this was a time bomb that finally went off and hundreds of thousands died and are still dying.

Do I believe in helping "our own?" Absolutely. I think when a town, state, or nation bans together to help victims of a disaster it brings out the best in that town, state, or nation. But when the world can come together to help victims of a global disaster, it reminds us that "our own" travels farther than any border.

Please, pray for our own. No matter what country you live in.

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