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Social Distancing has went out the back door for many
Posted : 21 Jun, 2020 01:00 PM

Conspiracy theories must exist otherwise there wouldn't be laws against conspiracies. You wouldn't make a law for something that doesn't exist would you??

I suppose using that logic Covid is real. One thing that is for sure the economic and social collapse that is coming / is here will be real. When people are hungry a minor disease will be the least of their worries. Revelation 6 is happening.


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Swift Justice...
Posted : 21 Jun, 2020 12:55 PM

Well nobody should attack a policeman anyway if that's what happened to be fair.


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Social Distancing has went out the back door for many
Posted : 20 Jun, 2020 04:49 AM

The mainstream medical professionals say masks help but there are plenty of other medical professionals that say they do nothing. Historically governments have been proven to lie time and time again to suit their agendas.

Covid19 is one of those conspiracy theories that needs to be proven, until then I'm not wearing a mask. Even if it is proven I'm not taking a vaccine.


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Swift Justice...
Posted : 20 Jun, 2020 03:20 AM

What about the people destroying statues?

Surely destroying property is a crime.

If someone wants to do a Nazi salute that is their right to do so. Not saying it's right but then neither is being a homo or a transgender. If the police attacked them when they weren't actually committing a crime I would say the police are wrong.

If the police are after them for standing up for their heritage against the socialist left then I would say the Nazi salutes were called for as there is no law, only a fascist majority which is exactly what the Nazi's were.

I've had plenty of time in London and the majority of people under 30 were booting up on cocaine and smoking dope regardless of their background.

When you throw people in jail for minor crimes they will get connections inside and commit something worth going to jail for when they get out. Not to mention it costs the tax payer thousands to keep them in jail and they are no longer earning and paying into the system themselves.

What I want to know is why aren't the police protecting public property?

If people are against certain statues then there are legitimate channels to get them removed in a civilized society. Nobody had a problem a few weeks ago and now out of the blue people are in a rage. I don't see any justice just virtue signalling by the police to appease an angry mass that woke up with destructive ideas one day.


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Social Distancing has went out the back door for many
Posted : 20 Jun, 2020 02:53 AM

Looking at the CV19 figures it is about as dangerous as a flu.

Overblown so that the government and bankers don't get blamed for the economic crash that was coming anyway.

120,000 deaths in a population of 330 million people for me is zero cause for concern. Even if it was as high as 3.3 million that is still only 1% in 4 months and wouldn't be a major cause for concern for me.

A mask won't stop a virus anyway, most symptoms are the same as low level Anthrax poisoning without the sores, a mask would stop Anthrax spores. If one person had such spores on them everyone in that area would also have them.


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Essential workers:
Posted : 20 Jun, 2020 01:54 AM

The Star Trek logo is pretty much the same as the Space Farce logo. The triangle is 3 parts of a pentagram.

If the Matrix isn't full of truth drops I don't know what is, we are indoctrinated from childhood by TV, music, school and even church to an extent. Religion is like Zion in the films which was also a construct of the Matrix but gave the outliers a choice and thus balance.

Churches are structured like schools to give you all the answers so that you don't search for the deeper meanings and rely on a pastor to explain all to you. Bind leading the blind syndrome, it is each one of us responsibility to dive as deep as possible as things are revealed as we are all priests.

The Bible is a hugely complex book that is massively sold short and manipulated in the vast majority of churches to keep people under control. School is a socialist indoctrination camp to teach you how to be a useful slave and politics gives us the illusion of choice.

The worlds religion today is science, with scientists as the corupt clergy. People will believe that men walked on the moon in an age of inferior technology, with no proof from telemetary of any moon mission, an admission from NASA that they no longer have the technology to go back and some grainy black and white pictures that could have been filmed in the desert. The cognitive dissidence is so bad that even a flag blowing in the wind in a place with no atmosphere and no stars is dismissed. Those same people who would believe an obvious lie cannot be trusted in anything because they will believe whatever suits them, they are the same people preaching in most churches. I've spent many hours and years in most churches so am speaking from experience.

The Bible itself says that the world was created without form yet we are told to believe it is a spinning globe without proof except from a TV. Television means Tell - Lie - Vision.


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Essential workers:
Posted : 19 Jun, 2020 12:19 PM

Hi Quiznos, I've been a gradual slow burner myself, I wouldn't have been able to digest the knowledge I have now in the past.

Moonlight, do not underestimate the knowledge and power of evil. Hollywood is controlled by evil which knows only too well what the scriptures say and how to manipulate the vast majority of people. Satan knows every weakness any of us have and will subtly exploit them. The full armor of God is the only protection that will work against the attacks that are starting to come from every side.

Turning the TV off all together would be a good step in the right direction. Make your own decisions without influence from the powers that be, they are not there to help you, only enslave you.


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I always hear some people say that God isn't a genie that grants our every wish, but...
Posted : 19 Jun, 2020 03:56 AM

Lot of misspelling in there proph7744, check your water supply and don't sit too near the router.

When you are quoting scripture just remember that King James also authored Daemonologie so you have to question just how close to the Greek the translations we have are.

There is enough in the Bible to get you where you need to go but I never trust anyone who only reads one book.

I'd be more interested in what you think and your own breakdown of scripture rather than parroting.

Jesus asked Peter 'who do you say I am?'

We can all sit in our comfort zones hiding behind the words of others. Until you live them you haven't earn't the right to use them as your own.

Explain what those verses about the great tribulation from Matthew 24 mean to you. If you can't then I question should you be using them?


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Essential workers:
Posted : 19 Jun, 2020 03:38 AM

Best thread on CDFF, I wondered how long it would be before people here started to actually wake up. This is the end times.

A financial crash as never before seen in history that will cause millions & millions of deaths and famine is brewing as mentioned in Revelation. All the woes mentioned are also possible through technology, weather control exists, poisoning of air and water supplies is already happening.

For movie references Cloverfield Paradox springs to mind among many, it explores the Mandela Effect which is believed to be caused by a company called CERN in real life.

Anyone starting from scratch is going to need at least 4 - 500 hours of studying to get up to speed. Theories on how it's all going to play out are changing daily but the CV19 is just a warning shot. Complacency is what is going to get most people killed in the future.

I don't agree with being violent as whoever lives by the sword will die by the sword but having some preparations and training is not going to do any harm. I believe the food and water supplies will be played with in the future, especially if there is a currency crash. With all the money creation and lack of production I can't see how there won't be. Economist Peter Schiff is my go to for keeping an eye on the economy and the real figures. George Gammon if you want it all laid out on a white board.

We have been in a depression since 2008, a positive GDP figure produced by increasing government debt is not positive GDP. Now the can is coming to the end of the road. CV19 was partly bought about so the governments and bankers don't come under scrutiny when the whole thing implodes.


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What is your personality type . ^^
Posted : 18 Jun, 2020 02:27 PM

I came up a Mediator.

I've had a decent amount of practice at talking myself and others out of trouble.

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