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Perfection and socety
Posted : 30 Jul, 2011 08:13 PM

Seems that's what the guys think. I am not big into looks...I am more interested in how we can serve together in the ministries we've been called for. I couldn't see being connected with someone who wasn't interested in children's ministries no matter how "handsome" he may look based on showcase standards.

I find it interesting how there are many people of different sizes, shapes, colorings, backgrounds, etc. That end up together for whatever reason. I think if we get so hung up on why someone doesn't like us we're lmissing the whole point. Like yourself first and others will like you.


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Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 08:37 PM

The God I serve is the God of the universe since He created it.

Psalms 90:2 "Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hafar formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God."

And His Word although not written down on earth was written before time began...

Psalms119:89 "Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven."

Just because someone does not believe in God doesn't mean He isn't God. If there was a medical epidemic and a cure was available, if you had the disease and did not take the medicine wouldn't mean the disease was not real or the medicine would not work.

We all suffer from the disease of sin, God has the cure...His only begotten Son, Jesus, and it's up to each of us to accept the cure. If we do not, we will die from the disease.

I recommend the book "A Case for Christ" written by Lee Strobel. He approached the reality of Christ as the Messiah/Savior as a lawyer. He looks at very type of challenge


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Perfection and socety
Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 08:12 PM

It would help if none of us based our expectations of who/what is right for a relationship based on movies or TV. We are who God made us-we're not going to magically change. Learning to accept who we are and how God made us will better prepare us for accepting others and most importantly the individual He has chosen for us.


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What don't you like about some girls on this site...
Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 08:03 PM

God made each of us a little or a lot different for a reason. We should be very choosy in who we consider for a mate. Not necessarily on looks but on the character, personality, and most definitely on Christianiaty.

Unequally yoked means more than just Christian and non-Christian. There are many other factors that should be considered and are generally covered on pre-marital counseling.

Whether yosu call it courting, dating, friendship, or whatever, we are looking for the one God has chosen, not who we choose. Our preferences could be God's way of leading us to the right person.

I see many couples around the world that you have to stop and wonder how they came together...but they are happily married. If someone 'rejects' you consider it's God's way of telling you that was not the one for you. There are lots of others out shouldn't get hung up on the fact that a particular person isn't interested in you.

Another thing to consider is there are quite a few "hackers" on these sites...even the paying ones...that hijack some accounts. I was having a friendly exchange on a site when my account was hijacked...when I got it straightened out, the gentleman wouldn't talk to me because he thought I was scamming him.


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Posted : 28 Jul, 2011 08:42 PM

The Old and New Testaments address the sin of homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the total decaynof moral values. The men of the city preferred the male angels to the virgin daughters of Lot. The Bible teaches homosexuality with some other sins as an abomination to God. In Romans, it states God give them over to a reprobate mind.

Incest falls into the same is fornication or outside of the bounds of marriage.

Sin doesn't matter who commits is still sin. The difference between a Chriatian and a non-Christian committing a sin is whether they're sins are covered by the blood of Christ.

The Bible does apply universally, whether you or anyone else believes it or not. All religions find their roots in the foretelling of a Redeemer promised to Adam and Eve. Even Job knew about the Redeemer before the written Scripture.

I don't insitnit's the only way. Jesus said in John 14:6. "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comedy unto the Father except by me.". Not my words.

I haben't seen anyone hollering about He'll or condemning any one to death or calling for the death of anyone. Christians are compelled to preach the Good news of Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment of the death penalty we all earn by the sins we commit...big or small.

The Jews of the Old Testament did not say worship any way you choose. God was very specific to the Jews to not worship as the others did in the cities that they battled over. In fact, God often instructed the Jews to destroy everyone and everything in many cities.

If you study history...back to the beginning of time, you will find that when homosexuality became acceptable, the end of dominance of that particular group/culture soon followed. Itmhistoricaly takes about 200 years for a country to rise and fall.

God does love us all no matter what; however, as a just God He will administer the punishment stated. God is not willing that any suffer the eternal separation from Him; however, it is each individual's choice whether tot accept His free gift of salvation. As Joshua stated..."choose you this day whom ye will serve, as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord"

Not my words...God's Words. Love the sinner, hate the sin.�������������������


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Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 09:24 PM

Romans chapter 1 is very clear on homosexuality. It's not my words, but God's Words that condemn homosexuality.

For the record, I have a nephew who is struggling with homosexuality. He lived with me off and on from the age of 7 until he decided he could not live by the rules...not stealing, lying, etc. Homosexuality is just one of the problems he is dealing with. Not because he was born that way but because of a variety of factors...lack of involvement by his father, influences in the media (Internet, TV, etc), and abuse by a man in his life to name a few.

Very few people are born with DNA that would make them naturally a homosexual. With today's science, most people who have imbalances in their hormones that make them more feminine or masculine than they should could take the apppropriate estrogen or testosterone to correct the imbalance. Those who go through sex change operations take the appropriate hormones to change their bodies in the opposite direction. Diabetics take insulin because their body doesn't produce enough, schizophrenics take lithium to balance their brains.

Killing homosexuals is just as wrong as stoning a woman caught in adultery which also occurs in many countries. Last I checked killing was still a sin, too.

Sin is sin...we should provide Biblical guidance when we encounter people that are struggling with sin. Again, it's not what I think but what the Bible clearly states.


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Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 09:02 PM

Homosexuality wouldn't be such a hot topic if it wasn't for the media hype. Because the media has made it main stream and "acceptable" behaviors it did adultery and fornication and many other sins, we would not be discussing it.

The Bible spends a lot of time on homosexuality and the results of it. We would be wrong not to address the issue. We have been silent too long on too many sins. Just because we speak out against it does not mean we cannot tolerate those who say they are homosexual. I disapprove of many sins and distance myself from those who commit those sins.

With the recent ramming through of the changes in the military to allow homosexuals to serve openly without any repercussions, the topic is in the forefront of the news.

With schools now teaching our very young children about homosexuality, we have to make them aware of the truth about it. When I grew up evolution was only mentioned as an alternative theory...creationism remained in textbooks. Now we can barely address creationism in a public's now called intelligent design. Everywhere you go references are to the earth being billions of years old. I spend lots of time trying to explain to Christian youth that the earth is only about 6500 years old...and that dinosaurs lived among men!

Love the sinner, hate the sin, and witness witness witness.


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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 08:47 PM

Christian morals are the standards a Christian establishes for themselves based on the Word of God. Start with the 10 Commandments...if you follow the first, the rest will follow. Put God first. Then you won't worship other God's, your words will bring honor and glory to God, you'll follow the NT teaching of assembling yourselves with other Christians. You will honor your parents (and those in authority over you). You want steal, lie, commit adultery (or fornication), kill or covet. To follow Jesus' command in the NT you will love God and your neighbor (everyone else).

I believe as we mature as Christians God convicts us of other standards to uphold. The standards may be a little different depending on our growth.

1 Corinthians 8-10 provide some standards and the reasons why to keep them. Others are watching us and how we live. If they struggle with particular issues and see you as Christian doing the same thing, they will think it doesn't matter if they accept Christ or not.

As we grow as Christians, our desire should be to be more like Christ and less like the world. If we stray from God's standards we lose fellowship with and blessings from God. Once you are saved, you are no longer under the law but are under grace.

Years ago I had a falling out with my parents. I didn't really speak with them for quite a while. They were still my parents but my fellowship with them was strained. It's the same with God, once we are saved we are His children. Nothing we do can change that Father/child relationship; however, our prayers can be hindered by unconfessed sin.


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How many sites
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 02:26 PM

I have tried a variety of and pay. I have met people on both types of sites. I haven't noticed a big difference in the quantity or quality of the people.

I met an individual through eHarmony and caught them in a series of their original profile. I have had my account 'hi-jacked' on a pay site but not on any of the free sites.

I just continue to wonder if people are on these sites to find Christian friends and eventually a mate or what. As for me I'm looking for Christian fellowship with the hopes of finding the right man God has for me whether it's through a website or church.


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Perfection and socety
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 01:59 PM

It depends on the disability. Some require special types of assistance that a person would require the ability to provide medical assistance. Not everyone has that skill set.

It also depends on if you are defined by your the disability used as an excuse for not being as successful? I know some "disabled" people who other than the physical evidence, one would never guess they were disabled. I know others who even though there is no visible sign, they have used their disability for not being able to do anything. I worked with a man who lost a leg in the war...I had no idea until I saw him sitting with his legs propped up and it was evident he had a prosthetic. I never bothered to discuss it with him because it was clear he was comfortable with his situation.

There's a song that says accentuate the positive. God chose each of us to deal with the situation we face...some people He knew could better handle the challenges of disfigurement, paralysis, or debilitating diseases. He also has the right person lined up that He prepared for you. Don't limit yourself.

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