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TO LADIES How to handle requests for personal information
Posted : 20 Sep, 2009 10:18 PM

Instead of asking for the woman's phone number, try something like this:

"I'm really having a great time emailing you, and I'd like to chat on the phone sometime if you feel comfortable with that. I'll give you my phone number (you can certainly block your number when you call if you don't want me to have it), and if you use it, great, if not, we'll just keep emailing for awhile! :) It's 555-555-5555."

This way, the ball is in her court, she's not giving you her phone number, and I don't know about all women - but it makes me feel better to have the ability to call or not call, instead of having to tell someone I really don't want to give them my number yet.

Just a thought.


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Reluctance to give out phone number> What does it mean?
Posted : 20 Sep, 2009 10:07 PM

Here are some other things to watch for: (I posted this to another question, so if you feel like you've read it before, well, you have. Lol)

When someone writes "hello pretty" or wants your personal email address right away, they are a scammer - I'll guarantee it. You'll get pictures from them - not OF them, but most likely of some model somewhere. If you're not sure, ask them to snap a picture with their phone of them standing next to a blue car or holding up two fingers. Then ask them to download it and send it to you. If they are a scammer, they won't be able to do it - they'll make up some lame excuse, but they can't do it because they don't have access to the person in the picture on their profile.

If you do start talking to someone and suddenly their English doesn't seem nearly as good as it was in their profile, that's also a warning sign. They most likely took the profile from another site, slapped on a gorgeous picture, but aren't able to actually speak (or type) much English. This is another warning sign that they aren't who they say they are.

When IMing, don't be afraid to ask questions that you already know the answer to - if they say they're from Dallas, TX, say "I should know this, but I'm drawing a blank - what football team is from Dallas again?" This is of course, an example - but if it takes them a few minutes to respond, they are looking it up and are probably IMing you from a different country. Feel them out - you can tell in a short amount of time if someone is for real if you know what questions to ask.

And the age old rule - if someone asks you for money, they are either a scammer or very tacky. Either way, they aren't someone you want to be with. And beware - these scammers are trained to play on your emotions. They will tell you anything from they need help with a disconnection notice to their child is very sick. DON'T fall for it. If they really had a disconnect notice or a sick child, do you really think they'd be running to the internet to try to find money? No - they'd be going to family, friends, their church, social services....not the internet.

And just so you know - I've never fallen prey to a scammer. I just like to play with them. I think it's only fitting that they get a dose of their own medicine from time to time.

Blessings and be safe!!



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Tristan 07 (Alex)
Posted : 20 Sep, 2009 02:21 AM

No one is sure of the details, but the member known as Tristan07 (Alex) was recently in a car accident and was/is in ICU. He has deleted his profile, but let's please keep him in our prayers for healing and a fast recovery. He will be missed!!


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Posted : 19 Sep, 2009 12:05 AM

As long as there aren't sweat stains under the arms of his shirt, his shoes don't close with Velcro, he doesn't have a swastika patch on the pocket of his jeans, and his zipper is all the way up, I don't care what he wears. Clown shoes and a propeller hat would be better than that.

I think it really depends on what you're doing on the date. If it's dinner, probably a pair of khaki's and a nice shirt - if it's lunch, jeans and a T-shirt work. If you're going crocodile hunting in the everglades, it really doesn't matter cause you're most likely going alone. ;-)

I'm not so concerned about what a guy is wearing. It's how he projects himself - I look for confidence (not cockiness), kindness, and an all over feeling that he is being himself. If those things are present, seriously, clown shoes wouldn't bother me at all.




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Interracial dating- God's will?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2009 11:15 PM

*cough, sputter, choke* seriously??? Whoever told you this has God completely wrong.

"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (NIV, Galatians 3:26-28)

The Bible tells us to be with someone of like faith - not same color skin. Assure yourself that this is a non-issue with God.

As for women not being interested in you? I would have no idea why - you're a handsome man (and I say that from a motherly standpoint, not a creepy old lady standpoint, Lol), you have a solid educational background, you're articulate...if anything, I think some women might be intimidated by you!

All of us that are here, no matter what skin color, height, nationality, weight, or shoe size have been turned down numerous times. Don't let it throw you. You'll find her.




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I just had to at your own risk! j/k
Posted : 17 Sep, 2009 12:30 PM

I see what you mean, but here's a couple things:

If you are asking God to help with your finances, does he drop money out of the sky? No - he provides a way for you to earn the needed money. It's kind of the same thing with dating. God isn't going to just have Mr. Right come knocking at your door - you need to do your part, which is putting yourself out there. :)

You listed what type of guy you're attracted to and what type you want - but are these traits, especially all in the same package, really Godly? Perhaps that's one of the reasons God led you to a Christian dating site - to show you what other types of men there are and to show you what Godly looks like. Maybe you're here for counsel or maybe to counsel someone else - who knows. But God has placed you here for a reason, don't you think?

And don't forget - sometimes it takes a LOT of fishing before you finally reel in a keeper. ;-)




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Lifetime Companion
Posted : 17 Sep, 2009 10:33 AM

Congratulations and I pray your relationship will continue to grow with Him as the foundation!!


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Posted : 16 Sep, 2009 11:46 PM

Zoe, I do understand and you will continue to be in my prayers. We need to go wherever it is that we feel God is leading us without hesitation or question. It's the one area where all of us on this site are linked - our love for our Savior.

Bless you wherever He takes you!



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latter day saints
Posted : 15 Sep, 2009 12:57 AM

Reading this discussion almost made my eyes pop out of my head.

I have to agree completely with jjar and Alex. Sorry, Mormon's are a cult - there is no tip toeing around that. They are the wolves that the Bible talks about in Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep�s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." You may know some Mormons that are really nice people - and some of these people may be simply ignorant to the false beliefs of the church and need to be handled in a caring way, but still pointed to the fact that they follow a false god. The other reason they may be really nice people is because they have to be. If they aren't nice, they will not become a god themselves, rule their own planet, and have many wives and spirit babies of their own. Yes. This is a fact. It is a belief of theirs as stated by Alex.

If I sound harsh against these people that go door to door misleading God's children and possibly assisting them in choosing a life of damnation, then so be it. These people are wolves. It amazes me that any Christian and follower of God would be willing to invite these wolves into their homes, smile and hug them, give them cookies and pat them on the head out of "Christian love." Bologna. I have no problems talking to them, but I'm very straightforward that they are headed to a lifetime of hell with their false prophet. There is no questioning this. The Bible is VERY clear about what happens to those who reject Christ, which is EXACTLY what they are doing. If we want to show them love, it should be by pointing them toward the truth AND showing others their heresies. They are wolves and shouldn't be treated like friendly little poodles.

Just like satan, they come as a false light into the world and do what they can to not seem dangerous. But wolves ARE dangerous. They kill sheep for the sake of killing - most of the time, they aren't even hungry, they just enjoy the kill. Mormons will give you small amounts of information about their "religion" at a time as not to scare you away. They won't tell you until they've sunk the hook in and pulled you in the boat that you will eventually be required to wear magic underwear and know a secret handshake to get into heaven. (Yes, this is true). They twist words and meanings for the sake of drawing people in. It's a flat out, brain washing cult. They are false prophets and wolves, plain and simple.

If you want to run up to satan and treat him like a buddy, that's your choice. However, I will continue to call these misled people and their beliefs out onto the carpet in order to warn the sheep.

Acts 20:29 "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock"

Titus 1:9 "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it."



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Hi there i have something to get off my chest
Posted : 14 Sep, 2009 11:56 PM


Sorry, couldn't resist after your comment.

I'm sure there are many women in the world and on this site with emotional problems - but less than 5%? I hear a little bitterness and anger talking, brother.

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