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Posted : 2 Apr, 2019 02:35 PM

First dates are tricky.

As a man if you portray a bit of game (arrogance) with some banter women will often play the game and say what you want to hear and you are in. Months later you might wish it hadn't gone so well.

Take it easier maybe coming off as less confident women will not get that 'spark' and may try to mug you off without really showing you who they are. It's a fine line.

A good date itself usually has good food, nice surroundings, good conversation, some laughs and maybe a quick snog at the end.


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Hi everyone, I need help
Posted : 2 Apr, 2019 02:23 PM

Seems to me you need to be a bit more choosey about who you date.

Someone living in a flea infested pig sty with mouldy plates and a non flushing toilet isn't the full ticket. What possessed you to even consider moving in there?

Did you really love this guy?? Or are you just desperate not to be alone? Be honest with yourself and ask yourself some serious questions.

My advice would be to stay well away from the guy, you didn't get pregnant and ruin your life so you dodged a bullet. Once you have a kid in tow your value as a potential wife will drop through the floor.

Do what you need to do to sort out your own issues, then you can not only have a good chance of finding a decent Christian man but you will be better able to serve God.

Do yourself a favour in future and keep any talk of this relationship with any future potential boyfriends to yourself or you may be judged as damaged goods. Chalk it up to experience and don't make the same mistakes again.

Take my advice with a pinch of salt, I'm full of toxic masculinity and lack the tolerance of modern day millennial men and generation z.


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Need feedback from men
Posted : 2 Apr, 2019 02:02 PM

A cool T-shirt with shepherd boy David standing with his foot on Goliaths head while swinging his sling overhead that reads " A lot of practice & a little faith".


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breaking up because of insecurities...
Posted : 2 Apr, 2019 01:53 PM

Depends if a girl acts on those insecurities. For example by going with another man because their boyfriend / husband doesn't make them feel attractive enough.

I'm full of toxic masculinity so she would be straight up the road with no questions asked or answered.

I can get a low grade woman every other day so wouldn't lower myself to being a cuck.


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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 12 Feb, 2019 05:01 PM

Music, films, books & school etc is used to program our minds from day one.

Technically music used to be played at 432 hertz but the Nazi's worked out that 440 hertz would still sound ok but could just throw the mind and body slightly out of harmony. Since the 50's and 60's almost all music has been played at 440 hertz. Like the frequency from your wi-fi and the coming 5G standard it was mildly weaponized. Probably contributes to rising cancer rates and other previously rare illnesses.

As far as actual songs go many of them are produced by people connected with freemasonry and illuminati etc. Many of them contain warnings, future predictions and are used to condition minds to accept ideas later on. Satan cannot do what he likes without God's people having some form of warning as to what is going on.

Depending on how well you know your Bible & how far you want to go down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole will dictate how relevant particular songs or bands are. Many songs may only contain a single line of relevance where others may have the whole song entirely devoted to a theme with the video to match.

Take 'Black Hole Sun' by Soundgarden in 1994 for instance. At the time it was catchy and made no sense, since the writer committed suicide recently and I've got more Biblical knowledge and scientific knowledge as well as studied other religions it makes perfect sense now.

It was a song about what is coming and will cause the calamities laid out in revelation. 'Planet X' has even been mentioned occasionally on national radio.

The Prodigy are on the same wave lengths with full songs such as 'Breath' to do with chemtrail poisoning. 'Light up the Sky' about the fake moon and sun that many are seeing (China made theirs official & Siberia went dark a while back in the middle of the day when it failed).

Oasis had 'Champaign Supernova', we have the red in the sky now but still waiting for the coming landslide.

'Stop the Clocks' referring to time being altered, there's quite a few unhappy premium watch owners out there. Not to mention we don't run the correct calendar, those 2012 end of the world prophesies may yet come true.

They also have a song called 'The Masterplan' which speaks for itself.

Film wise there are hundreds but 'Oblivion' springs to mind. Cloning technology has been around since the 40's and the film explores the concept of areas we don't know about and are not allowed to enter. You can't prove what you learn in geography class is all real. The worlds surface being 70% water sounds a bit far fetched.

1984 is one everyone knows and has almost come to pass. Your phone, laptop & smart tv can all be used to monitor what you say and become stored in a large database.

Geostorm is basically about weather control and how it can be used for good or to cause disasters. HAARP has been around for years, the powers that be already decide what the weather is doing.

I don't know why pastors get exited about an army of God that is growing because it isn't for the real God. Satan is getting more powerful by the day and he's had us singing songs about it for decades. John Lennon asked us to imagine there's no heaven so people did and acted like it.

It stands to reason if the path is narrow and hidden few will find it. Yet the messages in the secular world fit in with those of the Christian one if you know how to read them.

Plenty of information floating about on the internet if you want it, if you spend 2 hours a day for a year solid you might be somewhere up to speed. I never even looked for a lot of it, it just keeps popping up even in real life. I don't watch the news, hardly watch tv and hate most radio stations. I've just had enough of it now.

The massive global recession that is likely to go live this year gets a mention in early revelation. All the catastrophic events should follow on from that. I hear Yellowstone park is getting lively again.


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Beginning of Tribulation
Posted : 5 Sep, 2018 01:58 PM

Well I've personally experienced a lot of strange things this year such as Mandela effects where even Bible verses I have studied for 30 years have changed. Like the Lion laying with the Lamb in Isaiah 11. There is also a complete new chapter about King Davids sin of counting Israel and having to choose his punishment. Not to mention extra plagues in Exodus such as the plague of darkness.

As far as planet x goes I never heard of it until a few weeks ago when I wanted to know why I could see two suns in the sky at sunset.

Then it turns out the extra volcanic activity around the world is a result of the planet affecting the magnetic plates under the earth.

Rev 6 kicks off with an earthquake, then throw in Trumps latest middle east peace talks and Thessalonians 5:3 peppered with some 9 11 conspiracy with it being a favorite free mason date I'm hedging my bets and getting out of the kill zone fairly sharp.

Motor will be packed tomorrow then I'm off to eastern europe on holiday to be on the safe side.

I haven't spent thousands of hours studying the Bible to not try and avoid the coming destruction.

Denial, procrastination and location will be the biggest killers.

Ignore the numpty preppers with a few tins of beans and bottles of water in their basement. They will suffocate under a 12 foot high pile of ash. The Christian preppers are even worst, they will advise you to anoint your front door with olive oil so the plague of darkness will pass over.


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Beginning of Tribulation
Posted : 1 Sep, 2018 02:38 AM

I know we have all heard the 'end is nigh' before but this time to me it really does feel like it is.

I found this yesterday

and I've been seeing 2 suns at sunset sometimes for the past few weeks.

There is a lot of internet talk about the supervolcano at Yellowstone Park and the ring of fire becoming very volatile.

Pre Mandela effects Revelation used to say there would be an earthquake as the earth has never seen just before an asteroid (Wormwood) hit.

Some are even saying that possibly Comet 21P along with a massive asteroid shower could strike the earth next month.

I'm looking at a road trip to Poland or Bulgaria next month to hedge my bets as they aren't too far from Israel which will stand to the end. Just wondered if anyone else was aware of Planet X, Nibiru, Comet 21P or even Mandela effects. I'd never heard of any of these things until last year and have seen a few strange changes. Something is definitely up.


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Sayings that the BANKSTERS, polyticksters, and 'pastors' use to BRAINWASH the people.
Posted : 1 Sep, 2018 02:24 AM

I don't know what prompted the walls of scripture when ideas are just being thrown about. Surely as Christian brothers and sisters we should be exploring possibilities that lead to truth.

To be honest I don't pay any attention to anyone's status in society, if I hear something that sparks my inquisitive nature I look into it myself and draw a conclusion. Any conclusions I come to can be changed later if I learn from my own experience or find more relevant information. I can't claim at any given time to have all the answers myself.

There are a few philosophical sayings that spring to mind.

'When the student is ready, the master appears'.

'The novice who looks for physical advancement spends too much time training. The novice that seeks deep meditation spends too much time wasting thoughts'.

Throwing around ideas is a sort of mental play that can lead to answers and be fun at the same time. A person that gets too serious becomes too engrossed in their viewpoint that they cannot acknowledge their on weakness and thus cannot grow and may miss something important.

I don't think anyone needs to be banned but the scriptural wall writing does seem to point to this trait.


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Age range???
Posted : 23 Aug, 2018 02:54 PM

I'm 41 and can still pull 21 year olds. Bit young, have to say I'm not interested in women much older than me.

Can only get really young women in real life not online. Things are always easier in person.


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IT'S Friday Night AND...?
Posted : 23 Aug, 2018 02:50 PM

I instruct kickboxing on a Friday evening then either lift weights, run or have a workout on the heavy bag after to condition my hands and shins.

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