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All of those women that have turned me down
Posted : 18 Jun, 2020 10:55 AM

We are all victims of the 80 / 20 rule, that is to say that 80% of women are after the top 20% of men. Before the internet when the pool of suiters was smaller over time you would more than likely find a woman. Now every woman has a huge pool of men to look through online if you are an average or even above average man you are still up against it.

The flipside is women are much more picky and 60% of them will not get those 20% top men. They will then either have to settle or once they hit 40 and have little chance of children they will be doing the old tears in the rain speech.

You are 29, 12 months of training (weights, cardio and Thai Boxing etc) you will look like you should be one of those Spartans in the 300 film. I've seen plenty of men in their 30's transform before my eyes. You just need consistency and not worry about others opinions, enjoy the grind and hitting personal bests regularly. Most important of all don't put up with any BS, if a woman wants what you have make her work for it. You can still have kids for at least another 20 years and many women like older men.

Don't forget when the world goes to hell you are physically more able than most women, in a survival situation that counts.

Also remember that the world and God owe us nothing, we can only strive to be the best we can be and what happens, happens.


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I know there's a lot going on in this world
Posted : 18 Jun, 2020 10:37 AM

Well you will only find the truth if you look for it, the churches have been selling us short for a long time.

There's a chap on YouTube called the TheBigSib who seems fairly clued up on biblical interpretation and the end times without the fear mongering.


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What is a conversation killer/stopper here on this CDFF site?
Posted : 13 Jun, 2020 01:32 PM

Once I had a Skype conversation and the woman had dropped from a 6 out of 10 down to about a 2.

Next time I messaged her I went off on one about how we will all end up communist and the churches are all infiltrated etc, that was about 2012. Stopped it dead.

Thing is fast forward to 2020 and I was actually right, who'd have thought? Vaccine anyone??


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She doesnt respond.
Posted : 13 Jun, 2020 01:26 PM

If I had to make an educated guess i would say it could be the Trump picture. A lot of people let politics influence their relationships these days, particularly women.

Not trying to be nasty but I feel like I'm reading a woman's profile. Lose the list, don't tell everyone what you haven't done, women secretly like someone that has been a bit of a bad boy. Most of all don't tell a woman you can knit!!

Unless you want to spend all your time in relationships doing jobs (I've been there) keep your abilities on the down low. Also don't talk about other dates you have had on your profile or when you first meet someone.

Keep them guessing a bit.


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Salvation: How much sin must a person REPENT of before Messiah is able to save them!!!
Posted : 12 Jun, 2020 05:06 PM

To say you believe in Jesus is to say that you believe the only way to heaven to the Father is through him. If you accept his gift of forgiveness you are confessing that as a human you are unfit to enter into heaven and are corrupted in your thoughts, words and deeds and thus many things you have done and will do are sin of which you need to be forgiven.

Nobody is going to individually ask for forgiveness for every individual sin, not least for the reason that we are often unaware when we commit such. However sins that are causing you and others around you problems will no doubt show up and need to be dealt with both in prayer and effort to level up.

You will always have sins to deal with as long as you are on this earth. The day you think you don't is a dangerous day, Satan is always prowling like a lion.

Each time you acknowledge you are a sinner and ask forgiveness you are signing up as a servant for Christ. You don't have to be here but this is where we all want to be and one day you might be tested and your belief will cost you. When you are willing to lose and remember Jesus he will remember you. If you are not willing to lay it all down then do you really believe you are forgiven and that you needed to be? The pastor might not say it in church but sooner or later that is how it will go down. Hence the saying 'take up your cross and follow me'. There are no excuses or lies on judgement day.


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What is success?
Posted : 12 Jun, 2020 04:42 PM

I'm semi retired at 43 with no debts, a couple of cars and a van etc. I rent my home as I like flexibility.

In terms of portfolio I'm about 20% into cash and 80% into assets but a woman does not need to know the amounts and what because she won't be seeing any of it. I've probably got enough to see me out.

A 401K is a way of losing money and paying for other people who are supposedly managing your money. I've made over 10% in the last year on my assets despite the CV and I'm hedged against inflation. No 401K is making that and if the dollar dies so will the 401K.

I've stopped day trading as well, all those nuggets on Robin Hood thinking they can outsmart Warren Buffet are adding to the risk and volatility. Once they are all stripped of their cash I'll probably get back into it. Don't buy the dip!! Or you will get caught by the drop. The markets are all over valued by at least double at the moment despite losses. If you go long on a bargain stock even if it does go up in the long run you have to have the money to cover any margin calls if it drops in the short term.

A woman that trusts me and doesn't ask to many questions or make unnecessary demands will do alright.

Most women are usually broke so never let them know what you have got, they won't have any problems spending your money and taking a bailout. Success is pretty much just doing what you want which I have done for the majority of my life. I've always ignored other peoples opinions on what I should do and it's worked in the main.


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Learning from Women Is Too Hard for Some Men
Posted : 6 Jun, 2020 03:05 AM

I've learn't lots from women, that is why I'm single.

If I hadn't learned I would still be chasing relationships.


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How We Can Help Men Combat Lust - Without Misplacing Responsibility or Subjecting Others to Shame
Posted : 6 Jun, 2020 03:02 AM

If most women get married to most men and put out most of the lust problem will be solved.

Without lust nobody is getting married, because from a logical mindset it is illogical to do things that will cost you a lot of money and make you have to work harder.


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Corona Virus
Posted : 21 May, 2020 04:31 AM

In Freemasonry the term Corona Virus means crowning of the Serpent.

Once the ceremony is complete society can continue.

The media's presentation is merely the inception of an idea on a society that no longer follows fundamental truth.

The numbers are far too low for it to be a real threat but the ceremonies have to be conducted on the correct dates.


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Learning from Women Is Too Hard for Some Men
Posted : 21 May, 2020 04:20 AM

A fisherman does not ask the fish how to catch them.

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